
PrizmDoc® for Java is delivered as a .zip file including the virtualviewer.war installation package. The package may vary depending on your version.

Your options are enabled through a slicense.json.

Your slicense.json is included in your delivery in the virtualviewer\WEB-INF\lib directory. You do not need to take any further action when using this package.

If you order a new option, Accusoft will provide a new slicense.json to replace the one we provided in your original delivery.

License Types

There are three kinds of PrizmDoc® for Java distributions:

  1. License-less
    • All formats are enabled.
    • Will watermark every page with Evaluation Mode.
    • There is no time limit.
  2. Evaluation
    • Generally, all formats are enabled.
    • Time limited (2 - 3 months from time of download).
    • After 500 - 1000 pages, the watermark Evaluation Mode will appear on every subsequent page.
    • After the expiration date, you will see a banner stating the evaluation has expired. You will not see any output. Either remove the evaluation license to enter license-less mode or contact Accusoft Support for a production license.
  3. Production
    • When a distribution license is purchased, no watermarks will appear.
    • Only licensed formats will function

Installing a License

Accusoft license files now come (as of v5.8) in the form of a JSON file named slicense.json. When a license is purchased, you will receive a zip file containing a virtualviewer.war file. This package should contain your new license already installed into the war.

You should also receive an slicense.json file. You will need this if using Docker or are converting your evaluation deployment into a production one.

The JAR format is still available to those who require it but it is strongly recommended that you migrate to the slicense.json format.

The license can be installed in a few different ways

Generally the PrizmDoc® for Java instance will need to be restarted if it is already running.

  1. Copy the contents of slicense.json to a system environmental variable named SLICENSE.
  2. Set the value of a system environmental variable named SLICENSE_PATH to the path to your slicense.json file.
    • If SLICENSE and SLICENSE_PATH are both set, SLICENSE_PATH will take priority.
  3. Copy the license file slicense.json to webapps/virtualviewer/WEB-INF/lib
    • In Docker, use the classes volume mount.
      • See this page for more info.
  4. In webapps/virtualviewer/WEB-INF/web.xml set the snowboundLicensePath value to the path of your license. This value can be absolute or relative.





Upgrading an Evaluation

It is perfectly acceptable to upgrade your system from an evaluation to a full production license. You will need to delete the existing slicense.json file that is located in webapps/virtualviewer/WEB-INF/lib/ After deleting this file, follow the instructions above listed as Installing a License.