AboutBox | Displays a dialog box containing ImagXpress version and copyright information. |
AdjustColorBalance | Overrides the default parameters when auto color balancing the image. |
AdjustHSL | Adjusts the hue, saturation, and luminance components of the current image. |
AdjustLightness | Automatically balances contrast in the image, adjusting the results of the auto lightness algorithm by a specified amount. |
AdjustRGB | Adjusts the red, green, and blue components of the current image. |
AlphaAdd | Adds an alpha channel to an image. |
AlphaAdd64 | Adds an alpha channel to an image for 64-bit. |
AlphaFill | Fills the alpha channel with the value specified. |
AlphaFlatten | A 32-bit image with an alpha channel (ARGB) will be merged with (alpha channel applied to) the specified color, resulting in a blended 24-bit RGB image. |
AlphaGet | Gets the alpha value at a specified location in the image. |
AlphaInvert | Invert the alpha values throughout the current image, region, or area. |
AlphaRemove | Removes alpha channel data from a 32-bit image. |
AlphaReturn | Returns a handle to an 8-bit gray scale image depicting the alpha channel data. |
AlphaReturn64 | Returns a handle to an 8-bit gray scale image depicting the alpha channel data for 64-bit. |
AlphaSet | Set an alpha value at a specified location in the image. |
ApplyGrayscaleTransform | Permanently levels an 8 through 16-bit gray image to an 8-bit gray image. |
Area | Specifies the update area in the current image where subsequent image processing functions are performed. |
AssignDIB | Assigns the DIB from the control to a receiver and removes the DIB from the control. |
AssignDIB64 | Assigns the DIB from the control to a receiver and removes the DIB from the control for 64-bit. |
AutoBinarize | Automatically converts 8-bit and 24-bit images to 1-bit. |
AutoBinarize2 | Automatically converts 8-bit and 24-bit images to a 1-bit image. |
AutoColorBalance | Restores and balances color quality within an image. |
AutoContrast | Uniformly adjusts the contrast in the current image. |
AutoCrop | Automatically crops the background's border space from an image. |
AutoLevel | Restores and balances color quality within an image. |
AutoLightness | Automatically assesses and adjusts contrast in light or dark regions of the image. |
AutoRemoveRedeye | Automatically reduces the red reflection of the flash seen in the eyes of people in color flash photo images. |
Binarize | Converts 8-bit and 24-bit images into a 1-bit monochrome or 8-bit grayscale output image, respectively. |
Blend | Blends each pixel in the current image with its neighboring pixels. |
Blur | Blurs the current image by averaging each pixel with each of its neighboring pixels giving it an 'out of focus' appearance. |
Brightness | Uniformly brightens the current image. |
Buttonize | Adds translucent bevels to the edges of the current image to give it the appearance of a 3D button. |
CadClose | Closes the CAD file. |
CadLayerEnableView | Enables or disables viewing a particular CAD layer. |
CadOpen | Opens the CAD file for repeated renderings of differently selected layers and layouts. |
CadView | Changes the CAD file view. |
CalsAddTag | Adds a Cals tag to the image file. |
CalsAddTagPtr | Adds Cals tag information to the image file via a pointer. |
CalsDeleteTag | Deletes the current Cals tag in the image file. |
CalsFindTag | Retrieves the specified Cals tag in the image file. |
CalsFindTagPtr | Retrieves the specified Cals tag in the image file. |
CalsFirstTag | Retrieves the first instance of a Cals tag in the image file. |
CalsNextTag | Retrieves the next instance of a Cals tag in the image file. |
Cancel | Cancels the current loading, processing or saving operation on an image buffer. |
Capture | Captures the screen area bounded by the control and saves it to the current image. |
CaptureWindow | Captures the screen area within the specified window and saves it to the current image. |
CloseImage | Closes the specified image and frees up associated resources. |
ColorCount | Returns the number of pixels of a specified color within the current image area. |
ColorDepth | Changes the bits per pixel of the current image. |
ColorJoin | Joins the color components into a full image. |
ColorJoin64 | Joins the color components into a full image for 64-bit. |
ColorSeparation | Separates the color components of the image. |
CompactFile | Compacts a multiple page TIFF file by removing unused pages. |
Contrast | Adjusts the contrast of the current image. |
Copy | Copies the current image to the Window's clipboard. |
CopyDIB | Creates a copy of the current DIB. |
CopyDIB64 | Creates a copy of the current DIB for 64-bit. |
CopyImage | Copies an image from a specified image buffer to the current processor image buffer. |
CopyRubberbandDIB | Creates a copy of the current DIB bounded by the current rubberband. |
CopyRubberbandDIB64 | Creates a copy of the current DIB bounded by the current rubberband for 64-bit. |
CreateCtlWindow | Creates the ImagXpress Control Window. |
CreateDIB | Creates a new solid color bitmap. |
Crop | Crops the current image to the specified size. Gets and sets the horizontal starting position, in pixels, of the view's crop rectangle. Gets and sets the vertical starting position, in pixels, of the view's crop rectangle. |
CropBorder | Performs border removal by automatically cropping the edges of the current image. |
CtlMove | Moves the control window. |
CtlSetFontStyle | Sets the ImagXpress font style. |
DeletePage | Deletes a page from a multi-page document. |
DeletePages | Deletes one or more pages from a multi-page document. |
DeleteSaveBuffer | Deletes the memory associated with image data saved after invoking the SaveFile method when the SaveToBuffer property is True. |
Deskew | Corrects an image that is skewed. |
Despeckle | Filters the image using a filter that attempts to eliminate noise in the image. |
DestroyCtlWindow | Destroys the ImagXpress Control Window. |
DIBGetPalIndex | Gets an RGB value for a palette entry in the current DIB. |
DIBGetPixel | Gets a pixel value from the current DIB. |
DIBSetPalIndex | Sets an RGB value for a palette entry in the current DIB. |
DIBSetPixel | Sets a pixel value in the current DIB. |
DIBUpdate | Updates the controls display with the current DIB. |
Diffuse | Diffuses the current image by replacing each pixel with a randomly selected neighboring pixel. |
Dilate | Dilates the current image using a 3x3 maximum filter. |
DocumentBlankPageDetect | Examines a rectangle on an image, determining if the page is considered blank, based on the amount of data on the page. |
DocumentBlankPageDetectEx | Examines a rectangle on an image, determining if the page is considered blank, based on the amount of data on the page. |
DocumentBlankPageDetectUsingDefaults | Examines a rectangle on an image, determining if the page is considered blank, based on the amount of data on the page. Uses the default settings of the DocumentBlankPageDetect Method. |
DocumentBlobRemoval | Locates and removes large black objects in images such as binder punch holes. |
