This section describes how to run the Process Manager as a Docker container.
Steps to Run Process Manager
Create a Docker network so the containers can communicate:
docker network create prizmdoc
Run MySQL Server:
docker run --name=mysql --detach --rm --network prizmdoc --publish 3306:3306 --env MYSQL_LOG_CONSOLE="TRUE" --env MYSQL_DATABASE=ProcessManager --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root mysql:8.0 --max_allowed_packet=100M --general_log=1 --general_log_file=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.log --innodb_use_native_aio=0
Run PrizmDoc Server (NOTE: PrizmDoc Server version must be 13.25 or later.):
docker run --rm --env ACCEPT_EULA=YES --network prizmdoc --publish 18681:18681 --name prizmdoc-server accusoft/prizmdoc-server
Wait until you see the following output in the console:
[info] Starting Product Runner... [info] product-runner has been started correctly. [info] Starting PCCIS Watchdog process... [info] PCCIS Watchdog has been started correctly.
Run the Process Manager:
docker run --name=process-manager --rm --network prizmdoc --publish 3000:3000 --publish 3001:3001 --env LOG_LEVEL=info --env "DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING=mysql://root:root@mysql:3306/ProcessManager" --env "PRIZMDOC_SERVER_URL=http://prizmdoc-server:18681" --env ACCEPT_EULA=YES accusoft/process-manager
Wait until you see something like this in the console:
{"level":30,"time":"2023-06-20T04:23:29.218Z","id":"2","gid":"hZXJxwIsH8dbmIu4n3XcrA","type":"initialization","end":true,"duration":408,"parent":{"taskId":"1"},"annotations":{"progress":"initialization is complete"}}
The Process Manager is ready to accept requests. You can check its readiness by navigating your browser to the internal API
. You should see an "OK" response.
To stop the running Docker containers, use the following commands in the terminal:
docker stop process-manager
docker stop prizmdoc-server
docker stop mysql