PrizmDoc® v14.3 Release - Updated
PrizmDoc OCR API / OCR API Developer Guide / How to Configure the Process Manager
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    How to Configure the Process Manager
    In This Topic


    The Process Manager can be configured via environment variables. See the table below for available options. Values representing time intervals can be in seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h) and days (d).

    Available Environment Variables

    Environment variable Default value Note Is required ?
    ACCEPT_EULA - EULA must be accepted - set variable value to 'YES' Yes
    DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING - MySQL DB connection string Yes
    PRIZMDOC_SERVER_URL - PrizmDoc Server base URL Yes
    PROCESS_LIFETIME_MIN '20m' Minimal life time for a process No
    PROCESS_LIFETIME_MAX '1h' Maximum life time for a process No
    ACTIVITY_DATA_LIFETIME '7d' Life time for Activity Data No
    PROCESS_ATTEMPTS_MAX 3 Max. number of attempts before process will be considered as failed No
    LOG_REQUEST_BODIES false Whether to log public requests bodies No
    LOG_REQUEST_HEADERS false Whether to log public requests headers No
    LOG_INTERNAL_REQUEST_BODIES false Whether to log internal requests bodies No
    LOG_INTERNAL_REQUEST_HEADERS false Whether to log internal requests headers No
    GENERATE_OPTIONAL_METRICS false Whether to generate optional metrics No
    LOG_LEVEL 'warn' Log level (available options: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal) No
    PUBLIC_API_PORT 3000 Public API port No
    INTERNAL_API_PORT 3001 Internal API port No
    SOLUTION_NAME_IG - The solution name of your ImageGear license. This is only required if you are using an OEM License or an Offline Metered License. No
    SOLUTION_KEY_IG - The solution key of your ImageGear license. This is only required if you are using an OEM License or an Offline Metered License. No
    LICENSE_KEY_IG - The license key of your ImageGear license. This is only required if you are using an OEM License or an Offline Metered License. No
    SOLUTION_NAME_SZ - The solution name of your SmartZone license. This is only required if you are using an OEM License or an Offline Metered License. No
    SOLUTION_KEY_SZ - The solution key of your SmartZone license. This is only required if you are using an OEM License or an Offline Metered License. No
    LICENSE_KEY_SZ - The license key of your SmartZone license. This is only required if you are using an OEM License or an Offline Metered License. No


    Process is a task or activity that the system performs. For example, performing an OCR operation on an image. The Process Manager accepts processes from a caller, delegates them to a worker (e.g. OCR Reader Worker) and reports the final state to a caller. The process life time is limited by PROCESS_LIFETIME_MIN and PROCESS_LIFETIME_MAX values. The Process Manager stores the worker's activity (Activity Data) for the process in the database. After the ACTIVITY_DATA_LIFETIME period has been reached, that data will be cleaned. If the process has exceeded the maximum number of processing attempts (PROCESS_ATTEMPTS_MAX), it is considered as failed.