DocumentBlobRemovalUsingDefaults | Locates and removes large black objects in images such as binder punch holes. Uses the default settings of the DocumentBlobRemoval Method. |
DocumentBorderCrop | Crops the borders of 1-bit per pixel documents. |
DocumentBorderCropEx | Crops the borders of 1-bit per pixel documents. |
DocumentDeskew | Automatically detects and removes skew from current 1-bit depth images. |
DocumentDespeckle | Detects and removes specks from the current image. |
DocumentDespeckleUsingDefaults | Detects and removes specks from the current image. Uses the default settings of the DocumentDespeckle Method. |
DocumentDilate | Examines pixels in the current image and expands the black ones by given amount in given direction. |
DocumentDilateUsingDefaults | Examines pixels in the current image and expands the black ones by given amount in given direction. Uses the default settings of the DocumentDilate Method. |
DocumentErode | Removes the black pixels in the current image by the given amount in the given direction. |
DocumentErodeUsingDefaults | Removes the black pixels in the current image by the given amount in the given direction. Uses the default settings of the DocumentErode Method. |
DocumentLineRemoval | Automatically detects and removes lines from the current image. |
DocumentLineRemovalUsingDefaults | Automatically detects and removes lines from the current image. Uses the default settings of the DocumentLineRemoval Method. |
DocumentShear | Shears current image clockwise or counter-clockwise. |
DocumentZoomSmooth | Replaces current 1 bit-per-pixel images with an image whose width and height have been doubled and whose pixels have been smoothed. |
DrawArc | Draws an arc onto the image. |
DrawCircle | Draws a circle or ellipse onto the image. |
DrawCurve | Draws a Bezier curve onto the image. |
DrawLine | Draws lines and rectangles onto the image. |
DrawPie | Draws a pie-shaped wedge onto the image. |
DrawPolygon | Draws a 2-6 sided polygon onto the image. |
DrawRoundRect | Draws a rectangle with rounded corners onto the image. |
DrawTextString | Draws text onto the image. |
Emboss | Embosses the current image, giving it a raised metallic-like or embroidered look. |
Equalize | Performs contrast equalization on the current image. |
Erode | Erodes the current DIB using a 3x3 minimum filter. |
EventGetEnabled | Gets the enabled status for a particular event. |
EventSetEnabled | Sets the enabled status for a particular event. |
FileGetTags | Retrieves the collection of tags for the page requested. |
FileSetTags | Sets the collection of tags into the image file. |
Flip | Flips the current image from top to bottom. |
FromHBitmap | Loads in an image from a device dependent bitmap. The resolution of the image is determined by the DefaultResolution properties. |
FromHBitmapWithResolution | Loads in an image from a device dependent bitmap. The other parameters are the resolution of the image. |
FromHdib | Sets the current image to the supplied DIB (Device Independent Bitmap). |
FromHdib64 | Sets the current image to the supplied DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) in a 64-bit environment. |
Gamma | Specifies gamma correction. |
GetImageHnd | Gets the global handle of the image associated with the image buffer. |
GetImageHnd64 | Gets the global handle of the image associated with the image buffer for 64-bit. |
GetUniqueImageID | Gets a long integer that represents a unique image buffer that is currently not already in use. |
ImageStatus | Returns the current status for a specified image buffer. |
InsertPage | Inserts a new page into a multi-page document. |
InsertPages | Inserts one or more new pages into a multi-page document. |
IPGetColorPlane | Returns a handle to one of the four gray scale DIBs created by the last call to the ColorSeparation method. |
IPGetColorPlane64 | Returns a handle to one of the four gray scale DIBs created by the last call to the ColorSeparation method for 64-bit. |
IptcAddDataSet | Adds an Iptc dataset to the image. |
IptcAddDataSetPtr | Adds an Iptc dataset via a pointer. |
IptcDeleteDataSet | Deletes the current Iptc dataset in the image file. |
IptcFindDataSet | Retrieves the specified Iptc dataset in the image file. |
IptcFirstDataSet | Finds the first instance of an Iptc dataset in the image file |
IptcModifyDataSet | Modifies an Iptc dataset in the image file. |
IptcModifyDataSetPtr | Modifies the Iptc dataset in the image file via a pointer. |
IptcNextDataSet | Retrieves the next instance of an Iptc dataset in the image file. |
IsValid | Returns whether or not the supplied image buffer ID has been allocated from the image buffer manager. |
JPEGCommentAdd | Adds a comment to the current comment list. |
JPEGCommentDelete | Deletes a comment from the current comment list. |
JPEGGetComment | Returns the comment text of the specified comment in the current comment list. |
KeysGetEnabled | Check the enabled state of a particular key type. |
KeysSetEnabled | Enables or disable specific types of keys. |
LoadBlob | Loads an image file stored in memory. |
LoadBuffer | Loads an image file stored in memory. |
LoadBuffer64 | Loads an image file stored in memory for 64-bit. |
LoadBufferPtr | Loads an image file from memory. |
LoadCB | Initiates a user load through the CB Event into the current image buffer specified by the current value of the ProcessImageID property. |
LoadRaw | Enables/disables RAW mode processing of input data from all loading functions. |
LoadVirtualImage | Loads a virtual image and allows passing in the image's area and resolution. |
Matrix | Modifies the image using a 3x3 correlation matrix filter. |
MBlur | Creates a motion blur of the current image. |
MEDGetModalityLUT | Retrieves the Modality Look Up Table information. |
MEDGetValuesOfInterestLUT | Retrieves the Values Of Interest Look Up Table information. |
Median | Utilizes a 3x3 median filter to eliminate noise in the current image. |
MEDSetModalityLUT | Defines a DICOM Modality Look Up Table. |
MEDSetValuesOfInterestLUT | Defines a DICOM Look Up Table. |
MenuAddItem | Adds an item to a specified menu. |
MenuChangeItem | Changes the specified menu item from the specified menu. |
MenuDeleteItem | Removes the specified item from the specified menu. |
MenuGetEnabled | Retrieves whether or not the specified menu will display when the right mouse button is clicked over the appropriate area. |
MenuGetFirstItemID | Gets the first menu ID on the specified level from the specified menu. |
MenuGetItem | Retrieves the text string from the specified menu item. |
MenuGetItemChecked | Returns the Checked attribute of the specified menu item. |
MenuGetItemEnabled | Returns the Enabled attribute of the specified menu item. |
MenuGetItemVisible | Sets the Visible attribute of the specified item on the specified menu. |
MenuGetNextItemID | Gets the next menu ID on the specified level from the specified menu. |
MenuSetEnabled | Sets whether or not the specified menu will display when the right mouse button is clicked over the appropriate area. |
