Accusoft ImagXpress 12
Contrast Method
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The contrast intensity level. 

Valid range is -100 to 100.

0 indicates that the contrast remains the same as in the original image.

Values greater than zero increase the contrast in the image.

Values less than zero decrease the contrast in the image.

AccusoftImagXpress12 ActiveX DLL > ImagXpress Object : Contrast Method

Glossary Item Box


Adjusts the contrast of the current image.


Visual Basic
Public Sub Contrast( _
   ByVal IPContrastI As Integer _



The contrast intensity level. 

Valid range is -100 to 100.

0 indicates that the contrast remains the same as in the original image.

Values greater than zero increase the contrast in the image.

Values less than zero decrease the contrast in the image.


This method uses an algorithm that is selected by the ContrastMethod property.

See Also

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