Joins the color components into a full image for 64-bit.
- nJoinType
An integer value which represents the color space to use in separating the image:
Value Description 0 RGB (Red, Green, Blue) 1 HSL (Hue, Saturation, Luminance) 2 CMY (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow) 3 CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) 4 ARGB (Alpha, Red, Green, Blue) - hDIB1
- The handle to the DIB containing the first color component of the image. This would correspond to the red, hue, or cyan component, depending on the value of the nJoinType.
- hDIB2
- The handle to the DIB containing the second color component of the image. This would correspond to the green, saturation or magenta component, depending on the value of the nJoinType.
- hDIB3
- The handle to the DIB containing the third color component of the image. This would correspond to the blue, luminance, or yellow component, depending on the value of the nJoinType.
- hDIB4
- The handle to the DIB containing the black component of the image, if the nJoinType is (3) - CMYK, or the Alpha component of the separated image, if the nJoinType is (4) - ARGB. Otherwise, this value is null.
This method is intended for 64-bit environments; use this instead of the ColorJoin Method.