MenuSetItemChecked | Sets the Checked attribute of the specified menu item on the specified menu. |
MenuSetItemEnabled | Sets the Enabled attribute of the specified menu item on the specified menu. |
MenuSetItemVisible | Sets the Visible attribute of the specified menu item on the specified menu. |
Merge | Merges the current image with images that are subsequently loaded. |
Mirror | Rotates the current image 180 degrees, then flips it to create a mirror image. |
ModcaAddTag | Adds a Modca tag to the image. |
ModcaAddTagPtr | Adds a Modca tag to an image by a pointer. |
ModcaDeleteTag | Deletes the current Modca tag. |
ModcaFindTag | Finds the specified Modca tag in the image. |
ModcaFirstTag | Find the first instance of a Modca tag in the image. |
ModcaNextTag | Finds the next instance of a Modca tag in the image. |
Mosaic | Gives the current image a pixilated look. |
MousePointerIsBuiltin | Retrieves if a mouse pointer is built in or has been set with a custom one loaded by the application. |
MousePointerReset | Resets the mouse pointer to the default built in mouse pointer and releases resources if it is custom mouse pointer. |
MousePointerSetFromCursor | Sets the mouse pointer type to a custom cursor from a handle. |
MousePointerSetFromPicture | Sets the mouse pointer type to be a custom cursor from a picture. |
Negate | Creates a color negative of the current image. |
Noise | Adds noise to the current image. |
NumPages | Retrieves the number of image pages in a multiple page PDF, TIFF or DCX file. |
Outline | Enhances the edges in the current image to give it an outline effect. |
Paint | Causes the control to immediately repaint. |
PaintDC | Render an image to the specified device context. |
Parabolic | Utilizes a parabolic transform to modify the brightness of each pixel in the current image. |
Paste | Pastes the current bitmap or DIB from the clipboard. |
Perspective | Changes the aspect for each row or column of pixels in the current DIB. |
Pinch | Transforms the current image by making it appear as if it were pinched in the center. |
Posterize | Reduces the number of colors in the current image. |
PRGBGetColors | Gets the colors in the user defined palette for the control. |
PRGBSetColors | Sets the colors in a user defined palette for the control. |
PrintImage | Prints the image to the supplied printer device context. |
PrintImage2 | Prints the image to the supplied printer device context. |
PWarp | Performs a polynomial warp on the current image by re-sizing and warping it based on 4 bounding points within the current image. |
QueryBufferPtr | Retrieves information about an image that is located in a memory buffer. |
QueryCadFormat | Query the CAD format with the given attributes. |
QueryCadLayer | Query the CAD layer with the given attributes. |
QueryCadLayout | Query the CAD layout with the given attributes. |
QueryFile | Obtains information about an image file. |
QueryFileV | Obtains information about an image file. |
RedeyeRectangleAdd | Add a redeye rectangle to the set of identified rectangles. |
RedeyeRectangleDelete | Removes a rectangle from the array of redeye rectangles. |
RedeyeRectangleEdit | Modify a redeye rectangle's size or position. |
Refresh | Causes the control to repaint. |
RemoveDust | Removes specks within color images. |
RemoveRedeye | Reduces the red reflection of the flash displayed in the eyes of people in a photo image. |
RemoveScratches | Removes scratches within color images along a line. |
ReplaceColors | Replaces a range of colors in the current image. |
Resize | Resizes the current image. |
ResizeEx | Resizes the current image according to the algorithm specified by enumResizeType enumerator. |
RGBColorCount | The three arrays each containing 256 elements which equate to a count of the red, green, and blue color intensities of the image. |
RgnAddPoint | Adds a point to the current region wherein subsequent processing methods will be performed on the current image. |
RgnCreate | Creates a new region. |
RgnCreateSprite | Creates a copy of the current region in a transparent window that can be moved or pasted into the image. |
RgnDelete | Deletes an existing region. |
RgnDeleteSprite | Deletes the current sprite. |
RgnMoveSprite | Moves the current sprite to a new position within the image. |
RgnPasteSprite | Pastes the current sprite into the image. |
Ripple | Produces a wave-like effect on the current image. |
Rotate | Rotates the current image. |
RubberBand | Turns rubber-banding on and off. |
RubberbandUpdate | Updates the current rubber band. |
SaveFile | Saves the current image to the file specified by the SaveFileName property or to memory if the SaveToBuffer property is true. |
SetOEMLicenseKey | Sets the ImagXpress control runtime OEM license key. |
SetSolutionKey | Sets the ImagXpress control runtime license deployment key. |
SetSolutionName | Sets the ImagXpress control runtime license deployment solution name. |
Sharpen | Sharpens the current image by applying a high pass convolution filter. |
SharpenEx | Sharpens the current image by applying a high pass 3 x 3 convolution filter selected by the user. |
ShowViewImageInfo | Shows a dialog box displaying information about the selected image. |
Soften | Applies a low pass convolution filter to the current image to give the image a softer look. |
SoftenEx | Softens the current DIB by applying a low pass 3 x 3 convolution filter. |
Solarize | Solarizes the colors in the current image by negating the colors beyond the threshold value. |
Swirl | Transforms the current image by creating a swirling pattern from the center of the image. |
TagAdd | Adds a tag to the image's tag list. |
TagDelete | Removes a tag from the image's tag list. |
TagFind | Retrieves the specified tag in the image's tag list. |
TagFirst | Retrieves the first tag in the image's tag list. |
TagGetDataItem | Retrieves a data item from the current tag in the image's tag list. |
TagModify | Modifies a single data item in a tag. |
TagNext | Retrieves the next tag in the image's tag list. |
TagSetData | Sets a tag with the the supplied data in the image's tag list. |
TagSetDataItem | Sets a data item from the current tag in the image's tag list. |
TagSetDataPtr | Sets a tag with the the supplied data in the image's tag list. |
Tile | Tiles the current image. |
ToHBitmap | Gets a handle to a device dependent bitmap for the image. |
ToHdib | Returns the handle to the current DIB (Device Independent Bitmap). |
ToHdib64 | Returns the handle to the current DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) in a 64-bit environment. |
ToolbarDeleteTool | Deletes a tool's button from the toolbar. |
ToolbarGetToolEnabled | Gets a tool button's Enabled state in the toolbar. |
ToolbarGetToolTip | Gets the tool tip for a particular tool button in the toolbar. |
ToolbarGetToolVisible | Gets a tool button's Visibility state in the toolbar. |
ToolbarSetToolEnabled | Sets the tool button's Enabled state in the toolbar. |
ToolbarSetToolTip | Sets the tool tip for a particular tool button in the toolbar. |
