Gets and sets the value by which the current display image will be resized.
Read-write property
Visual Basic |
Public Property ZoomFactor As Double |
A double value which represents the image to be resized to.
Values greater than 1 result in the display image being enlarged. Values less than 1 result in the display image being reduced.
For example, a ZoomFactor = 2 will double the display image height and width. As another example, a ZoomFactor = .5 will reduce display image height and width by 50%.
Note: If the AutoSize property is set to 'BestFit', 'FitWidth', 'FitHeight' or 'ResizeImage' then the ZoomFactor property will be read-only.
In the case that the AutoSize property is set to ResizeImage, then the ZoomFactor will always return a -1.0, as there is no uniform ZoomFactor applied to the image.