PrizmDoc® Viewer v13.28 Release
"v3" Viewing Package Creators
"v3" Viewing Packages
"v3" Viewing Sessions
1. Integrating the Viewer
2. Choosing a Backend & Creating a Viewing Session
3. Setting up a Reverse Proxy
Accusoft Policy on Log Changes
Accusoft Support
Add a Custom Button
Add Custom Image Stamps
Add Keyboard Shortcuts
Add Keyboard Shortcuts
Adjust Caching Parameters
Administrator Guide (Self-Hosted)
Affinity Tokens & Cluster Mode
API Data Types
API Reference
Application Development
Application Development
Architecture & Design
Architecture Basics
Architecture Overview
Authenticating Requests
Back-end Proxy
Base URL for PAS
Base URL for PrizmDoc Server
Build a Custom User Interface
Build the E-Signature Viewers
CAD Files
Central Configuration
Change Annotation Default Values
Change Encryption Keys for Public use Token Generation
Change the Position of the Menu Bar
Check PrizmDoc Server Health
Check Status of the OCR Readers Worker
Check Status of the Process Manager
Check the Connection to PrizmDoc Server
Class: AjaxResponse
Class: BurnRequest
Class: Comment
Class: Conversation
Class: ConversionRequest
Class: DocumentHyperlink
Class: Error
Class: ESigner
Class: Event
Class: ImageStamps
Class: LoadMarkupLayersRequest
Class: Mark
Class: MarkupLayer
Class: MarkupLayerCollection
Class: MouseTool
Class: ObservableCollection
Class: PiiDetectionRequest
Class: PiiEntity
Class: PrintRequest
Class: Promise
Class: Revision
Class: RevisionsRequest
Class: SearchRequest
Class: SearchResult
Class: SearchTask
Class: SearchTaskResult
Class: Signature Control
Class: SignatureDisplay
Class: TemplateDesigner
Class: ThumbnailControl
Class: Viewer
Class: ViewerControl
Cloud Authentication
Cloud License (Deprecated)
Cluster Management
Compare Documents
Compare Documents with PAS
Configuration Options
Configure a Cluster
Configure Custom CAD Fonts
Configure Date & Time Headers in Email Documents
Configure Microsoft Office Conversion Connectivity
Configure Postman Collections
Configure the Central Database
Configure the Comments Panel
Configure the E-Signature Viewers
Configure the Viewer
Content Conversion Demo
Content Conversion Service
Content Converters
Content Converters (Deprecated)
Convert Content with Content Conversion Service
Copyright Information
Create a Custom Mouse Tool
Create a Custom Tab
Create On-Demand Viewing Packages
Customize the Book Reader Viewer
Customize the E-Signature Viewers
Customize the Markup
Customize the Mouse Tools
Customize the Styles
Define the View Mode
Deployment to Kubernetes - Guidance for the Process Manager
Deployment to Kubernetes - Guidance for the Reader Worker
Deployment to Kubernetes Guidance
Design Basics
Developer Guide
Digital Rights Management Configuration
Disable the Print Button
Document Rendering Specifics
Document Viewing Issues
Enable Content Encryption
Enable Multiple Redaction Reasons
Enable Pre-Conversion to PDF
Error Reporting
E-Signature Controls
External: jQuery
External: jQuery.fn
Fill in Fields Programmatically
Form Definitions
Form Extractors
Form Extractors
Form Field Detector Error Messages
General Information
General Information
Get Started
Get Started with Hybrid Viewing
Get Started with PrizmDoc Cells Add-on
Getting Started with PrizmDoc OCR API
Handle Specific Routes with PAS
Health Status
How & When to use CORS
How to Configure and Run the Demo on Windows
How to Configure the Process Manager
How to Configure the Worker
How to Customize the Viewer
How To Examples
How to OCR an Image
How to Run PrizmDoc Server
How to Run the Demo in Docker
How to Run the Process Manager
How to Run the Worker
How to Use Pre-defined Search
HTML5 Viewing
Illustrating the Viewing Sequence
Image Stamps
Implement Caching Strategies
Implement our Top Features
Initialization Parameters
Install on Windows
Install on Windows
Install on Windows
Integrate PrizmDoc Viewer Releases with Your Code
Legacy ASP.NET MVC Sample
Legacy ASP.NET WebForms Sample
Legacy Create Session
Legacy JSP Sample
Legacy Windows Samples
Legacy Windows Viewers