ToolbarSetToolVisible | Sets a tool button's Visibility state in the toolbar. |
ToolGet | Retrieves which tool is assigned to a given mouse/shift combination. |
ToolGetAttribute | Retrieves the value of a specific tool's attribute. |
ToolIsAttributeSupported | Retrieves an indicator if the tool attribute is supported for a tool. |
ToolSet | Assigns a tool to a particular shift/mouse combination. |
ToolSetAttribute | Sets the value of a specific tool's attribute. |
TranslateX | Translates values from one horizontal (x) coordinate system to the other. |
TranslateY | Translates values from one vertical (y) coordinate system to the other. |
Twist | Divides the current image into square blocks and rotates each block which provides a twist effect. |
Undo | Undo the action of the previous image processing method if the UndoEnabled property was set True prior to performing the method. |
UnFocus | Blurs the current image by averaging each pixel with each of its neighboring pixels giving it an 'out of focus' appearance. |
UniqueColors | Returns a count of unique colors in the current image. |
Unsharpen | Subtracts the low resolution image from a normal resolution image to create a masked image. This is in effect, the combining of a noise-cleaning filter with a sharpening filter. |
UnsharpenEx | Subtracts the low resolution image from a normal resolution image to create a masked image. This is in effect, the combining of a noise-cleaning filter with a sharpening filter. |
WriteCBData | Writes user supplied image data to the image buffer for processing. |
WriteCBDataPtr | Writes user supplied image data to the image buffer for processing. |
ZoomToFit | Zoom factor to fit current image within the ImagXpress control. |
AlignH | Gets and sets the horizontal alignment of the image being viewed. |
AlignV | Gets and sets the vertical alignment of the image being viewed. |
AspectX | Gets and sets the horizontal aspect ratio of the current image. |
AspectY | Gets and sets the vertical aspect ratio of the current image. |
Async | Gets and sets whether all subsequent image loading/processing/saving operations occur in a thread separate from the main ActiveX thread. |
AsyncCancelOnClose | Gets and sets whether pending asynchronous operations are allowed to complete when the control is being terminated. |
AsyncMaxThreads | Gets and sets the maximum number of threads each ImagXpress control can spawn off when the Async property is true. |
AsyncPriority | Gets and sets the separate image loading/processing/saving threads priority when the Async property is True. |
AutoAssignID | Gets and sets whether automatic image buffer ID assignment option is enabled. |
AutoClose | Gets and sets whether the image buffer, that the control is using, is automatically closed when the control is destroyed. |
AutoInvalidate | Gets and sets whether the control will receive notifications to perform a refresh on the view if the image buffer has changed. |
AutoSize | Gets or sets the type of image re-sizing to perform in the view. |
BackColor | Gets and sets the background color of the control window. |
BorderType | Gets and sets the window style of border for the control. |
CadLayoutToRender | Gets and sets the CAD layout to render. |
CadPaperBitDepth | Gets and sets the CAD paper bit depth. |
CadPaperHeight | Gets and sets the CAD paper height. |
CadPaperResolutionUnits | Gets and sets the paper resolution units for CAD images. |
CadPaperResolutionX | Gets and sets the CAD paper x-coordinate resolution. |
CadPaperResolutionY | Gets and sets the CAD paper y-coordinate resolution value. |
CadPaperWidth | Gets and sets the CAD paper width. |
CalsTagData | Gets the tag data for the current Cals tag in the Cals tag list. |
CalsTagId | Gets the tag ID of the current Cals tag in the Cals tag list. |
CameraRawAutoBrightnessAndContrast | Gets or sets whether to automatically adjust the brightness/contrast. |
CameraRawBlueFactor | Gets or sets the factor by which blue samples in each pixel will be multiplied after white balancing. |
CameraRawBrightnessFactor | Gets or sets the factor by which the brightness of each pixel will be multiplied. |
CameraRawClipHighlightsToWhite | Gets or sets whether pixels with clipping in only one or two color channels should be adjusted so that highlights appear white. |
CameraRawConvertTosRGB | Gets or sets whether to convert RGB camera images to sRGB. |
CameraRawEnabled | Gets and sets whether the control examines the image on loading to determine if it is in a Camera RAW file format. |
CameraRawGammaCorrection | Gets or sets the factor to apply to each pixel to correct the gamma. |
CameraRawRedFactor | Gets or sets the factor by which red samples in each pixel will be multiplied after white balancing. |
CameraRawRemoveRotation | Gets or sets whether the rotation is removed from the image. |
CameraRawReturnThumbnail | Gets or sets whether the thumbnail-sized image is returned. |
CameraRawUseFastInterpolationMethod | Gets or sets the interpolation method used. |
CameraRawUseHalfSizeImage | Gets or sets if the resulting image is reduced by half in each dimension. |
CameraRawUseSecondaryPixels | Gets or sets whether to use secondary pixels if available. |
CameraRawWhiteBalanceMethod | Gets or sets the white balance method which is used to balance the white in the image. |
CancelLoad | Gets and sets the cancel load flag. |
CancelMode | Gets and sets an event that cancels the loading (decompression), saving (compression) or processing of images. |
CancelRemove | Gets and sets the cancel remove flag. |
ClientHeight | Gets the height of the client area of the control's window. |
ClientWidth | Gets the width of the client area of the control's window. |
ClipboardFormat | Gets and sets the format of the type of image to place on the Window's clipboard. |
CompressInMemory | Gets and sets if the image data in memory is compressed. |
ContrastMethod | Gets and sets the method/algorithm of contrast to employ for the Contrast method. |
CtlFontName | Gets and sets the controls font name. |
CtlFontSize | Gets and sets the controls font size. |
CtlHeight | Gets and sets the control windows height. |
CtlLeft | Gets and sets the control windows left position. |
CtlTop | Gets and sets the control windows top position. |
CtlVisible | Gets and sets the control windows visibility state. |
CtlWidth | Gets and sets the control windows width. |
Debug | Gets and sets a flag to indicate if debug information is sent to a debug file. |
DebugErrorLevel | Gets and sets the level of debug information that is written to the DebugLogFile. |
DebugLogFile | Gets and sets the file and location of the debug log file. |
DefaultResolutionUnit | Gets and sets the units of measurement used by the DefaultResolutionX and DefaultResolutionY properties. |
DefaultResolutionX | Gets and sets the horizontal (X) resolution to set for an image if one is not available from the image. |
DefaultResolutionY | Gets and sets the vertical (Y) resolution to set for an image if one is not available from the image. |
