Accusoft ImagXpress 12
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Accusoft ImagXpress 12


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ImagXpressAccusoft ImagXpress 12

Public Enumerations

enumAlignHSpecifies the horizontal alignment.
enumAlignVSpecifies the vertical alignment.
enumAsyncPrioritySpecifies the priority levels of loading/processing/saving threads, when operating asynchronously.
enumAutoSizeSpecifies the type of sizing applied in the AutoSize property.
enumBinarizeBlurSpecifies the type of blur functionality to invoke during Binarize method.
enumBinarizeModeSpecifies the type of binarization applied in the Binarize method.
enumBorderStyleSpecifies the type of border style to apply.
enumBorderTypeSpecifies the type of border for the BorderType property.
enumCancelModeSpecifies the event that cancels the loading, decompression, saving, compression, or processing of images.
enumClipboardFormatSpecifies the various formats to set to the clipboard using the ClipboardFormat property.
enumCompressInMemorySpecifies the compression policy for the image in memory.
enumContrastMethodSpecifies the contrast method/algorithm to use in the Contrast method.
enumCopyImageModeSpecifies what information is copied along with an image when the CopyImage method is called.
enumDefectTypeSpecifies the type of defect to process.
enumDeskewTypeSpecifies the type of deskew applied in the Deskew method.
enumDitheredSpecifies the type of dither to perform.
enumDrawModeSpecifies the appearance of output from graphics methods.
enumEnhancementDirectionSpecifies the direction of the enhancement.
enumEvaluationModeSpecifies how ImagXpress will behave when on the installed development machine in evaluation (non-licensed) mode.
enumEventIDSpecifies the event to enable or disable.
enumEyeGlareSpecifies the amount of glare in the eyes when removing redeye.
enumEyeShadeSpecifies the level of eye shading when removing redeye.
enumFileOffsetUseSpecifies the behavior of the FileOffset property when loading a TIFF file.
enumFillStyleSpecifies the pattern used to fill circles and boxes created with the DrawCircle, DrawLine and DrawPolygon graphics methods.
enumFTPModeSpecifies the mode to use for FTP transfers.
enumGIFTypeSpecifies the type of GIF file to create.
enumGrayModeSpecifies the mode to use to display and process high gray images.
enumIPEffectSpecifies the image processing action that has taken place.
enumIResSpecifies the unit of measure for image resolution.
enumIXEVENT_CB_IDSpecifies the action that must be taken when a CB event is raised while loading by call back (LoadCB).
enumIXKeyMaskA mask enumeration that specifies the keys that can be used in mouse/key combinations to invoke a tool.
enumIXMouseButtonSpecifies the buttons and wheel on a mouse.
enumIXToolSpecifies the tool selected.
enumIXToolActionSpecifies the type of IXTool event that has occurred.
enumIXToolAttrSpecifies the attribute of the tool to set or get.
enumJBIG2EncodeModeCompressionSpecifies the encoding mode to use when creating the JBIG2 file.
enumJBIG2FileOrgCompressionSpecifies the file organization of the JBIG2 bit stream.
enumJP2TypeSpecifies the type of JP2 file to create.
enumKeysSpecifies special key strokes and how to process them.
enumLoadModeSpecifies the mode in which to do all loading operations. This value is set with the LoadRaw method and is indicated by the LoadMode property setting.
enumLoadRotatedSpecifies the rotation (if any) applied to an image as it is loaded.
enumLoadThumbnailSpecifies the thumbnail size to load.
enumMEDPhotometricInterpretationSpecifies whether a zero in the image data is black or white.
enumMenuSpecifies the type of menu that has been activated.
enumMergeSizeSpecifies the type of merge operation that occurs during a merge.
enumMergeStyleSpecifies how to superimpose an image onto the existing image during a Merge.
enumMousePointerSpecifies the type of mouse pointer displayed when the mouse cursor is inside the object.
enumOLEDropModeSpecifies the drop mode for OLE drag and drop in the OLEDropMode property.
enumPaletteSpecifies the palette type for the ColorDepth method.
enumPicDisplayModeSpecifies the bit depth and number of colors for the DisplayMode property.
enumPixelTypeA Bit mask enumeration used to specify which pixel format(s) are employed.
enumProgressionOrderSpecifies the progression order of a JPEG 2000 file being saved.
enumPropertyLocationsSpecifies the source of certain properties.
enumRedeyePrecisionSpecifies how to use the region in the RemoveRedeye method.
enumRenderIntentSpecifies the render intent for Image Color Management.
enumResizeTypeSpecifies the type of resize algorithm to use for resizing an image.
enumSaveFileTypeSpecifies the type of file to save for the SaveFileType property.
enumSaveJPEGSubSamplingSpecifies the subsampling type for a JPEG, TIFF-JPEG, or ePIC file format.
enumSaveLJPCompMethodSpecifies the compression method used for saving a lossless JPEG file.
enumSaveLJPCompTypeSpecifies the type of compression used for saving a lossless JPEG file.
enumSavePDFCompressionSpecifies which PDF compression type to employ when saving a PDF file.
enumSaveTIFFByteOrderSpecifies the TIFF file byte order.
enumSaveTIFFCompressionSpecifies the type of compression for a TIFF image.
enumScrollBarsSpecifies a scroll bar choice for the view.
enumSharpenFilterSpecifies the type of sharpening filter to apply in the SharpenEx method.
enumShearTypeSpecifies the document shear direction.

Specifies the type of softening filter to apply in the SoftenEx method.

enumToolbarIconSizeOption values that determine the size of icons displayed in the toolbar.
enumTranslateSpecifies the type of coordinate system translation to perform.
enumTransparencyMatchSpecifies the type of transparency matching to perform if any.
enumUnsharpenFilterSpecifies the type of unsharpening filter to apply in the UnsharpenEx method.
enumZoomFitSpecifies the how to fit the image in the ImagXpress view when calling the ZoomToFit method.
IX_AdjustRGBTypeSpecifies whether the red, green and blue parameters are specified in units or by percentage.
IX_CadFileTypeSpecifies the type of CAD file.
IX_CadUnitsSpecifies the unit of measure for the CAD file.
IX_CadVersionSpecifies the version of the CAD file.
IX_CameraRawWhiteBalanceMethodSpecifies the white balance method options for the CameraRawWhiteBalanceMethod Property.
IX_DebugErrorLevelSpecifies the debug level for the Debug information in the DebugLogFile.
IX_FROMHDIBMETHODSpecifies the FromHdib method type.
IX_GraphicsUnitSpecifies the unit of measure for the graphics device.
IX_ImageTypeSpecifies the format of the image file.
IX_JpegXRPostProcessingFilterOpen option filtering on JPEG-XR files; the strength specifies how aggressively the filtering is applied.
IX_LicenseStatusOptions for the status of the license.
IX_PhotometricInterpretationThe Photometric Interpretation of a TIFF image.
IX_PngFilterThe filters available for PNG compression.
IX_PrintTypeSpecifies the type of print to make using the PrintImage method.
IX_RefreshModeSpecifies when the View is refreshed after an operation is completed.
IX_ResultSpecifies the return values for all properties and methods.
IX_SaveJPEGXRSubSamplingOption values for sub-sampling type for a JPEG-XR file format.
IX_TOHDIBMETHODSpecifies the ToHdib method type.
IX_TouchFireGestureOccurringEventOption values which determine the gestures events firing mode.
IX_TouchFlick_DirectionOption values used to determine the direction of the flick for the TouchFlick event.
IX_TouchModeOption values that determine the mode of Touch interface.
ixSTATUSA mask enumeration that specifies the current status of an image buffer.
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