PrizmDoc Viewer v13.14 - Updated
Administrator Guide / PrizmDoc Server / Configuring / Substitute Fonts for Office Rendering Fidelity
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    Substitute Fonts for Office Rendering Fidelity
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    PrizmDoc Server uses a sophisticated logic to select the right font for accurate text rendering within Microsoft Office documents in the LibreOffice-based rendering mode. The logic to locate and use the appropriate font(s) can be broken down into the following sequence:

    1. PrizmDoc Server looks for pre-configured font substitutions, provided by PrizmDoc Viewer out-of-the-box. The configuration file defining the substitution in JSON format is located here:

    2. Windows: <install directory>/conf/OfficeConversionService.Font.Windows.config

    3. Linux: <install directory>/conf/OfficeConversionService.Font.Linux.config

    4. PrizmDoc Server looks for the exact font match within the local PrizmDoc Viewer fonts directory containing the fonts installed by the PrizmDoc Viewer distribution.

    5. PrizmDoc Server looks for the exact font match in the system fonts directory.
    6. If none of the steps above solved the substitution, the PrizmDoc Server will dynamically look for the most appropriate font substitution within the PrizmDoc Viewer local and system fonts using the font metrics. This step might provide less accurate results due to the specifics of certain fonts. Therefore, when dealing with a wide range of fonts and languages, it is recommended to install additional font packages. Specifically on Linux systems, such packages as "msttcorefonts" can be helpful to improve substitution of MS core fonts.

    For Asian language support on Linux systems, make sure to install corresponding language support in addition to the installed Asian fonts. Refer to the Install Asian Fonts topic for more information.