DIBXPos | Gets the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer with respect to the DIB. |
DIBYPos | Gets the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer with respect to the DIB. |
DisplayError | Gets and sets the Display Error flag. |
DisplayMode | Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum color depth used to render an image. |
DrawFillColor | Gets or sets the color used to fill in circles, boxes and polygons created with the DrawCircle, DrawLine, and DrawPolygon graphics methods. |
DrawFillStyle | Gets and sets the pattern used to fill circles and boxes created with the DrawCircle, DrawLine and DrawPolygon graphics methods. |
DrawMode | Gets and sets a value that determines the appearance of output from the graphics methods. |
DrawStyle | Gets or sets a value that determines the line style for output from graphics methods. |
DrawWidth | Gets and sets the line width for output from graphics methods. |
Enabled | Gets and sets the enabled state of the control. |
EvalMode | Gets and sets whether a watermark or dialog box will be displayed periodically when in evaluation mode. |
FileName | Gets and sets loading an image from a filename. |
FileOffset | Gets and sets the offset in the file or memory buffer where ImagXpress will begin reading image data. |
FileOffsetUse | Gets and sets the behavior of the FileOffset property when loading a TIFF file. |
FileTimeout | Gets and sets how long a separate loading thread should wait for data. |
Font | Gets a Font object. |
FTPMode | Gets and sets the mode to use for FTP. |
FTPPassword | Gets and sets the password used to log into an ftp site. |
FTPUserName | Gets and sets the user name used to log into an ftp site. |
hDIB | Gets and sets an image from a device independent bitmap. |
hDIB64 | Gets and sets an image from a device independent bitmap for 64-bit. |
hDIBUndo | Gets the handle to the current undo device independent bitmap. |
hDIBUndo64 | Gets the handle to the current undo device independent bitmap. |
hPAL | Gets the handle for palette for use with the current image. |
hWnd | Gets the window handle of the control. |
IBPP | Gets the number of bits per pixel of the current image. |
ICMDefaultMonitorProfileName | Gets the default monitor ICM profile name from the current Windows device context. |
ICMEnabled | Gets and sets whether color management (ICM) is enabled. |
ICMMonitorProfileName | Gets and sets the monitors ICM profile filename. |
ICMPrinterProfileName | Gets and sets the printers ICM profile filename. |
ICMProofingEnabled | Gets and sets whether ICM target proofing is enabled. |
ICMRenderIntent | Gets and sets how the ICM profiles should be applied as defined below. |
ICMSaveProfileName | Gets and sets the ICM profile filename to use as the target when saving a file. |
ICMSourceProfileName | Gets and sets the ICM profile that is used to perform Image Color Management. |
ICMTargetProfileName | Gets and sets the target ICM profiles filename. |
Idle | Gets if the control is performing an operation or not. |
IFileSize | Gets the file size, in bytes, of the current image. |
IFormat | Gets the current image format. |
IHeight | Gets the height (in pixels) of the current image. |
ImagError | Gets the control's last error. |
ImagHeight | Gets the height (in twips) of the current image. |
ImagWidth | Gets the width (in twips) of the current image. |
IPArea | Gets the enabled status of the update area rectangle, set by the last call to the Area method. |
IPAreaHeight | Gets the height of the update area rectangle set by the last call to the Area method. |
IPAreaWidth | Gets the width of the update area rectangle set by the last call to the Area method. |
IPAreaX | Gets the left component (x-coordinate) of the top-left of the update area rectangle set by the last call to the Area method. |
IPAreaY | Gets the top component (y-coordinate) of the top-left of the update area rectangle set by the last call to the Area method. |
IPBackColor | Gets and sets the background color of areas expanded by certain image processing operations. |
IPBinarizeBlur | Gets the blur value set by the last call to the Binarize or AutoBinarize method. |
IPBinarizeEccentricity | Gets the eccentricity value set by the last call to the Binarize or AutoBinarize method. |
IPBinarizeGridAngle | Gets the grid angle value set by the last call to the Binarize or AutoBinarize method. |
IPBinarizeGridPitch | Gets the grid pitch value set by the last call to the Binarize or AutoBinarize method. |
IPBinarizeHighThreshold | Gets the high threshold set by the last call to the Binarize or AutoBinarize method. |
IPBinarizeLceFactor | Gets the local contrast enhancement value set by the last call to the Binarize or AutoBinarize method. |
IPBinarizeLowThreshold | Gets the low threshold set by the last call to the Binarize or AutoBinarize method. |
IPBinarizeMode | Gets the binarize mode set by the last call to the Binarize or AutoBinarize method. |
IPBlankPageDetected | Gets the result of the last call to DocumentBlankPageDetect. |
IPConfidence | Indicates level of certainty that results are correct. |
IPCountOfLinesFound | Gets the number of lines found during execution of the DocumentLineRemoval method. |
IPCountOfObjectsFound | Gets the count of the objects found during execution of the DocumentBlobRemoval method. |
IPCountOfSpecsFound | Gets the count of the specs found during execution of the DocumentDespeckle method. |
IPImageWasModified | Gets an indicator if an image was altered by one of the Document processing methods. |
IPRotationalAngle | Gets the rotation angle (in degrees) used by the last call to either the Rotate method or DocumentDeskew method. |
IptcDataSet | Gets the current Iptc dataset. |
IptcDataSetData | Gets the current Iptc dataset data. |
IptcDataSetLength | Gets the current Iptc dataset length. |
IptcDataSetType | Gets the current Iptc dataset type. |
IptcRecord | Gets the current Iptc record. |
IPVariation | Gets the amount of variation detected in the skew of the image, when the DocumentDeskew method is executed. |
IResUnits | Gets and sets the unit of measurement used by the IResX and IResY properties. |
IResX | Gets and sets the current image's horizontal (X) resolution. |
IResY | Gets and sets the current image's vertical (Y) resolution. |
IStride | Gets the number of bytes needed to advance from the beginning of one row in an image to the beginning of the next row. |
IWidth | Gets the width of the current image. |
JB2SwapBlackandWhite | Gets and sets whether in a JBIG2 image file the pixel value of zero is black or white. |
JPEGCommentCount | Gets the number of comments contained in the current JPEG, JPEG 2000, JLS, or WSQ file. |
JPEGCosited | Gets and sets an indicator as to whether the image was compressed with cosited sub-sampling. |
JPEGEnhDecomp | Gets and sets the JPEG enhanced decompression flag indicating whether to use standard decoding or Accusoft enhanced decoding. |
JPEGXRPostProcessingFilter | Gets or sets the post-processing filter that is used to smooth compression artifacts. |
LibraryThreadsAllowed | Gets and sets the number of threads allowed in the compression and decompression libraries. |
