Accusoft Prizm Viewer Control v10.0
ImageRotation Property
Gets and sets the current image rotation.
Property Type
Read-write property
Visual Basic
Public Property ImageRotation As PV_ImageRotation
Return Type
A PV_ImageRotation enumeration value.

The default value is PV_ImageRotation_0.

Note: This property and the DoImageRotateLeft and DoImageRotateRight methods have subtly different behavior. When you change this property, the previous rotation is discarded and replaced with the new rotation. The DoImageRotateLeft and DoImageRotateRight methods use the current value of this property and add an additional 90 degrees of rotation.

if ImageMirrorHorizontal or ImageMirrorVertical are set to true and this property is called, Prizm Viewer applies the mirror before rotation. The DoImageRotateLeft and DoImageRotateRight methods consider the state of the mirroring properties and adjusts the value of the ImageRotation in whichever direction produces the desired effect.

Note: This property cannot be set in the Object/Embed tag, list file, or during the OnInitialize event.

See Also

PrizmControl Object  | PrizmControl Members



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