You can toggle DWG layers in and out of view in PrizmDoc® for Java. DWG layers are typically called referenced design layers. Layers include schematics or diagrams of blueprints that are embedded in the DWG file and laid over the image at view time.

The DWG option for PrizmDoc® for Java requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable installed on your computer.

You can either install this through Microsoft or use the vcredist_x64.exe that is included with your PrizmDoc® for Java license.

Follow the steps below to use the Layer Manager:

  1. Load a DWG or blueprints file that contains layers.
  2. Select the Layer Manager. The Layer Manager dialog box displays a list of all the DWG layers on the Image Layers tab. The left side of the tab displays the layer name. The right side of the tab displays a visibility button to toggle the visibility of the single layer.

  3. From the Layer Manager dialog box, choose which DWG layers to take in and out of view.
  4. Select the Visibility button to view or hide the image layer. A check on the visibility button indicates that the image layer is hidden.
  5. Select OK to display the changes that you made in the Layer Manager.

The DWG file format is only available for 64-bit Windows systems. Cropping a DWG page with layers is not supported.

Selecting Export, Print, Save As, and Email includes all DWG layers. There is no option to choose specific layers for each function to carry out.

Page Manipulations carry over all DWG layers on that page.

Virtual Documents consisting of DWG pages allow you to take the layers in and out of view on a page.

DWG XREF Support

You can load a DWG file that contains references to other files (xrefs). Those related drawings are attached and displayed along with the DWG file. This feature assumes that the xrefs are in the same location as the original DWG file.

Set a valid directory in the tmpDir key in web.xml.

If the content handler returns any external reference files, they are saved in the [your temp directory]/[document ID] directory. Make sure this directory is accessible to PrizmDoc® for Java to read and write. External reference files are saved into these directories.

Use the following key in the Content Handler result class:


This key returns the vector of ExternalReference objects defined in the clientcontentserver package.

To implement external references in your content handler, include references to the ExternalReference class in your code.