Accusoft Prizm Viewer Control v10.0
PrizmControl Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method DoAnnotationsDeleteAllDeletes all annotations for the currently displayed image.
Public Method DoAnnotationsReloadAcquires the current image's associated annotations from the file or web server source.
Public Method DoAnnotationsRevertReverts to the originally associated image annotations that were obtained from the web server or local image during the current session.
Public Method DoImageBrightnessDisplays the brightness dialog to adjust the level of brightness or darkness of the current image.
Public Method DoImageContrastDisplays the contrast dialog window to adjust the level of contrast for the current image.
Public Method DoImageMirrorHorizontalMirrors the image horizontally, exchanging the image pixels from the bottom and top of the image.
Public Method DoImageMirrorVerticalMirrors the image vertically, exchanging the image pixels from the left and right of the image.
Public Method DoImageResetAllPageSettingsSets the zoom, location, image fit, rotation, mirroring, inversion, smoothing, brightness, contrast, and line preservation to the original values when the image page was initially displayed.
Public Method DoImageResetZoomResets the original image zoom, location, and image fit to the original values defined for the image page using a list file, object/embed tag, properties, preferences, and defaults.
Public Method DoImageRotateLeftRotates the image counter-clockwise (left), 90 degrees from its current orientation.
Public Method DoImageRotateRightRotates the image clockwise (right), 90 degrees from its current orientation.
Public Method DoImageZoomInZooms in on the image, making it appear larger.
Public Method DoImageZoomOutZooms out on the image, making it appear smaller.
Public Method DoImageZoomSelectionFits the selected area in the viewing window by zooming the image in or out as needed.
Public Method DoMainCopyPageToClipboardCopies the selected area of the image to the clipboard.
Public Method DoMainEmailAsAttachmentOpens the email dialog window, allowing the user to attach the image to e-mail.
Public Method DoMainExportOpens the Export dialog window which allows saving the image on a local system.
Public Method DoMainPrintDisplays the print job dialog window.
Public Method DoMainPrintNoJobDialogAutomatically prints the image set without displaying the print job dialog window.
Public Method DoMainViewInNewWindowOpens the image designated by the SRC parameter in a new browser window within Prizm Viewer.
Public Method DoPageGotoDisplays a dialog window to allow choosing a specific page to display in the viewing window.
Public Method DoProductAboutDisplays the Prizm Viewer About dialog window which lists information about Prizm Viewer like copyright, version and support contacts.
Public Method DoProductHelpDisplays the Prizm Viewer User Help file, Accusoft.PrizmViewer10.User.chm.
Public Method DoProductPreferencesDisplays the Preferences dialog window.
Public Method DoProductRegisterDisplays the license registration dialog.
Public Method SetImageLocationSets the location to be viewed.
Public Method SetImageRectangleSets scaling and position to best fit the rectangular area specified.
Public Method SetImageZoomToFitSets the image display scaling and position as specified in the imageFit parameter.
Public Method SetScriptItemSets the menu item string for a script item.
Public Method SetSelectionRectangleSelects an area on the image.
Public Properties
Public Property AnnotateFromInternetGets and sets the value specifying whether annotations for internet-based images are enabled.
Public Property AnnotateFromLocalGets and sets the value specifying whether annotations for local file system images are enabled.
Public Property AnnotateImportEmbeddedGets and sets the value specifying whether to import annotations that are embedded in the image file.
Public Property AnnotationServersGets and sets a collection of annotation server application paths for one or more servers.
Public Property ArrangeDockingWindowsGets and sets the docking windows arrangement.
Public Property ArrangeMenuGets and sets the items available in the Right Click Menu.
Public Property ArrangeToolbarsGets and sets the arrangement of the toolbars.
Public Property EditAnnotationsGets and sets whether annotations can be edited.
Public Property EditionInstalledGets which version of Prizm Viewer is installed (PDF or not).
Public Property EndURLGets and sets the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) to redirect the browser after a print or export operation.
Public Property ImageBrightnessGets and sets a default value for image brightness when the image first displays.
