- TagNbr
- The tag number for the tag to modify.
- TagType
The tag type to modify.
TAG_BYTE (1) - Byte
TAG_ASCII (2) - Ascii character
TAG_SHORT (3) Short
TAG_LONG (4) Long
TAG_RATIONAL (5) Rational
TAG_SBYTE (6) Signed byte
TAG_UNDEFINE (7) 8 bit byte
TAG_SSHORT (8) Signed Short
TAG_SLONG (9) Signed Long
TAG_SRATIONAL (10) Signed Rational
TAG_FLOAT (11) Float (4 Bytes)
TAG_DOUBLE (12) Double (8 bytes)
- itemNbr
The index position in the list of data items for the tag.
Valid range is 1 to TagCount.
- Data
- A VARIANT expression evaluating to the data to modify.
If the tag does not exist, the method fails and the ImagError property is set to IX_Error_TagNotFound. If the requested data item does not fall within the range of data items in the tag, the method fails and the ImagError property is set to IX_Error_TagItemNotFound.
Note: Available in Professional Edition.
Example for modifying a single character (Visual Basic) | Copy Code |
‘ Changes the 5th character To "A" ImagXpress1.TagModify TagNbr, TAG_ASCII, 5, "A" |
Example modifying a rational (Visual Basic) | Copy Code |
Dim R[2] As Long R(0) = 600 R(1) = 1 ‘ Changes the 4th RATIONAL ImagXpress1.TagModify TagNbr, TAG_RATIONAL, 4, R |