Accusoft BarcodeXpress v12.2 - Updated
GetBarcodeResultDataValue Method
AccusoftBarcodeXpress12 ActiveX DLL > BarcodeXpress Object : GetBarcodeResultDataValue Method
An array of bytes to hold the barcode data.
Maximum number of bytes to place in pVal. The actual number of bytes written to pVal is returned in maxLimit.
Gets the BarcodeResult as an array of bytes.
Visual Basic
Public Sub GetBarcodeResultDataValue( _
   ByRef pVal As Byte, _
   ByRef maxLimit As Long _
An array of bytes to hold the barcode data.
Maximum number of bytes to place in pVal. The actual number of bytes written to pVal is returned in maxLimit.
This method retrieves the resulting value in an array of bytes from the BarcodeResult property. Use the ResultLen property to get the buffer size in bytes required to receive the barcode result data value.
See Also

BarcodeXpress Object  | BarcodeXpress Members