Public Property ImageContrastGets and sets the image contrast when the image first displays.
Public Property imageFilePageNumberGets and sets the currently viewed page number from the file.
Public Property ImageFileURLGets the URL of the image currently viewed.
Public Property ImageInvertColorsGets and sets the value specifying if the image colors should be inverted.
Public Property ImageLinePreservationGets and sets whether to use line preservation.
Public Property ImageLocationCenterXGets the x (horizontal) coordinate for the image position in the center of the viewing window.
Public Property ImageLocationCenterYGets the y (vertical) coordinate for the image position in the center of the viewing window.
Public Property ImageMirrorHorizontalGets and sets the value specifying whether the current image is mirrored horizontally.
Public Property ImageMirrorVerticalGets and sets the value specifying whether the current image is mirrored vertically.
Public Property ImageRectangleHeightGets the height value of the image rectangle area.
Public Property ImageRectangleWidthGets the width value of the image rectangle area.
Public Property ImageRectangleXGets the x (horizontal) coordinate value of the image rectangle area (left).
Public Property ImageRectangleYGets the y (vertical) coordinate value of the image rectangle area (top).
Public Property ImageRotationGets and sets the current image rotation.
Public Property ImageScalingFactorGets and sets the scaling factor for the currently displayed image based on pixels.
Public Property ImageScalingMethodGets and sets the method for scaling the image.
Public Property ImageScalingRatioGets and sets the scaling ratio for the image currently displayed.
Public Property ImageSmoothGets and sets an indicator whether to use image smoothing.
Public Property ImageSuccessfulGets and sets an indicator if the image has successfully opened.
Public Property ImageWindowBackgroundColorGets and sets the background color for the current image window.
Public Property ImageZoomToFitSets the scaling of the image to a predefined size.
Public Property InitialEditAnnotationsGets and sets the value indicating whether annotations may be edited for the image when the image first displays.
Public Property InitialImageBrightnessGets and sets a default value for image brightness when the image first displays.
Public Property InitialImageContrastGets and sets image contrast when the image first displays.
Public Property InitialImageInvertColorsGets and sets whether to set the color inversion for the initial image display.
Public Property InitialImageLinePreservationGets and sets an indicator whether to use the line preservation when the image first displays.
Public Property InitialImageLocationGets and sets the initial image position as close to the center of the viewing window as possible.
Public Property InitialImageMirrorHorizontalGets and sets an indicator to horizontally mirror the initial image display.
Public Property InitialImageMirrorVerticalGets and sets an indicator whether to vertically mirror the initial image display.
Public Property InitialImageRectangleGets and sets the initial position and scaling of the image specifying image rectangle coordinates.
Public Property InitialImageRotationGets and sets the image rotation for the initial image display.
Public Property InitialImageScalingFactorGets and sets the initial image scaling factor.
Public Property InitialImageScalingRatioGets and sets the initial image scaling ratio.
Public Property InitialImageSmoothGets and sets whether to initially smooth the image display.
Public Property InitialImageWindowBackgroundColorGets and sets the image window background color when the image is initially displayed.
Public Property InitialMouseToolGets and sets the initial mouse tool.
Public Property InitialNewEllipseAnnotationBorderColorGets and sets the border color for new ellipse annotations.
Public Property InitialNewEllipseAnnotationBorderWidthGets and sets the border width for new ellipse annotations.
Public Property InitialNewEllipseAnnotationFillGets and sets the fill style for new ellipse annotations.
Public Property InitialNewEllipseAnnotationFillColorGets and sets the fill color for new ellipse annotations.
Public Property InitialNewFreehandAnnotationColorGets and sets the color for new freehand annotations.
Public Property InitialNewFreehandAnnotationWidthGets and sets the width for new freehand annotations.
Public Property InitialNewHighlightAnnotationFillColorGets and sets the fill color for new highlight annotations.
Public Property InitialNewLineAnnotationArrowheadGets and sets whether new line annotations are created using the arrow head.
Public Property InitialNewLineAnnotationColorGets and sets the color for new line annotations.
