AboutBox Method
Access Results
AccusoftBarcodeXpress12 ActiveX DLL
Acquire an Image for Barcode Recognition
ActiveX Website Runtime Licensing
Add 2 and Add 5 Barcode Specifications
AdditionalReadingPass Property
AnalyzeBarcode Method
AnalyzeBC Method
AnalyzehDib Method
AnalyzehDib64 Method
AnalyzeIPicture Method
API Reference
Australian Post 4-State Barcode
AustralianPostCustomDecodeMode Property
Barcode Specifications
Barcode Types
BarcodeAppendCheckSum Property
BarcodeCap Property
BarcodeCodeName Property
BarcodeH Property
BarcodeIncludeControlCharacters Property
BarcodeInkColor Property
BarcodeOrientation Property
BarcodeResult Property
BarcodeResultStyle Property
BarcodeSkew Property
BarcodeType Property
BarcodeW Property
BarcodeX Property
BarcodeX1 Property
BarcodeX2 Property
BarcodeX3 Property
BarcodeX4 Property
BarcodeXpress Object
BarcodeY Property
BarcodeY1 Property
BarcodeY2 Property
BarcodeY3 Property
BarcodeY4 Property
BC_AustralianPostCustomDecodeType Enumeration
BC_BarcodeStyle Enumeration
BC_BarcodeType Enumeration
BC_ErrorLevels Enumeration
BC_EvaluationMode Enumeration
BC_ImageSource Enumeration
BC_InkColor Enumeration
BC_ModeTransitionType Enumeration
BC_Orientation Enumeration
BC_ShowText Enumeration
BCD Matrix
Boundary and Point Properties
ChecksumCharCount Property
ChecksumOK Property
Code 128 and EAN 128
Code 32
Code 39
Code 39 Extended
Code 93
Code 93 Extended
Confidence Property
Copyright Information
Create a Barcode
Data Matrix
DataLogic 2 of 5
Debug Property
Debug Your Application
DebugErrorLevel Property
DebugLogFile Property
Distributing Applications and Deployment
Distributing Barcode Xpress
EAN-13 and JAN
ErrorCode Property
ErrorDescription Property
ErrorLevel Property
Evaluation Licensing
EvaluationMode Property
Font Property
GetBarcode Method
GetBarcodeResultDataValue Method
GetMakeBarcodeDataValue Method
GetModeTransition Method
Getting Started
Getting Support
GrayscaleProcessing Property
GS1 DataBar
hDIB Property
hDIB64 Property
How To
How to Register a Manually Reported Runtime License (Non-Node-Locked)
How to Register a Toolkit License
How to Register an Automatically Reported Runtime License (Node-Locked)
How to Register an Evaluation License
IATA 2 of 5
ImageSource Property
Importing Barcode Xpress as a COM Object
Industry 2 of 5 (Industrial 2 of 5)
Intelligent Mail
Interleaved 2 of 5
Inverted 2 of 5
Licensing and Distributing
Licensing Development Kit (LDK)
Licensing Glossary
MakeBarcode Method
MakeBarcodeAdjustBarSize Property
MakeBarcodeAutoSize Property
MakeBarcodeBarSize Property
MakeBarcodeBHeight Property
MakeBarcodeBWidth Property
MakeBarcodeCBarSize Property
MakeBarcodeColumns Property
MakeBarcodeColumnsCreated Property
MakeBarcodeDataValueLength Property
MakeBarcodeDIB Property
MakeBarcodeDIB64 Property
MakeBarcodeErrorCorrectionLevel Property
MakeBarcodeErrorCorrectionLevelUsed Property
MakeBarcodeHeight Property
MakeBarcodeMinHeight Property
MakeBarcodePic Property
MakeBarcodeRHeight Property
MakeBarcodeRows Property
MakeBarcodeRowsCreated Property
MakeBarcodeRWidth Property
MakeBarcodeShowValue Property
MakeBarcodeStyle Property
MakeBarcodeUPCNotchPercent Property
MakeBarcodeValue Property
MakeBarcodeValueGap Property
MakeBarcodeValueLRGap Property
MakeBarcodeValueOFont Property
MakeBarcodeValueOGap Property
MakeBarcodeWidth Property
Matrix 2 of 5
MaxBarcodes Property
MinimumBarcodeSize Property
ModeTransitionIndex Property
ModeTransitionType Property
NumBarcodes Property
NumModeTransitions Property
Patch Code
Picture Property
PrintBarcode Method
QR Code
RaiseExceptions Property
ReaderAreaHeight Property
ReaderAreaWidth Property
ReaderAreaX Property
ReaderAreaY Property
ReaderScanDistance Property
ReadFromStream Method
Recognize a Barcode
Result2DColumns Property
Result2DColumnsDetected Property
Result2DErrorCorrectionLevel Property
Result2DRows Property
Result2DRowsDetected Property
ResultLen Property
ReturnPossibleBarcodes Property
Royal Post 4-State Barcode
RoyalMailVariableLengthDecoding Property
Runtime Licensing
Server Licensing Utility (SLU)
SetCtlFontName Method
SetCtlFontSize Method
SetCtlFontStyle Method
SetCtlOFontName Method
SetCtlOFontSize Method
SetCtlOFontStyle Method
SetMakeBarcodeDataValue Method
SetOEMLicenseKey Method
SetSolutionKey Method
SetSolutionName Method
Software License Agreement
SSError Property
SSErrorMsg Property
Supported Barcode Types
System Requirements
Toolkit Licensing
Tutorial: Create Your First Project
Upgrading from Barcode Xpress 11 to Barcode Xpress 12
Upgrading Runtime Licensing
UPU S18 4-State Barcode
User Guide
Using Accusoft 64-bit ActiveX Components
Verify You're Using the Latest Service Pack
What's New
WriteChecksumChar Property
WriteToStream Method