The P8 Content Handler component of the PrizmDoc® for Java ICN Connector utilizes log4j to handle all of its logging. The logging configuration file can be found in the installation directory under /virtualviewer/WEB-INF/classes/

By default, PrizmDoc® for Java is configured to capture only PrizmDoc® for Java P8 Content Handler log messages at an INFO level or higher. However, given that P8 also utilizes log4j, by updating the configuration to utilize the rootlogger you can also capture P8 log messages into the configured log file. There is a comment in the file detailing the change to make to utilize this.

The pre-configured log location is set to /opt/IBM/was_logs/server1/virtualviewer and should be updated if this location is not available and/or desired for your environment.

For more detail about log4j, visit