Public Property InitialNewLineAnnotationWidthGets and sets the width for new line annotations.
Public Property InitialNewNoteAnnotationTextGets and sets the initial note text for new note annotations.
Public Property InitialNewPolygonAnnotationBorderColorGets and sets the border color for new polygon annotations.
Public Property InitialNewPolygonAnnotationBorderWidthGets and sets the border width for new polygon annotations.
Public Property InitialNewPolygonAnnotationFillGets and sets the fill style for new polygon annotations.
Public Property InitialNewPolygonAnnotationFillColorGets and sets the fill color for new polygon annotations.
Public Property InitialNewPolylineAnnotationColorGets and sets the color for new polyline annotations.
Public Property InitialNewPolylineAnnotationWidthGets and sets the width for new polyline annotations.
Public Property InitialNewRectangleAnnotationBorderColorGets and sets the border color for new rectangle annotations.
Public Property InitialNewRectangleAnnotationBorderWidthGets and sets the border width for new rectangle annotations.
Public Property InitialNewRectangleAnnotationFillGets and sets the fill style for new rectangle annotations.
Public Property InitialNewRectangleAnnotationFillColorGets and sets the fill color for new rectangle annotations.
Public Property InitialNewStampAnnotationBorderColorGets and sets the border color for new stamp annotations.
Public Property InitialNewStampAnnotationBorderWidthGets and sets the border width for new stamp annotations.
Public Property InitialNewStampAnnotationFillGets and sets the fill style for new stamp annotations.
Public Property InitialNewStampAnnotationFillColorGets and sets the fill color for new stamp annotations.
Public Property InitialNewStampAnnotationTextGets and sets the initial text for new stamp annotations.
Public Property InitialNewStampAnnotationTextColorGets and sets the text color for new stamp annotations.
Public Property InitialNewStampAnnotationTextStyleGets and sets the font for new stamp annotations.
Public Property InitialNewTextAnnotationBackgroundGets and sets the background style for new text annotations.
Public Property InitialNewTextAnnotationBackgroundColorGets and sets the background color for new text annotations.
Public Property InitialNewTextAnnotationTextColorGets and sets the text color for new text annotations.
Public Property InitialNewTextAnnotationTextStyleGets and sets the font for new text annotations.
Public Property InitialPageNumberGets and sets the page number of the image set that is initially displayed.
Public Property InitialPageRetainQualitySettingsGets and sets the initial value controlling if quality settings are maintained when the next image or page is displayed.
Public Property InitialPageRetainRotationMirroringAndInvertGets and sets the initial value controlling if rotation, mirroring and invert settings are maintained when the next image or page is displayed.
Public Property InitialPageRetainScalingAndPositionGets and sets the initial value controlling if scaling and position settings are maintained when the next image or page is displayed.
Public Property InitialPrintTextFooter1Gets and sets the initial first line of text in the print footer.
Public Property InitialPrintTextFooter2Gets and sets the initial second line of text in the print footer.
Public Property InitialPrintTextFooter3Gets and sets the initial third line of text in the print footer.
Public Property InitialPrintTextHeader1Gets and sets the initial first line of text in the print header.
Public Property InitialPrintTextHeader2Gets and sets the initial second line of text in the print header.
Public Property InitialPrintTextHeader3Gets and sets the initial third line of text in the print header.
Public Property InitialPrintTextSizeGets and set the initial font size for the print headers and footers.
Public Property InitialShowAnnotations

Gets and sets an indicator whether annotations for the image are displayed when the image first loads.

Public Property InitialStatusTextGets and sets the initial status bar text displayed.
Public Property ModeGets and sets the operating mode from the PV_Mode enumeration options.
Public Property MouseToolGets and sets the value for the mouse tool in use.
Public Property PageNumberGets and sets the page number for the currently displayed image.
Public Property PageRetainQualitySettingsGets and sets whether to use the feature to maintain the same smoothing, line preservation, brightness and contrast settings when a new image is displayed.
Public Property PageRetainRotationMirroringAndInvertGets and set whether to maintain rotation, mirroring and invert settings when paging from image to image within the same session.
