PrizmDoc® v14.3 Release - Updated
PrizmDoc / Administrator Guide / Error Reporting / Search Tips
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    Search Tips
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    The examples below show methods for locating errors in the Error Reporting Service logs. While the examples here use command-line based searches, the same results can be achieved with your favorite text editor or other search tool.

    Searching for a Specific Relevance

    Errors that can be resolved directly by a user will have a high relevance (typically 90 or 100). It is useful to filter the PccErrors.log for entries with a specific relevance. The examples below show command line operations to list errors with relevance 100 on both Windows and the Linux Bash shell.

    For Docker, for the remainder of this page, we assume that the folder that you mapped as /logs when creating the container is in the current directory (i.e. ./logs)

    On Windows

    C:> findstr /L "relevance\":100" C:\ProgramData\Accusoft\Prizm\Logs\PccErrors.log

    On Linux Bash

    $> grep 'relevance":100' ./logs/PccErrors.log

    An example of an entry with relevance 100 is shown below:


    {"gid":"13CbzVdHZ/wqVKLCZmfq9A","time":"2015-05-14 19:26:25.9842","resourceType":"ViewingSession","resourceId":"190054e9-574f-4b83-ae86-

    In this case, the user has attempted to view a document requiring a password without providing the password.

    Searching for a Viewing Session

    If an error occurs during a particular viewing session, the cause of the problem may be reported in the Error log. The errors for a particular viewing session can be found first by searching for the viewing session ID.

    On Windows

    C:> findstr /L "sugq5PRxDV4ERAbaQLgpRzKjbKrHp868m6zN2QG-wBFHO3ZX-SIhJ3GIJA8FK4WZzB2DjiJ_gZWTAUdyKeqBcw" C:\ProgramData\Accusoft\Prizm\Logs\PccErrors.log

    On Linux Bash

    $> grep sugq5PRxDV4ERAbaQLgpRzKjbKrHp868m6zN2QG-wBFHO3ZX-SIhJ3GIJA8FK4WZzB2DjiJ_gZWTAUdyKeqBcw ./logs/PccErrors.log

    Example results from the query are shown below:


    {"gid":"13CbzVdHZ/wqVKLCZmfq9A","time":"2015-05-14 19:26:25.9834","resourceType":"ViewingSession","resourceId":
    "ViewingSessionId","relationResourceId":"190054e9-574f-4b83-ae86- d30c0c7e2c1c","service":"ImagingServices","relationId":"HsayMuoWcABqBDsN6yR9Vg"}

    Notice the second ID: "190054e9-574f-4b83-ae86-d30c0c7e2c1c". This is the internal ID for a viewing session. A search for this ID will locate any errors associated with the viewing session.

    Searching for Related Resources

    After a record has been identified, it is useful to determine if any related error records were reported. This can be achieved by searching the log for the resource ID.

    On Windows

    C:> findstr /L "190054e9-574f-4b83-ae86-d30c0c7e2c1c" C:\ProgramData\Accusoft\Prizm\Logs\PccErrors.log

    On Linux Bash

    $> grep 190054e9-574f-4b83-ae86-d30c0c7e2c1c ./logs/PccErrors.log

    Example results from the query are shown below:


    {"gid":"13CbzVdHZ/wqVKLCZmfq9A","time":"2015-05-14 19:26:25.9842","resourceType":"ViewingSession","resourceId":"190054e9-574f-4b83-ae86-
    {"gid":"13CbzVdHZ/wqVKLCZmfq9A","time":"2015-05-14 19:26:25.9834","resourceType":"ViewingSession","resourceId":"sugq5PRxDV4ERAbaQLgpRzKjbKrHp868m6zN2QG-wBFHO3ZX-
    {"gid":"13CbzVdHZ/wqVKLCZmfq9A","time":"2015-05-14 19:26:25.9843","resourceType":
    "ViewingSession","resourceId":"190054e9-574f-4b83-ae86- d30c0c7e2c1c","relation":"SourceDocumentWorkFile","relationResourceId":"JAQ6o9ck1VM2ohFf5xiI6g","service":

    Notice the third record: "JAQ6o9ck1VM2ohFf5xiI6g". This reported relation record indicates the workfile requiring the password. Now that the workfile ID has been identified, it is possible to determine the actual file from the WorkfileService.log.

    Searching Other Logs

    Once the workfile ID is known, it possible to search WorkfileService.log for location of the actual file which caused the error.

    On Windows

    C:> findstr /L JAQ6o9ck1VM2ohFf5xiI6g C:\ProgramData\Accusoft\Prizm\Logs\WorkfileService.log

    On Linux Bash

    $> grep JAQ6o9ck1VM2ohFf5xiI6g ./logs/WorkfileService.log

    Example results from the query are shown below:


    "Creating content write stream","time":"2015-05-14T19:26:25.872Z","v":0}
    "Workfile content created","time":"2015-05-14T19:26:25.872Z","v":0}
    "workfileId":"JAQ6o9ck1VM2ohFf5xiI6g","msg":"Begin: getWorkfile","time":"2015-05-14T19:26:25.908Z","v":0}
    "WorkfileService","workfile":{"id":"JAQ6o9ck1VM2ohFf5xiI6g","expirationDateTime":"2015-05- 15T19:26:25.871Z","fileExtension":"pdf","_version":1,"cacheEnabled":false,"fileFormat":"pdf"},
    "msg":"Workfile retrieved","time":"2015-05-14T19:26:25.908Z","v":0}

    The following section in the record shows the location of the file: /data/cache/WorkfileCache/JAQ6o9ck1VM2ohFf5xiI6g/WorkfileContents.pdf".