Accusoft ImagXpress 12
Gamma Method
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Single value that determines the magnitude of the gamma correction.

Valid range is between 0.009 and 10.0.

AccusoftImagXpress12 ActiveX DLL > ImagXpress Object : Gamma Method

Glossary Item Box


Specifies gamma correction.


Visual Basic
Public Sub Gamma( _
   ByVal IPGamma As Single _



Single value that determines the magnitude of the gamma correction.

Valid range is between 0.009 and 10.0.


Since monitors may output pixel brightness in a non-linear fashion, so that when displayed, the image brightness is not accurately portrayed. Adjusting gamma enables the user to adjust pixel brightness to compensate for the limitations of the display device. The gamma value represents the ratio of input vs. output brightness. A gamma of one represents a linear relationship between input and output brightness - no change is made to the image. A gamma other than one represents a parabolic relationship between input and output brightness.

Applying a gamma = 1 results in no change to the image.

Applying a gamma greater than one results in brightening the image, with mid-brightness levels increased more than extremely dark or light pixels.

Applying a gamma less than one results in darkening the image, with mid-brightness levels decreased more than extremely dark or light pixels. 

See Also

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