If you are using a large number of parameters for your PrizmDoc® for Java command line, you may run out of room because the viewer infrastructure uses an HTTP GET operation by default, and the GET URL length is limited by the Internet Explorer browser. Other browsers like Chrome and Firefox allow a much longer URL.

Note: For this reason and many others, Accusoft DOES NOT RECOMMEND any Internet Explorer older than Microsoft Edge.

Please see the following work around to resolve the case where the user enters a URL longer than 2048 characters into the URL bar:

For long DocumentIDs/cIIDs, call init() instead of calling initViaURL().

You can call init(), then call setDocumentId() and setClientInstanceId(), followed by openInTab().

Please see the following example to create a Javascript function: Instead of calling initViaURL in index.html, call init such that:

<body onload="virtualViewer.initViaURL()">


<body onload="virtualViewer.init()">

Then, initialize the viewer as needed:

VirtualViewer.setClientInstanceId("whatever their clientInstanceId is, if any");
VirtualViewer.openInTab("whatever their document id is");

This solution works for all supported browsers.