- TagNbr
- The tag number of the tag to add. See TagNumber property for more information on valid tag numbers.
- TagType
The type of data within the tag.
TAG_BYTE (1) Byte
TAG_ASCII (2) Ascii character
TAG_SHORT (3) Short
TAG_LONG (4) Long
TAG_RATIONAL (5) Rational
TAG_SBYTE (6) Signed byte
TAG_UNDEFINE (7) 8 bit byte
TAG_SSHORT (8) Signed Short
TAG_SLONG> (9) Signed Long
TAG_SRATIONAL (10) Signed Rational
TAG_FLOAT (11) Float (4 Bytes)
TAG_DOUBLE (12) Double (8 bytes)
- Length
- The number of data elements in the tag.
- Data
- The tag's data items.
Upon successful completion of this method, the current tag is updated. Use the TagNumber, TagCount, TagType, TagLength, TagData properties and TagGetDataItem method to obtain information about the tag.
To modify a tag that already exists, use the TagModify Method. Attempting to add a tag which already exists will result in a IX_Error_TiffTag_AddError.
Note: Available in Professional Edition.
Adding a TAG_ASCII (Visual Basic) | Copy Code |
ImagXpress1.TagAdd nTagNumber, TAG_ASCII, Len(strTagValue)+1, strTagValue |
Adding a TAG_RATIONAL or TAG_SRATIONAL (Visual Basic) | Copy Code |
Dim R[2] As Long R(0) = 600 R(1) = 1 ImagXpress1.TagAdd nTagNumber, TAG_RATIONAL, 1, R |