PrizmDoc® for Java versions 5.0 and later require several changes to your content handler and may require updates to your custom Javascript integrations. These changes are generally small-scale but necessary to keep your content handler up to date and to keep PrizmDoc® for Java maintainable and modern through future PrizmDoc® for Java releases (as releases do not typically modify public API).

There are five major steps to updating your content handler and Javascript for PrizmDoc® for Java 5.x. While your organization may wish to make updates based on new features and fixes in each release, this guide is meant to be a starting point to get PrizmDoc® for Java 5.x up and running.

In order to transition successfully to VirtualViewr 5.x, perform the following:

  1. Update your PrizmDoc® for Java imports and dependencies to their new package locations so your content handler builds and uses the correct code.
  2. Ensure that all methods intended to be called by PrizmDoc® for Java are implementations of an interface. Please Note: While the content handler may still compile, PrizmDoc® for Java will not function if this step is not completed.
  3. Update the logic of your saveDocumentComponents method so it does not delete a document component (a bookmarks file, for instance) when it receives a null value. Please Note: While the content handler may still compile, PrizmDoc® for Java will not function if this step is not completed.
  4. Update exception handling.
  5. Modify the parameters of selected PrizmDoc® for Java Javascript API calls, which now take single objects instead of long lists of arguments (see the details)

Update imports and dependencies

Update your PrizmDoc® for Java imports and dependencies to their new package locations so your content handler builds and uses the correct code.

What to Do

Use the tables below, or your IDE, to convert your content handler’s import list to refer to the new package locations.

More Details

PrizmDoc® for Java’s package structure has changed substantially to make public classes more clearly accessible and to organize the codebase more logically in versions 5.0 and later. Some import statements in your content handler code may no longer point to the right place.

For the most part, only the import statement will need to be updated. In addition to some new interfaces which have been added in v5.0 and later, all classes containing FlexSnapSI have been renamed to say VirtualViewer instead (for example, FlexSnapSIContentHandlerlnterface is now VirtualViewerContentHandlerlnterface, and FlexSnapSIAPIException is now VirtualViewerAPIException, and so on).


A new package, com.snowbound.contenthandler, now holds all content handler-related code: interfaces, classes used in the content handler, and PrizmDoc® for Java’s example FileContentHandler.

Note that both com.snowbound.snapserv.servlet.FlexSnapSISaverInterface and com.snowbound.snapserv.servlet.FlexSnapSIContentHandlerInterface are now included in com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface

com.snowbound.contenthandler Package Changes
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.servlet.FileContentHandler
New package: com.snowbound.contenthandler.example.FileContentHandler
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.servlet.ContentHandlerlnput
New package: com.snowbound.contenthandler.ContentHandlerlnput
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.servlet.FlexSnapSIAPIException
New package: com.snowbound.contenthandler.VirtualViewerAPIException
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.transport.pagedataVirtualViewerFormatHash
New package: com.snowbound.contenthandler.VirualViewerFormatHash
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.servlet.AIIAnnotationslnterface
New package: com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.AIIAnnotationslnterface
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.servlet.CacheValidator
New package: com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.CacheValidator
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.servlet.CreateDocumentlnterface
New package: com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.CreateDocumentlnterface
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.servlet.DocumentNoteslnterface
New package: com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.DocumentNoteslnterface
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.servlet.VirtualViewerContentHandlerlnterface
New package: com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.servlet.FlexSnapSISaverlntefrace
New package: com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.servlet.FlexSnapSIContentHandlerlnterface
New package: com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.servlet.Watermarkslnterface
New package: com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces.WatermarksInterface


com.snowbound.common Package Changes
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.transport.PSPermissionsRecord
New package: com.snowbound.common.permissions.PSPermissionsRecord
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.transport.PermissionsFactory
New package: com.snowbound.common.permissions.PermissionsFactory
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.transport.PermissionsRecord
New package: com.snowbound.common.permissions.PermissionsRecord
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.servlet.Annotationlayer
New package: com.snowbound.common.transport.Annotationlayer
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.transport.pagedata.AnnotationWrapper
New package: com.snowbound.common.transport.AnnotationWrapper
Old package: com.snowbound.clientcontentserver.ExternalReference
New package: com.snowbound.common.transport.ExternalReference
Old package: com.snowbound.common.transport.Permissionlevels
New package: com.snowbound.common.transport.Permissionlevel
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.transport.pagedata.PermissionsEntities
New package: com.snowbound.common.transport.PermissionsEntities
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.transport.pagedata.FlexSnapSISnowAnn
New package: com.snowbound.common.transport.VirtualViewerSnowAnn
Old package: com.snowbound.snapserv.transport.pagedata.RasterMaster
New package: com.snowbound.common.util.RasterMaster