Public Property PageRetainScalingAndPositionGets and sets whether to maintain scaling and position settings from image to image.
Public Property PDFPasswordGets and sets the password to use when attempting to open a password protected PDF file.
Public Property PrintTextFooter1Gets and sets the first line of text in the print footer.
Public Property PrintTextFooter2Gets and sets the second line of text in the print footer.
Public Property PrintTextFooter3Gets and sets the third line of text in the print footer.
Public Property PrintTextHeader1Gets and sets the first line of text in the print header.
Public Property PrintTextHeader2Gets and sets the second line of text in the print header.
Public Property PrintTextHeader3Gets and sets the third line of text in the print header.
Public Property PrintTextSizeGets and sets the font size for the print headers and footers.
Public Property RestrictedCommandsGets and sets features to disable.
Public Property RestrictedDialogPanes

Gets and sets Docking windows to disable.

Public Property RestrictUserInterfaceGets and sets the value controlling whether to lock the user interface from being customized by a user.
Public Property SelectionRectangleHeightGets the height value of the selection rectangle.
Public Property SelectionRectangleWidthGets the width value of the selection rectangle.
Public Property SelectionRectangleXGets the x (horizontal), coordinate of the selection rectangle (left).
Public Property SelectionRectangleYGets the y (vertical), coordinate of the selection rectangle (top).
Public Property ShowAnnotationsGets and sets whether annotations are displayed for the image.
Public Property SRCGets and sets the image or list file to load.
Public Property StatusTextGets and sets the text displayed in the browser status bar.
Public Property TotalPagesGets the total number of pages in the image set.
Public Property VersionGets the current version of Prizm Viewer.
Public Property WebKeyGets and sets a license string to use with a web server.
Public Event OnAnnotationChangedOccurs when an annotation is modified.
Public Event OnAnnotationsDeleteAllFinishOccurs when the Annotations - Delete All Annotations command has completed.
Public Event OnAnnotationsDeleteAllStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar "Annotations - Delete All Annotations"
Public Event OnAnnotationsEditFinishOccurs when the "Annotations - Edit Annotations" command has completed.
Public Event OnAnnotationsEditStartOccurs when the user toggles the menu or toolbar "Annotations - Edit Annotations"
Public Event OnAnnotationsReloadFinishOccurs when the "Annotations - Reload Annotations" command has completed.
Public Event OnAnnotationsReloadStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar "Annotations - Reload Annotations"
Public Event OnAnnotationsRevertFinishOccurs when the "Annotations - Revert Annotations" command has completed.
Public Event OnAnnotationsRevertStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar "Annotations - Revert Annotations"
Public Event OnAnnotationsShowFinishOccurs when the "Annotations - Show Annotations" command has completed.
Public Event OnAnnotationsShowStartOccurs when the user toggles the menu or toolbar "Annotations - Show Annotations"
Public Event OnCancelOperationFinishOccurs after the user clicks on the Stop Pending Operations menu item and the pending acquisition is cancelled.
Public Event OnCancelOperationStartOccurs when the user clicks on the Stop Pending Operations menu item indicating that the pending acquisition is about to be cancelled.
Public Event OnCancelPrintExportFinishOccurs when the "Stop Print and Export" command has completed.
Public Event OnCancelPrintExportStartOccurs when the user selects the menu "Stop Print and Export" command.
Public Event OnDeleteAnnotationOccurs when an annotation is being deleted.
Public Event OnImageBrightnessFinishOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Page Settings - Brightness and the image
brightness adjustment dialog is displayed.
Public Event OnImageBrightnessStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Page Settings - Brightness.
Public Event OnImageContrastFinishOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Page Settings - Contrast and the image contrast
adjustment dialog is displayed.
Public Event OnImageContrastStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Page Settings - Contrast.
Public Event OnImageInvertColorsFinishOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Page Settings - Invert Colors and the image
colors are inverted.
Public Event OnImageInvertColorsStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Page Settings - Invert Colors.
Public Event OnImageMirrorHorizontalFinishOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Page Settings - Mirror Horizontal and the image
is mirrored on the horizontal axis.
Public Event OnImageMirrorHorizontalStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Page Settings - Mirror Horizontal.
Public Event OnImageMirrorVerticalFinishOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Page Settings - Mirror Vertical and the image is mirrored on the vertical axis.
Public Event OnImageMirrorVerticalStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Page Settings - Mirror Vertical.
Public Event OnImagePreserveLinesFinishOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Page Settings - Preserve Lines and the image line preservation is performed.
Public Event OnImagePreserveLinesStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Page Settings - Preserve Lines.
Public Event OnImageResetAllPageSettingsFinishOccurs when the menu or toolbar Reset All Page Settings is performed.
Public Event OnImageResetAllPageSettingsStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Reset All Page Settings.
Public Event OnImageResetZoomFinishOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Reset Zoom and the zoom is restored to the size / location when the image was initially loaded.
Public Event OnImageResetZoomStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Reset Zoom.
Public Event OnImageRotateLeftFinishOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Page Settings - Rotate Left and the image is rotated counter-clockwise 90 degrees.
Public Event OnImageRotateLeftStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Page Settings - Rotate Left.
Public Event OnImageRotateRightFinishOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Page Settings - Rotate Right and the image is
rotated clockwise 90 degrees.
Public Event OnImageRotateRightStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Page Settings - Rotate Right.
Public Event OnImageScrollOccurs when the user has repositioned the image in the image window.
Public Event OnImageSmoothFinishOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Page Settings - Preserve Lines and the image line preservation is performed.
Public Event OnImageSmoothStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Page Settings - Preserve Lines.
Public Event OnImageZoomInFinishOccurs when the zoom in operation is completed.
Public Event OnImageZoomInStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Zoom In.
Public Event OnImageZoomOutFinishOccurs when the zoom out operation is completed.
Public Event OnImageZoomOutStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Zoom Out.
Public Event OnImageZoomSelectionFinishOccurs when the zoom operation on the selected area is completed.
Public Event OnImageZoomSelectionStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Zoom Selection.
Public Event OnImageZoomToFit1To1FinishOccurs when the image is scaled so every pixel in the image is displayed using one pixel in the image window.  All vertical and horizontal image pixels may not be displayed.
Public Event OnImageZoomToFit1To1StartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Zoom to Fit - Full Height.
Public Event OnImageZoomToFitActualSizeFinishOccurs when the image is scaled so that when the image is displayed on the monitor, it is approximately the same size as the original document. Some horizontal and vertical elements of the image may not be visible in the image window.
Public Event OnImageZoomToFitActualSizeStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Zoom to Fit - Actual Size.
Public Event OnImageZoomToFitFullFinishOccurs when the image is scaled so that the entire image is displayed in the image window.
Public Event OnImageZoomToFitFullStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Zoom to Fit - Full Image.
Public Event OnImageZoomToFitHeightFinishOccurs when the image is scaled so that the entire image height is displayed in the image window.  All horizontal
elements of the image may not be displayed.
Public Event OnImageZoomToFitHeightStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Zoom to Fit - Full Height.
Public Event OnImageZoomToFitWidthFinishOccurs when the image is scaled so that the entire image width is displayed in the image window. All vertical elements of the image may not be displayed.
Public Event OnImageZoomToFitWidthStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Zoom to Fit - Full Width.
Public Event OnInitializeOccurs when the Prizm object is created on the page.
Public Event OnLoadAnnotationsOccurs when the Prizm is loading annotations for an image
Public Event OnLoadHistoryIf the Prizm Viewer control is being restored from a previous visit to this same page (usually caused
by using the back / forward buttons in the browser), this event informs the user that this is
Public Event OnMainCopyPageToClipboardFinishOccurs when the Copy Selection to Clipboard command has completed.
Public Event OnMainCopyPageToClipboardStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Copy Selection to Clipboard command.
Public Event OnMainEmailAsAttachmentFinishOccurs when the Email as Attachment command has completed.
Public Event OnMainEmailAsAttachmentStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Email as Attachment command.
Public Event OnMainExportFinishOccurs when the Export command has completed.
Public Event OnMainExportStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Export command.
Public Event OnMainPrintFinishOccurs when the Print command has completed.
Public Event OnMainPrintStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Print command.
Public Event OnMainViewInNewFinishOccurs when the View In New Window command has completed.
Public Event OnMainViewInNewStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar View In New Window command.
Public Event OnMouseAreaSelectionToolFinishOccurs when the cursor is changed to the Area Selection Tool.
Public Event OnMouseAreaSelectionToolStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar "Mouse Actions - Area Selection Tool"
command.  The user has selected the area selection tool when the left mouse button is
pressed over the image in the image window.
Public Event OnMouseEllipseAnnotationFinishOccurs when the cursor is changed to the Ellipse Annotation.
Public Event OnMouseEllipseAnnotationStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar "Mouse Actions - Ellipse Annotation" command.  The user has selected the tool to create an ellipse annotation when the left mouse button is pressed over the image in the image window.
Public Event OnMouseFlyingMagnifierToolFinishOccurs when the cursor is changed to the Flying Magnifier Tool.
Public Event OnMouseFlyingMagnifierToolStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar "Mouse Actions - Flying Magnifier Tool"
command.  The user has selected the zoom rectangle tool when the left mouse button is
pressed over the image in the image window.
Public Event OnMouseFreehandAnnotationFinishOccurs when the cursor is changed to the Freehand Annotation.
Public Event OnMouseFreehandAnnotationStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar "Mouse Actions - Freehand Annotation"
command.  The user has selected the tool to create a freehand annotation when the left
mouse button is pressed over the image in the image window.
Public Event OnMouseHighlightAnnotationFinishOccurs when the cursor is changed to the Highlight Annotation.
Public Event OnMouseHighlightAnnotationStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar "Mouse Actions - Highlight Annotation"
command.  The user has selected the tool to create a highlight annotation when the left
mouse button is pressed over the image in the image window.
Public Event OnMouseLineAnnotationFinishOccurs when the cursor is changed to the Line Annotation.
Public Event OnMouseLineAnnotationStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar "Mouse Actions - Line Annotation"
command.  The user has selected the tool to create a line annotation when the left mouse
button is pressed over the image in the image window.
Public Event OnMouseNoteAnnotationFinishOccurs when the cursor is changed to the Note Annotation.
Public Event OnMouseNoteAnnotationStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar "Mouse Actions - Note Annotation"
command.  The user has selected the tool to create a note annotation when the left mouse
button is pressed over the image in the image window.
Public Event OnMousePanToolFinishOccurs when the cursor is changed to the Pan Tool.
Public Event OnMousePanToolStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar "Mouse Actions - Pan Tool" command.  The
user has selected the panning tool when the left mouse button is pressed over the image in
the image window.
Public Event OnMousePolygonAnnotationFinishOccurs when the cursor is changed to the Polygon Annotation.
Public Event OnMousePolygonAnnotationStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar "Mouse Actions - Polygon Annotation"
command.  The user has selected the tool to create a polygon annotation when the left mouse
button is pressed over the image in the image window.
Public Event OnMousePolylineAnnotationFinishOccurs when the cursor is changed to the Polyline Annotation.
Public Event OnMousePolylineAnnotationStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar "Mouse Actions - Polyline Annotation" command. The user has selected the tool to create a polyline annotation when the left mouse button is pressed over the image in the image window.
Public Event OnMouseRectangleAnnotationFinishOccurs when the cursor is changed to the Rectangle Annotation.
Public Event OnMouseRectangleAnnotationStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar "Mouse Actions - Rectangle Annotation"
command.  The user has selected the tool to create a rectangle annotation when the left
mouse button is pressed over the image in the image window.
Public Event OnMouseSelectAnnotationFinishOccurs when the cursor is changed to the Select Annotation.
Public Event OnMouseSelectAnnotationStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar "Mouse Actions - Select Annotations"
command.  The user has selected the select annotation tool when the left mouse button is
pressed over the image in the image window.
Public Event OnMouseStampAnnotationFinishOccurs when the cursor is changed to the Stamp Annotation.
Public Event OnMouseStampAnnotationStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar "Mouse Actions - Stamp Annotation"
command.  The user has selected the tool to create a stamp annotation when the left mouse
button is pressed over the image in the image window.
Public Event OnMouseTextAnnotationFinishOccurs when the cursor is changed to the Text Annotation.
Public Event OnMouseTextAnnotationStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar "Mouse Actions - Text Annotation"
command.  The user has selected the tool to create a text annotation when the left mouse
button is pressed over the image in the image window.
Public Event OnMouseZoomRectangleToolFinishOccurs when the cursor is changed to the Zoom Rectangle Tool.
Public Event OnMouseZoomRectangleToolStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar "Mouse Actions - Zoom Rectangle Tool"
command.  The user has selected the zoom rectangle tool when the left mouse button is
pressed over the image in the image window.
Public Event OnPageChangedOccurs when the  image window navigates to the requested page.
Public Event OnPageFirstStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Paging - First Page.
Public Event OnPageGotoStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Paging - Go to Page.
Public Event OnPageLastStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Paging - Last Page.
Public Event OnPageNextStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Paging - Next Page.
Public Event OnPagePrevStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Paging - Previous Page.
Public Event OnPageRetainQualitySettingsFinishOccurs when the Paging - Retain Quality Settings checkmark is toggled. The image quality settings will be maintained when the user navigates to other pages in the image set when checked.
Public Event OnPageRetainQualitySettingsStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Paging - Retain Quality Settings.
Public Event OnPageRetainRotationMirroringAndInvertFinishOccurs when the Paging - Retain Rotation, Mirroring and Invert checkmark is toggled. The scaling and position settings will be maintained when the user navigates to other pages in the image set when checked.
Public Event OnPageRetainRotationMirroringAndInvertStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Paging - Retain Rotation, Mirroring and Invert.
Public Event OnPageRetainScalingAndPositionFinishOccurs when the Paging - Retain Scaling and Position checkmark is toggled. The scaling and position settings will be maintained when the user navigates to other pages in the image set when checked.
Public Event OnPageRetainScalingAndPositionStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Paging - Retain Scaling and Position.
Public Event OnPrintingFinishOccurs when a print job completes.
Public Event OnPrintingPageOccurs for each page that is printed during a print job.
Public Event OnPrintingStartOccurs when a print job starts.
Public Event OnProductAboutFinishOccurs when the About Prizm Viewer command has completed.
Public Event OnProductAboutStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar About Prizm Viewer command.
Public Event OnProductHelpFinishOccurs when the Help command has completed.
Public Event OnProductHelpStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Help command.
Public Event OnProductPreferencesFinishOccurs when the Preferences command has completed.
Public Event OnProductPreferencesStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Register command.
Public Event OnProductRegisterFinishOccurs when the Register command has completed.
Public Event OnProductRegisterStartOccurs when the user selects the menu or toolbar Register command.
Public Event OnScriptmethod OnScriptOccurs when a menu or script item is selected from the context menu or scripting toolbar.
Public Event OnSelectionChangedOccurs when the selected area on the image is changed.
Public Event OnToolbarAnnotationFinishOccurs when the annotation toolbar is toggled to be displayed or hidden.
Public Event OnToolbarAnnotationStartOccurs when the user selects the menu Toolbar/Windows - Annotation Toolbar command, or customizes the toolbar to toggle (show/hide) the annotation toolbar.
Public Event OnToolbarDockingWindowsEndOccurs when the docking window is toggled to be displayed or hidden.
Public Event OnToolbarDockingWindowsStartOccurs when the user selects the menu Toolbar/Windows - Docking Windows Toolbar command, or customizes the toolbar to toggle (show/hide) the docking window.
