Accusoft ImagXpress 12
CancelRemove Property
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AccusoftImagXpress12 ActiveX DLL > ImagXpress Object : CancelRemove Property

Glossary Item Box


Gets and sets the cancel remove flag.

Property Type

Read-write property


Visual Basic
Public Property CancelRemove As Boolean

Return Type

A boolean expression specifying the cancel remove flag, as described in the remarks.


When this property is False, the event message defined by the CancelMode property is removed from the message queue when an operation is canceled.

For example, if the CancelLoad property is True and the CancelMode property is 1-Esc, pressing the Esc key during an image load or decompression causes the load or decompression process to stop. If the CancelRemove property is False, the Esc key message will also be sent to the application. If this property is True, the Esc key message will be removed from the message queue and it will not be sent to the application.

See Also

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