Several private PrizmDoc® for Java classes have been moved out of the com.snowbound.common package for clarity, so it’s easier to identify what’s public. The classes in com.snowbound.common and com.snowbound.contenthandler are public and available for use. Using classes in other namespaces should not be necessary and is not supported; those classes may be obfuscated.

Update your content handler

Ensure that all methods intended to be called by PrizmDoc® for Java are implementations of an interface in your content handler.

What to Do

  • For each of these functions, make sure to add the interface that describes it to the implements list of your content handler. This is the most important step.
  • Review the functions that are implemented, and not just stubbed out, in your content handler
  • Implement any new functions that the interface requires
  • Delete unnecessary and unwanted interfaces and unnecessary stubbed-out functions

More Details

PrizmDoc® for Java 5.0 introduced a more modular interface system to make it easier to construct content handlers without unwanted and unnecessary functionality. Any methods you do not want or need can be omitted by not implementing the required interface, instead of having to make a stubbed-out implementation.

If you are converting a pre-5.0 content handler, there may now be a mismatch between the interfaces that your old content handler implements and the actual functions that your content handler implements. This may be a silent problem that your IDE does not pick up on, so it is imperative to assess your content handler and add any new interfaces that are needed.

For example, the function getAvailableDocumentIds used to be described in FlexSnapSIContentHandlerlnterface. If you have FlexSnapSIContentHandlerlnterface implemented, and simply change that to VirtualViewerContentHandlerlnterface without adding the new AvailableDocumentslnterface, your code may silently fail.

PrizmDoc® for Java will check if your content handler implements AvailableDocumentslnterface before attempting to call getAvailableDocumentIds. If it doesn’t implement the interface, your getAvailableDocumentIds function would simply never get called.

While a few interfaces have been combined and removed into VirtualViewerContentHandlerlnterface, more have been separated into feature-specific interfaces.

All of the interfaces can be found in the com.snowbound.contenthandler.interfaces package and are described below:

Interface name Description (and Changes)
AIIAnnotationslnterface Defines getAIIAnnotationsForDocument (unchanged)
Annotationslnterface Defines annotation retrieval and modification methods (previously defined in FlexSnapSIContentHandlerlnterface)
AvailableDocumentslnterface Defines getAvailableDocumentlds (previously defined in FlexSnapSIContentHandlerlnterface)
Bookmarkslnterface Defines bookmark retrieval and modification methods (previously defined in FlexSnapSIContentHandlerlnterface)
CacheValidator Defines validateCache (unchanged)
CreateDocumentlnterface Defines createDocument method (unchanged)
DocumentNoteslnterface Defines document notes retrieval and modification methods (new deleteNotesContent method added)
EventSubscriberlnterface Defines eventNotification method (previously defined in FlexSnapSIContentHandlerlnterface)
SendDocumentlnterface Defines sendDocument method (previously defined in FlexSnapSIContentHandlerlnterface)
VirtualViewerContentHandlerInterface Defines minimum necessary content handler methods for document manipulation (renamed from FlexSnapSIContentHandlerInterface)
Watermarkslnterface Defines watermark retrieval and modification methods (new deleteWatermarkContent method added)

Update saveDocumentComponents

Update the logic of your saveDocumentComponents method so that it does not delete a document component (a bookmarks file, for instance) when it receives a null value (see the details).

WARNING: While the content handler may still compile, PrizmDoc® for Java will not function if this step is not completed.

What to Do

  • Remove deletion logic from saveDocumentComponents. If saveDocumentComponents receives no content for some component, it should not delete that component: it should take no action. This is the most important step.
  • Implement deleteBookmarkContent, deleteNotesContent and deleteWatermarkContent functions if using an interface that requires them.

