Follow the steps below to install and configure the PrizmDoc® for Java ICN Plugin:

  1. Obtain the SnowboundVirtualViewerPlugin.jar. If this was not delivered alongside the virtualviewer.war file, it can be found in the deployment directory under virtualviewer/VirtualViewerICNPlugin.

  2. We recommend that you back up the contents of the IBM Content Navigator directory before installing PrizmDoc® for Java.

  3. Copy the JAR to the IBM Content Navigator install directory. For example: D:\\IBM\\ECMClient\\plugins or /opt/IBM/ECMClient/plugins/.

  4. Login to ICN Admin.
    http://\<your IBM Content Navigator
  5. Navigate to Plugins > New Plug-in.

  6. Assign JAR file path. For example: D:\\IBM\\ECMClient\\plugins\\SnowboundVirtualViewerPlugin.jar or /opt/IBM/ECMClient/plugins/SnowboundVirtualViewerPlugin.jar

  7. Click Load.

  8. Scroll down to assign parameters as shown below: PrizmDoc® for Java and ICN Plugin

  9. Open PrizmDoc® for Java in New Window.

    a. To have PrizmDoc® for Java open in a new Tab within the same browser window as ICN, leave “Open PrizmDoc® for Java in New Window” unchecked.

    b. To have PrizmDoc® for Java open in a new browser Window, check the box next to “Open PrizmDoc® for Java in New Window”.

    c. Note, this setting determines the behavior for all users.

  10. PrizmDoc® for Java URL and PrizmDoc® for Java Servlet Path:

    a. For a Single Server deployment with PrizmDoc® for Java in the same WebSphere instance as ICN:

    PrizmDoc for Java URL: /virtualviewer
    PrizmDoc&reg; for Java servlet path: /virtualviewer/AjaxServlet

    b. For a Distributed deployment with PrizmDoc® for Java located in a different Application Server than ICN:

    PrizmDoc&reg; for Java URL: `http://*server:port*/virtualviewer`
    PrizmDoc&reg; for Java servlet path: `http://*server:port*/virtualviewer/AjaxServlet`
    (Replace *server:port* with the appropriate URL for your PrizmDoc&reg; for Java Server.)
  11. Click Save and Close.

    Note: If errors occur try delete the plugin and re-add it.

  12. Navigate to Desktops.

  13. Select the Desktop where PrizmDoc® for Java will be utilized and click Edit.

  14. On the General tab, scroll to the Plug-ins section and expand it if needed.

  15. If the radio button next to “Enable all deployed plug-ins for use with this desktop” is selected, then the PrizmDoc® for Java Plugin will be available for that Desktop. Click Close.

  16. If the radio button next to “Select the deployed plug-ins to enable for use with this desktop” is selected, select the checkbox next to Snowbound PrizmDoc® for Java Plugin in order to deploy it into the Desktop.

  17. Logout of ICN Admin.