Accusoft Prizm Viewer Control v10.0
PV_Mode Enumeration
Option values which determine the current operating mode of Prizm Viewer.
PV_Mode_Export2Opens Prizm Viewer in Export mode, which will display the export dialog and allow the save the image set on a local drive.
PV_Mode_FileAssociations4Opens Prizm Viewer in File Associations mode, which will display the file associations dialog, allowing the user to change associations for mime types and file extensions for use with Internet Explorer.
PV_Mode_License3Opens Prizm Viewer in License mode, which will display the registration dialog, allowing the user to enter the license code.
PV_Mode_Print1Opens Prizm Viewer in Print mode, which will display the print job dialog and allow the user to print.
PV_Mode_View0Opens Prizm Viewer in View mode (to display an image set).



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