LicenseStatus | Gets the license status of the control. |
LoadAlphaChannel | Gets and sets whether alpha channel data is loaded with the image. |
LoadCropEnabled | Gets and sets whether load cropping is enabled. |
LoadCropHeight | Gets and sets the height (in pixels) of the load crop rectangle. |
LoadCropWidth | Gets and sets the width (in pixels) of the load crop rectangle. |
LoadCropX | Gets and sets the left component (x-coordinate) of the top-left of the load crop rectangle. |
LoadCropY | Gets and sets the top component (y-coordinate) of the top-left of the load crop rectangle. |
LoadMode | Gets whether image data will be interpreted as a raw image format or a standard image format. |
LoadResizeAntiAlias | Gets and sets whether the image is anti-aliased during a load resize. |
LoadResizeEnabled | Gets and sets whether the image will be resized when loading an image. |
LoadResizeHeight | Gets and sets the height to resize the image to when loading an image. |
LoadResizeMaintainAspectRatio | Gets or sets the option to preserve image aspect ratio when loading an image into the viewer control. |
LoadResizePreserveBlack | Gets and sets whether when loading with LoadResizeEnabled, black objects in the image should be enhanced during the resize to increase readability. |
LoadResizeWidth | Gets and sets the width to resize the image to when loading an image. |
LoadRotated | Gets or sets the rotation options of the image to be loaded. |
LoadScaleToGray | Gets and sets whether to scale to gray when LoadResizeEnabled is set during a load. |
LoadThumbnail | Gets and sets the thumbnail style (JPEG and ePIC images only). |
ManagePalette | Gets and sets the palette management flag. |
MaxHeight | Gets and sets the maximum height the ImagXpress control can be resized to. |
MaxWidth | Gets and sets the maximum width the ImagXpress control can be resized to. |
MEDModalityLUTEnabled | Gets and sets the use of the Modality Look Up Table (LUT). |
MEDPhotometricInterpretation | Gets and sets whether a zero in the image data is black or white. |
MEDRescaleIntercept | Gets and sets the intercept of the linear conversion of pixel data in the DICOM grayscale transformation. |
MEDRescaleSlope | Gets and sets the slope of the linear conversion of pixel data in the DICOM grayscale transformation. |
MEDValuesOfInterestLUTEnabled | Gets and sets the use of the Look Up Table for the Values Of Interest processing. |
MEDWindowCenter | Gets and sets the center value used to specify a linear conversion from stored pixel values to values to be displayed after any Modality LUT or Rescale Slope and Intercept conversions have been applied. |
MEDWindowWidth | Specifies the width value used to specify a linear conversion from stored pixel values to values to be displayed after any Modality LUT or Rescale Slope and Intercept conversions have been applied. |
MinHeight | Gets and sets the minimum height the ImagXpress control can be resized to. |
MinWidth | Gets and sets the minimum width the ImagXpress control can be resized to. |
ModcaTagData | Gets the tag data for the current Modca tag. |
ModcaTagDataLength | Gets the tag data length for the current Modca tag. |
ModcaTagId | Gets the tag ID for the current Modca tag. |
MouseIcon | Gets and sets a custom mouse icon. |
MousePointer | Gets and sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when the mouse cursor is inside the object. |
MouseWheelCapture | Gets and sets whether the mouse wheel is captured. |
Notify | Gets and sets whether the Notify event will be raised after an image displays. |
NotifyDelay | Gets and sets the Notify event delay. |
OLEDropMode | Gets and sets the type of OLE drop to allow if any. |
OwnDIB | Gets and sets whether or not the ImagXpress control owns the DIB after getting or setting the hDIB property. |
PageNbr | Gets and sets the page number to read for a multiple page image file. |
Pages | Gets the number of pages in the current image file. |
Palette | Gets and sets which palette is used to display the image. |
PDFSwapBlackandWhite | Gets and sets whether in a PDF image file the pixel value of zero is black or white. |
Persistence | Gets and sets the property persistence flag. |
PFileName | Gets and sets the filename that contains the palette for the control. |
PhotometricInterpretation | Gets the Photometric Interpretation of the image. |
PICPassword | Gets and sets the password for an encrypted ePIC (Pegasus Imaging Corporation) file. |
Picture | Gets and sets a bitmap to display in the control. |
PictureEnabled | Gets and sets whether the Picture property can be used to load images. |
PixelColor | Gets the color of the pixel at the current cursor position inside the image. |
PrinterBanding | Gets and sets the printer banding flag. |
ProcessImageID | Gets and sets the active image ID for all loading, saving and image processing operations that the user chooses. |
ProcessStatus | Gets the status of the current process buffer. |
ProgressPct | Gets and sets the Progress event frequency. |
PropertyLocations | Gets and sets the source from which properties are read. |
ProxyServer | Gets and sets the proxy server name or ID for http and ftp requests. |
RaiseExceptions | Gets and sets whether exceptions are raised. |
RedeyeRectangleConfidence | Gets the level of confidence that the corrected area really was a red eye. |
RedeyeRectangleHeight | Gets the height (in pixels) of the current red eye's enclosing rectangle. |
RedeyeRectangleIndex | Gets and sets the index of the redeye rectangle currently being processed. |
RedeyeRectangleWidth | Gets the width (in pixels) of the current red eye's enclosing rectangle. |
RedeyeRectangleX | Gets the x-coordinate for the left component of the top-left corner of the current red eye's enclosing rectangle. |
RedeyeRectangleY | Gets the y-coordinate for the top component of the top-left corner of the current red eye's enclosing rectangle. |
RedeyeTotalCount | Gets the total number of redeye rectangles identified. |
ResolutionPrecision | Gets and sets the precision used when resolution is returned. |
RgnEnabled | Gets or sets whether the image processing update Region is enabled or disabled. |
RgnHeight | Gets the height (in pixels) of the current image processing update region. |
RgnSpriteX | Gets the x-coordinate of the top-left position of the current sprite within the image. |
RgnSpriteY | Gets the y-coordinate of the top-left position of the current sprite within the image. |
RgnVisible | Gets and sets an indicator if the current image processing update region is visible. |
RgnWidth | Gets the width (in pixels) of the current image processing update region. |
RgnX | Gets the left most x-coordinate (in pixels) of the current image processing update region. |
RgnY | Gets the top most y-coordinate (in pixels) of the current image processing update region. |
RubberBandH | Gets the height (in pixels) of the current RubberBand object. |
RubberBandL | Gets the left position (in pixels) of the top-left of the current Rubberband area. |
