Follow the steps below to install and configure the VirtualViewer® HTML5 ICN Plugin:

  1. Obtain the SnowboundVirtualViewerPlugin.jar. If this was not delivered alongside the virtualviewer.war file, it can be found in the deployment directory under virtualviewer/VirtualViewerICNPlugin.

  2. We recommend that you back up the contents of the IBM Content Navigator directory before installing VirtualViewer® HTML5.

  3. Copy the JAR to the IBM Content Navigator install directory. For example: D:\\IBM\\ECMClient\\plugins or /opt/IBM/ECMClient/plugins/.

  4. Login to ICN Admin.
    http://\<your IBM Content Navigator
  5. Navigate to Plugins > New Plug-in.

  6. Assign JAR file path. For example: D:\\IBM\\ECMClient\\plugins\\SnowboundVirtualViewerPlugin.jar or /opt/IBM/ECMClient/plugins/SnowboundVirtualViewerPlugin.jar

  7. Click Load.

  8. Scroll down to assign parameters as shown below: VirtualViewer and ICN Plugin

  9. Open VirtualViewer in New Window.

    a. To have the VirtualViewer open in a new Tab within the same browser window as ICN, leave “Open VirtualViewer in New Window” unchecked.

    b. To have the VirtualViewer open in a new browser Window, check the box next to “Open VirtualViewer in New Window”.

    c. Note, this setting determines the behavior for all users.

  10. VirtualViewer URL and VirtualViewer Servlet Path:

    a. For a Single Server deployment with the VirtualViewer in the same WebSphere instance as ICN:

    VirtualViewer URL: /virtualviewer
    VirtualViewer servlet path: /virtualviewer/AjaxServlet

    b. For a Distributed deployment with the VirtualViewer located in a different Application Server than ICN:

    VirtualViewer URL: `http://*server:port*/virtualviewer`
    VirtualViewer servlet path: `http://*server:port*/virtualviewer/AjaxServlet`
    (Replace *server:port* with the appropriate URL for your VirtualViewer Server.)
  11. Click Save and Close.

    Note: If errors occur try delete the plugin and re-add it.

  12. Navigate to Desktops.

  13. Select the Desktop where VirtualViewer will be utilized and click Edit.

  14. On the General tab, scroll to the Plug-ins section and expand it if needed.

  15. If the radio button next to “Enable all deployed plug-ins for use with this desktop” is selected, then the VirtualViewer Plugin will be available for that Desktop. Click Close.

  16. If the radio button next to “Select the deployed plug-ins to enable for use with this desktop” is selected, select the checkbox next to Snowbound VirtualViewer Plugin in order to deploy it into the Desktop.

  17. Logout of ICN Admin.