More Details

The content handler function saveDocumentComponents should no longer delete bookmarks, document notes or watermarks when it receives a null for those components. Instead, new deleteBookmarkContent, deleteNotesContent and deleteWatermarkContent methods should be implemented.

To solve an issue with our saving workflow, deleting bookmarks, document notes and watermarks now have equivalent content handler methods deleteBookmarkContent, deleteNotesContent, and deleteWatermarkContent, similar to the existing deleteAnnotationContent. If no content is provided to saveDocumentComponents for bookmarks, document notes or watermarks, no operation should be performed. PrizmDoc® for Java will call the equivalent delete method after saveDocumentComponents if necessary.

With the old logic, saveDocumentComponents would handle everything. If it received a ContentHandlerInput with a set of document notes but with bookmarks set to null, it assumed that bookmarks should be deleted. That is, if a component was null in the ContentHandlerInput, it should not exist on the database.

Now, that same null means “no action.” If saveDocumentComponents receives a ContentHandlerInput where bookmarks is set to null, it should not delete bookmarks.

In addition to solving a saving issue, this will allow PrizmDoc® for Java to be more efficient when saving your documents. If no change is made to the above objects when saving a document, no unnecessary operations will be requested of the content handler.

Update exception handling

Throw a VirtualViewerAPIException instead of passing an error parameter in a ContentHandlerResult.

What to Do

  • Locate places in your content handler where you call ContentHandlerResult.ERROR_MESSAGE, and replace those calls with logging statements or by throwing VirtualViewerAPIException
  • Locate references to FlexSnapSIAPIException, and replace those references with VirtualViewerAPIException.

More Details

ContentHandlerResult.ERROR_MESSAGE has been removed. For serious errors that should interrupt the request and inform the user, throw VirtualViewerAPIException.

Errors that should not interrupt the request can still be logged with PrizmDoc® for Java by using the SLF4J Logger interface provided by SnowLoggerFactory. (VirtualViewerAPIExceptions are logged automatically.)

Modify parameters in the Javascript API

Modify the parameters of selected PrizmDoc® for Java Javascript API calls, which now take single objects instead of long lists of arguments.

What to Do

  • Locate calls to saveDocument exportDocument printDocument, and emailDocument in your Javascript code
  • Translate the passed parameters into values in a parameter object, with the keys given in the JSDoc documentation

More Details

Several Javascript API calls in previous versions took more than ten parameters, which is very fragile. Especially with Javascript, it’s easy to forget a single parameter and produce unexpected behavior that’s hard to track down.

Many of these API calls now take an options object as a parameter, which will hold named versions of the old parameters. The substance of the parameters hasn’t changed, but they should be passed as part of an object instead.

For example, to manually perform a Save As operation on a document without its annotations but with its watermarks burned in, the old call would require eleven parameters, with only four set to non-default, non-null values.

Now, the same call would be much simpler and more readable, passing in only the non-default parameters:

  { "newDocumentId": "myNewDocumentID.pdf",
    "includeWatermarks": true,
    "saveAsFormat": "PDF"})

The API calls have been simplified as follows:

Old Signature New Function Signature
virtualViewer.saveDocument(documentId, newDocumentId, newDisplayName, burnRedactions, includeRedactionTags, includeTextAnnotations, includeNonTextAnnotations, copyAnnotations, includeDocumentNotes, includeWatermarks, saveAsFormat, pageRangeType, pageRangeValue, copyWatermarks, options) virtualViewer.saveDocument(documentId, options)
virtualViewer.exportDocument(exportFormat, fileExtension, includeTextAnnotations, includeNonTextAnnotations, burnRedactions, includeRedactionTags, includeDocumentNotes, includeWatermarks, pageRangeType, pageRangeValue) virtualViewer.exportDocument(options)
virtualViewer.printDocument(documentId, printToPDF, annotations, redactions, redactionTags, watermarks, docNotes, pageRangeType, pageRangeVal) virtualViewer.printDocument(options)
virtualViewer.emailDocument(emailFormat, includeTextAnnotations, includeNonTextAnnotations, burnRedactions, includeRedactionTags, includeDocumentNotes, includeWatermarks, pageRangeType, pageRangeValue, fromAddress, toAddresses, ccAddresses, bccAddresses, subject, emailBody) virtualViewer.emailDocument(options)