RubberBandT | Gets the top position (in pixels) of the top-left of the current Rubberband area. |
RubberBandW | Gets the width (in pixels) of the current RubberBand object. |
SaveBufferHandle | Gets the handle to the global memory an image is saved to when SaveToBuffer property is set to True. |
SaveBufferHandle64 | Gets the handle to the global memory an image is saved to when SaveToBuffer property is set to True for 64-bit. |
SaveCompressSize | Gets and sets the requested compressed file size in bytes. |
SaveEXIFThumbnailSize | Gets or sets the requested EXIF thumbnail size. |
SaveFileName | Gets and sets the path and name of the file to save. |
SaveFileType | Gets and sets the type of file to save when setting the SaveFile method. |
SaveFtpBuffered | Gets and sets whether when saving to FTP address the image is buffered locally or streamed directly as it is compressed. |
SaveGIFInterlaced | Gets and sets whether a GIF file is to be saved in the interlaced or non-interlaced format. |
SaveGIFType | Gets and sets the GIF format for saving a GIF file. |
SaveIFDOffset | Gets and sets the location to append the next TIFF page in a multi-page tiff file. |
SaveJBIG2EncodeModeCompression | Gets and sets the encoding mode to use when creating the JBIG2 file. |
SaveJBIG2FileOrgCompression | Gets and sets the file organization of the JBIG2 bit-stream. |
SaveJBIG2InvertedRegion | Gets and sets whether the bits should be inverted prior to symbol analysis. |
SaveJBIG2LoosenessCompression | Gets and sets how loose to be when matching symbols and compressing text using either of the lossy text region encode modes. |
SaveJLSInterLeave | Gets or sets the interleave setting for JPEG-LS. |
SaveJLSMaxValue | Gets and sets the compression value for JPEG-LS. |
SaveJLSNear | Gets and sets the error tolerance for near-lossless compression for JPEG-LS. |
SaveJLSPoint | Gets and sets the precision of the point transform for JPEG-LS. |
SaveJP2FavorSpeed | Gets and sets whether when saving to a JPEG 2000 image that speed of compression and subsequently decompression is to be favored instead of quality and compressed image size. |
SaveJP2Order | Gets and sets the progression order for JPEG 2000. |
SaveJP2Type | Gets and sets the format of the JPEG 2000 file. |
SaveJPEGChromFactor | Gets and sets the chrominance quality setting for saving JPEG, TIFF-JPEG, and ePIC files. |
SaveJPEGCosited | Gets and sets enabling of DICOM decompression of JPEG images. |
SaveJPEGGrayscale | Gets and sets whether the JPEG image is being saved as gray scale. |
SaveJPEGLumFactor | Gets and sets the luminance quality for JPEG, TIFF-JPEG and ePIC files. |
SaveJPEGProgressive | Gets and sets whether a JPEG image file saves in standard or progressive format. |
SaveJPEGSubSampling | Gets and sets the sub-sampling type for saving a JPEG, TIFF-JPEG, or ePIC file. |
SaveJPEGUseOptimizedHuffmanCodes | Gets and sets whether to use optimized Huffman codes during encoding. |
SaveJPEGXRFrequencyOrdering | Gets or sets the frequency ordering, which determines if frequency or spatial ordering is used. |
SaveJPEGXRQuantization | Gets or sets the quantization, which determines the desired image quality. |
SaveJPEGXRSubSampling | Gets or sets the kind of subsampling that will be used when saving a JPEG XR image. |
SaveLJPCompMethod | Gets and sets the compression method used for saving a lossless JPEG file. |
SaveLJPCompOrder | Gets and sets the order of compression for lossless JPEG. |
SaveLJPCompType | Gets or sets the type of compression for lossless JPEG. |
SaveLJPPrediction | Gets and sets the selection value which determines the prediction formula. |
SaveModcaTagDocumentName | Gets and sets the Modca tag document name. |
SaveMultiPage | Gets and sets if a TIFF, PDF, ICO, MODCA or DCX file should be saved as the next page in an existing file. |
SavePDFCompression | Gets and sets the compression type employed for saving a PDF file. |
SavePDFSwapBlackandWhite | Gets and sets whether when saving a PDF file the pixel value of zero is black or white. |
SavePNGFilter | Gets and sets the filter used for PNG compression. |
SavePNGInterlaced | Gets and sets whether image will be saved in the interlaced or non-interlaced PNG format. |
SavePSNR | Gets and sets the PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio). |
SaveTIFFByteOrder | Gets and sets the TIFF byte order. |
SaveTIFFCompression | Gets and sets the compression for the TIFF file being saved. |
SaveTIFFRowsPerStrip | Gets and sets the number of rows to save in each strip of a TIFF file. |
SaveTileHeight | Gets and sets the requested tile height for the saved image. |
SaveTileWidth | Gets and sets the requested tile width for the saved image. |
SaveToBuffer | Gets and sets whether image data should be saved to a file or a memory buffer. |
SaveTransparencyColor | Gets and sets the transparency Color value. |
SaveTransparent | Gets or sets the type of TransparencyMatch to perform. |
SaveUseIFDOffset | Gets and sets whether fast multi-page tiff writes are enabled. |
SaveWSQBlack | Gets and sets the level of black used in the WSQ file compression. |
SaveWSQQuant | Gets and sets the quantization of the saved WSQ file. |
SaveWSQWhite | Gets and sets the level of white used in the WSQ file compression. |
ScaleResizePreserveBlack | Gets and sets that black lines and objects should be enhanced during a resize of the image to increase readability. |
ScaleResizeToGray | Gets and sets whether the image is scaled to gray during a resize of the image. |
ScrollBarLargeChangeH | Gets and sets the scroll amount when the horizontal scroll bar page area (between the thumb and arrow) is clicked. |
ScrollBarLargeChangeV | Gets and sets the scroll amount when the vertical scroll bar page area (between the thumb and arrow) is clicked. |
ScrollBars | Gets and sets the scroll bar property, to indicate whether vertical and/or horizontal scrollbars are enabled. |
ScrollBarSmallChangeH | Gets and sets the horizontal scroll amount when the horizontal scroll bar arrow is clicked. |
ScrollBarSmallChangeV | Gets and sets the scroll amount when the vertical scroll bar arrow is clicked. |
ScrollX | Gets and sets the horizontal position (in pixels) of the scroll rectangle. |
ScrollY | Gets and sets the vertical position (in pixels) of the scroll rectangle. |
ShowHourglass | Gets and sets whether to display the hourglass during processing. |
SpecialTIFFHandling | Gets and sets the flag denoting an abnormally formatted TIFF file. |
TagCount | Gets the count of data items within the current tag. |
TagData | Gets a block of data from the current tag. |
TagLength | Gets the length in bytes of the current tag. |
TagLevel | Gets and sets the nesting level at which the tag will reside. |
TagNumber | Gets and sets the tag number of the current tag. (See list below.) |
TagType | Gets and sets type of data within the tag. |
TIFFHonorOrientationTag | Gets and sets an indicator if the TIFF Orientation tag's value should be honored or not. |
TIFFIFDOffset | Gets and sets the number of bytes preceding the IFD (Image File Directory). |
