Follow the steps below to upgrade the PrizmDoc® for Java ICN Plugin:

  1. Obtain the updated version of the PrizmDoc® for Java ICN Plugin file, SnowboundVirtualViewerPlugin.jar.

  2. We recommend that you back up the contents of the IBM Content Navigator directory before upgrading the PrizmDoc® for Java ICN Plugin.

  3. Copy the JAR to the IBM Content Navigator install directory and overwriting the existing version. For example: D:\IBM\ECMClient\plugins or /opt/IBM/ECMClient/plugins/

  4. Login to ICN Admin: http://<your IBM Content Navigator Server>:<port>/navigator/?desktop=admin.

  5. Navigate to Plugins > Snowbound PrizmDoc® for Java Plugin.

  6. Locate the JAR file path – it should already have a path in it from the initial installation. For example D:\IBM\ECMClient\plugins\SnowboundVirtualViewerPlugin.jar or /opt/IBM/ECMClient/plugins/SnowboundVirtualViewerPlugin.jar

  7. Click Load.

  8. Confirm that the previously configured values have not changed:

    a. Open PrizmDoc® for Java in New Window.

    b. PrizmDoc® for Java URL.

    c. PrizmDoc® for Java Servlet Path.

  9. Click Save and Close.

    Note: If errors occur you may need to stop and restart ICN in your Application Server management console and try this process again. If issues persist, delete the plugin and re-add it.

  10. Close the Plugins ICN Admin tab.

  11. From the Desktops tab, select any Desktop that utilizes the plugin and click Refresh.

  12. Close the browser and then log back in to ICN to test.