License & Create PDF Viewing Packages
Load Annotations from the Web Tier
Localize the Viewer
Log File Growth
Markup Burner XML Specification
Markup Burners
Markup Burners
Markup JSON Specification
Markup Layers
Markup XML
Memory Consumption Issues
Metered License
Migrate from PrizmDoc Cloud Servers to PrizmDoc Viewer Self-Hosted Servers
Migrate to Docker
Mixin: Data
Mixin: SessionData
Modify viewer.js
Module: button-set
Module: checkbox-collection
Module: data-persist
Module: date-picker
Module: download-signed-form
Module: download-signed-form-trigger
Module: dropdown
Module: event-store
Module: field-edit
Module: field-list
Module: fill-checklist
Module: fill-form-controller
Module: fill-main-toolbar
Module: fill-progress
Module: form-controller
Module: form-extraction
Module: form-summary
Module: form-tools
Module: global-settings-menu
Module: global-settings-trigger
Module: keyboard-controller
Module: multiple-selection
Module: notification
Module: page-navigation
Module: profile-manager
Module: state-store
Module: svg-icons
Module: template-io
Module: template-manager
Module: template-name-header
Module: text-input
Module: zoom-fit
Namespace: Ajax
Namespace: fn
Namespace: Language
Namespace: MarkSchema
Namespace: MarkupLayerSchema
Namespace: MouseTools
Namespace: PCCViewer
Namespace: Signatures
Namespace: Util
Natively Render MSO Documents
New Terms
Next Steps
Node-Locked License (Deprecated)
OCR API Admin Guide
OCR API Developer Guide
OCR API Reference
OCR Process Manager Health API
OCR Process Manager Internal API
OCR Process Manager Metrics API
OCR Process Manager Public API
OCR Readers General API
OCR Readers Health API
OCR Readers Metrics API
OCR Worker Server Sizing
OEM License
Office Files
Offline Metered License Usage Report
Offline Metered Licensing
Optimize Cache Performance for Cluster Environments
Optimize Cache Performance for Cluster Mode
Packaging Log Files for Support
PAS Configuration
PAS Database Administration & Maintenance
PCCIS Configuration
PDF Files
Perform Auto-Redaction
PII Detectors
PII Detectors
Plain Text Redactors
Pre-Conversion to PDF Support
Pre-Convert Documents
Pre-Convert Documents to PDF
Pre-Populate Fields in the E-Signature Viewer
PrizmDoc Application Services
PrizmDoc OCR API
PrizmDoc Server
PrizmDoc Server
PrizmDoc Server
PrizmDoc Server .NET SDK
PrizmDoc Server Health Issues
PrizmDoc Server REST API
PrizmDoc Video
PrizmDoc Video REST API
PrizmDoc Viewer
Redaction & Annotation Issues
Redaction Creators
Registry Changes
Release Notes
Reorganize Menus
Run PAS on Clusters
Run the OCR Worker on Clusters
Sample Applications
Scroll the Viewer Programmatically
Search Contexts
Search Tasks
Search Tasks
Search Tips
Security Guidance
Self-Hosted Administration
Self-Hosted Administration
Server Sizing
Server Sizing
Set the Initial Zoom Factor
Set up a Viewing Session for a CAD Drawing which has XREF Dependencies
Set up Your Database for use with PAS
Software License Agreement
Start & Stop PrizmDoc Server
Starting & Stopping
Store Annotations in a Database
Subscribe to Events
Substitute Fonts for Office Rendering Fidelity
Supported File Formats
Supported Kubernetes Versions
Supported Time Zones
System Requirements
Text Files
Third-Party Attributions
Unattended Install & Uninstall
Unattended Install & Uninstall
Uninstall PrizmDoc Server on Windows
Unsupported Routes
Unsupported Routes
Upgrade from Legacy Configuration
Upgrade PrizmDoc Viewer
Upgrade to a Deployment License
Use a Custom Resource Path
Use a Viewing Session
Use the Markup JSON Schema
Use the PrizmDoc Server API
Using Docker
Using Docker
Viewer Control
Viewer Modular Design
Viewer Support
Viewer Support
Viewing Package Creators
Viewing Package Issues
Viewing Packages
Viewing Sessions
Viewing Sessions
Watermark Content in a Viewing Session
Windows Installation & Upgrade Issues
Work Effectively with Large Documents
Work Files
Work with Annotation Layers
Work with Annotations
Work with Annotations Programmatically
Work with Document Comparison Programmatically
Work with Viewing Packages