Public Event OnToolbarImageFinishOccurs when the image toolbar is toggled to be displayed or hidden.
Public Event OnToolbarImageStartOccurs when the user selects the menu Toolbar/Windows - Image Toolbar command, or customizes the toolbar to toggle (show/hide) the image toolbar.
Public Event OnToolbarMainFinishOccurs when the main toolbar is toggled to be displayed or hidden.
Public Event OnToolbarMainStartOccurs when the user selects the menu Toolbar/Windows - Main Toolbar command, or customizes the toolbar to toggle (show/hide) the main toolbar.
Public Event OnToolbarMouseFinishOccurs when the mouse toolbar is toggled to be displayed or hidden.
Public Event OnToolbarMouseStartOccurs when the user selects the menu Toolbar/Windows - Mouse Toolbar command, or customizes the toolbar to toggle (show/hide) the mouse toolbar.
Public Event OnToolbarPagingFinishOccurs when the paging toolbar is toggled to be displayed or hidden.
Public Event OnToolbarPagingStartOccurs when the user selects the menu Toolbar/Windows - PagingToolbar command, or customizes the toolbar to toggle (show/hide) the image toolbar.
Public Event OnToolbarProductFinishOccurs when the Prizm Viewer toolbar is toggled to be displayed or hidden.
Public Event OnToolbarProductStartOccurs when the user selects the menu Toolbar/Windows - Prizm Viewer Toolbar command, or customizes the toolbar to toggle (show/hide) the Prizm Viewer toolbar.
Public Event OnToolbarScriptFinishOccurs when the Scripting toolbar is toggled to be displayed or hidden.
Public Event OnToolbarScriptStartOccurs when the user selects the menu Toolbar/Windows - Scripting Toolbar command, or customizes the toolbar to toggle (show/hide) the Scripting toolbar.
Public Event OnTotalPagesAvailableOccurs when the TotalPages property contains the actual total for the number of pages available in the image set.
Public Event OnUnloadOccurs when the Prizm object is unloaded
Public Event OnWindowAnnotationPropertiesFinishOccurs when the "Toolbar / Windows - Annotation Properties Window" command has completed.
Public Event OnWindowAnnotationPropertiesStartOccurs when the user selects the menu "Toolbar / Windows - Annotation Properties Window" command.
Public Event OnWindowCADFinishOccurs when the "Toolbar / Windows - CAD Window" command has completed.
Public Event OnWindowCADStartOccurs when the user selects the menu "Toolbar / Windows - CAD Window" command.
Public Event OnWindowImagePropertiesFinishOccurs when the "Toolbar / Windows - Image Properties Window" command has completed.
Public Event OnWindowImagePropertiesStartOccurs when the user selects the menu "Toolbar / Windows - Image Properties Window"
Public Event OnWindowPDFSearchFinishOccurs when the "Toolbar / Windows - PDF Searching and Results Window" command has completed.
Public Event OnWindowPDFSearchStartOccurs when the user selects the menu "Toolbar / Windows - PDF Searching and Results
Window" command.
Public Event OnWindowReferenceFinishOccurs when the "Toolbar / Windows - Reference Window" command has completed.
Public Event OnWindowReferenceStartOccurs when the user selects the menu "Toolbar / Windows - Reference Window"
Public Event OnWindowShowDefaultDockingFinishOccurs when the "Toolbar / Windows - View All Docking Windows" command has completed.
Public Event OnWindowShowDefaultDockingStartOccurs when the user selects the menu "Toolbar / Windows - View All Docking Windows"
Public Event OnWindowThumbnailFinishOccurs when the "Toolbar / Windows - Thumbnail Window" command has completed.
Public Event OnWindowThumbnailStartOccurs when the user selects the menu "Toolbar / Windows - Thumbnail Window" command.
Public Event OnWindowTOCFinishOccurs when the "Toolbar / Windows - Table of Contents Window" command has completed.
Public Event OnWindowTOCStartOccurs when the user selects the menu "Toolbar / Windows - Table of Contents Window"
See Also

PrizmControl Object



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