Timer | Sets the built-in timer interval. |
ToolActive | Gets and sets the currently active tool. |
ToolbarActivated | Gets and sets whether the toolbar is created and ready for use. |
ToolbarEnabled | Gets or sets whether the toolbar is enabled. |
ToolbarHeight | Gets and sets the height (in number of icons) of the toolbar. |
ToolbarHwnd | Gets and sets the handle of the toolbar's window. |
ToolbarIconSize | Gets or sets the toolbar icon size to small (16x16), medium (24x24), or large (32x32). |
ToolbarVisible | Gets and sets the toolbar's visibility state. |
ToolbarWidth | Gets and sets the width (in number of icons) of the toolbar. |
TouchDoesOperatingSystemSupport | Gets whether the operating system is touch capable. |
TouchGestureOccurringEventsFiringMode | Gets and sets the mode for Touch to fire gesture occurring events. |
TouchImageContextMenuEnabled | Gets and sets whether the built-in touch operation to display the context menu is enabled for the current image. |
TouchImagePanningEnabled | Gets and sets whether the built-in touch panning operation is performed on the current image. |
TouchImageRotationEnabled | Gets and sets whether the built-in touch rotate operation is performed on the current image. |
TouchImageRotationMinimumAngle | Gets and sets the minimum angle that will trigger a rotation if no image rotation has occurred when a rotation gesture has ended. |
TouchImageRotationTriggerAngle | Gets and sets the angle that will trigger a rotation of the current image during a rotation gesture. |
TouchImageZoomingEnabled | Gets and sets whether the built-in touch zooming operation is performed on the current image. |
TouchIsDeviceAvailable | Gets whether the computer system has a touch device. |
TouchMode | Gets and sets the mode for the touch interface. |
TouchRequireTwoFingerPan | Gets and sets whether panning is required to have two fingers. |
UndoEnabled | Gets and sets whether there is an undo image present for the Undo method to undo the results of an image processing method. |
Version | Returns the version of the ImagXpress control at run-time. |
ViewAlphaBlend | Gets and sets whether alpha blending an image to the background of the control when an alpha channel is present in the image. |
ViewAntialias | Gets and sets the anti-alias effect. |
ViewBrightness | Gets and sets the view brightness level of the displayed image. |
ViewContrast | Gets and sets the view contrast level of the displayed image. |
ViewCropHeight | Gets and sets the view cropped height (in pixels) of the displayed image. |
ViewCropWidth | Gets and sets the view cropped width (in pixels) of the displayed image. |
ViewCropX | Gets and sets the view cropped top-left x-coordinate (in pixels) of the displayed image. |
ViewCropY | Gets and sets the view cropped top-left y-coordinate (in pixels) of the displayed image. |
ViewDithered | Gets and sets whether the current image is dithered in the view. |
ViewGrayMode | Gets and sets the mode of gray for the image. |
ViewImageID | Gets and sets the image ID for the image to display in the view. |
ViewPreserveBlack | Gets and sets whether fine lines should be enhanced to increase readability. |
ViewProgressive | Gets and sets progressive view capability of the view control. |
ViewRefresh | Specifies when the View is refreshed after an operation is completed. |
ViewSmoothing | Gets and sets the smoothing effect in the view. |
ViewStatus | Gets the status of the current view image buffer. |
ViewUpdate | Gets and sets the update flag for the view. |
WMFResUnits | Gets or sets the units of the resolution of the metafile. |
WMFResX | Gets or sets the x resolution of the metafile. |
WMFResY | Gets or sets the y resolution of the metafile. |
Xpos | Gets the logical x-coordinate of the cursor within the displayed image, in pixels. |
Ypos | Gets the logical y-coordinate of the cursor within the displayed image, in pixels. |
ZoomFactor | Gets and sets the value by which the current display image will be resized. |
AutoSizeChanged | Raised when the AutoSize property has changed. |
CB | This event is raised several different times in response to the user initiating a LoadCB method to load an image via Call Back. |
Click | Raised when the user clicks the mouse on the image. |
DblClick | Raised when the user double-clicks the mouse on the image. |
ImageStatusChanged | Raised when image status has changed. |
KeyDown | Raised when a key is pressed while the control has focus. |
KeyPress | Raised when a key is pressed while the control has focus. |
KeyUp | Raised when a key is released while the control has focus. |
MenuSelect | Raised when a menu selection is made on one of the right-click menus. |
MouseDown | Raised when the user presses down on a mouse button over the image. |
MouseMove | Raised each time the mouse moves over an image. |
MouseUp | Raised when the user lifts up on a mouse button while over an image. |
Notify | Raised when the Notify property is True and sometime (NotifyDelay) after the image in the control paints. |
OLEDragDrop | Raised when a source component is dropped onto a target component when the source component determines that a drop can occur. |
OLEDragOver | Raised when one component is dragged over another. |
Paint | Raised when the control paints. |
PaintBackground | Raised when the background is painted. |
PaintImage | Occurs when the image is painted. |
PrintImage | Raised when the image prints to a printer device context. |
Progress | Raised when loading, saving or image processing reports progress. |
Resized | Raised when the ImagXpress control resizes. |
Scroll | Raised when the user makes a minor or major adjustment with the scrollbars on an ImagXpress control or when the user pans around the image with either the Hand tool or Pan tool. |
ScrollBarVisibleChanged | Raised when the scrollbar visibility state changes. |
TimerTick | Raised when the ImagXpress component timer times-out. |
ToolbarClose | Raised when the toolbar is closed. |
ToolbarOpen | Raised when the toolbar is opened. |
ToolbarSelect | Raised when a tool selection is made. |
ToolUse | Raised when a tool action occurs. |
TouchFlick | Raised when the touch interface receives a flick. |
TouchPanGestureOccurred | Raised when the touch interface has completed the process of panning. |
TouchPanGestureOccurring | Raised when the touch interface is in the process of panning. |
TouchPressAndHold | Raised when the touch interface receives a press and hold. |
TouchPressAndTap | Raised when the touch interface receives a press and tap. |
TouchRotationGestureOccurred | Raised when the touch interface has completed the process of rotating. |
TouchRotationGestureOccurring | Raised when the touch interface is in the process of rotating. |
TouchTwoFingerTap | Raised when the touch interface receives a two finger tap. |
TouchZoomGestureOccurred | Raised when the touch interface has completed the process of zooming. |
TouchZoomGestureOccurring | Raised when the touch interface is in the process of zooming. |
ZoomFactorChanged | Raised when the ZoomFactor property changes. |