Accusoft NotateXpress 13
NotateXpress Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method AboutBoxDisplays an information dialog box describing the NotateXpress component.
Public Method Brand

The Brand method 'burns' or draws the currently visible annotations directly into the client image.

Public Method BringItemToFrontBrings the specified annotation element to the front of the Z-order for the specific layer.
Public Method BringToFrontBrings all currently selected items in the current layer to the visual front of the current layer.
Public Method ClearDeletes all layers and sets the CurrentLayer property to NULL.
Public Method CopyCopies the currently selected annotation elements to the clipboard, making them available to be pasted.
Public Method CopyLayerCopies the specified layer to the clipboard.
Public Method CreateLayerCreates a new annotation layer.
Public Method CutCopies the currently selected annotation elements in the current layer to the clipboard and then deletes the elements.
Public Method DeleteLayerDeletes the specified layer.
Public Method DeleteSelectedDeletes all currently selected elements in the current layer.
Public Method ElementAddPointAdds a new point to a point array attached to an existing element.   This is for creating line and multi-point annotations.
Public Method ElementAppendAppends a new annotation object to the current layer, using the attributes of the element parameter.
Public Method ElementChangePointChanges the point coordinates of the (zero-based) index of the point specified.
Public Method ElementClearPointsClears the points array of an existing element.
Public Method ElementCreateCreates a new annotation element that is used to append new annotations to the current layer.
Public Method ElementDestroyDestroys (frees) an element created by the ElementCreate method.
Public Method ElementGetAutoSizeGets the autosize attribute of an existing element.  AutoSize controls how the bounding box is sized for text, buttons, stamps, and images.
Public Method ElementGetBackColorGets the background color of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetBackstyleGets the background style of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetBevelLightColorGets the bevel light color of an existing button element.
Public Method ElementGetBevelShadowColorGets the bevel shadow color of an existing button element.
Public Method ElementGetBoundingRectGets the bounding rectangle of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetDIBHandleGets the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) handle of an existing image element.
Public Method ElementGetDIBHandle64Gets the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) handle of an existing image element in a 64-bit environment.
Public Method ElementGetFillColorGets the fill color of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetFixedGets the fixed attribute of an existing element.  Fixed controls if the annotation is locked to the ImagXpress control instead of the image.
Public Method ElementGetFontGets the font of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetGaugeLengthGets the gauge length of an existing ruler element. Gauge controls the size of the lines at the end of a ruler.
Public Method ElementGetHatchColorGets the hatch color of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetHatchStyleGets the hatch style of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetHighlightBackGets the highlight background of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetHighlightFillGets the highlight fill of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetLineBeginStyleGets the line begin style of an existing element.  LineBeginStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the beginning of line based tools.
Public Method ElementGetLineEndStyleGets the line end style of an existing element.  LineEndStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the end of line based tools.
Public Method ElementGetLockedGets the locked attribute of an existing element.  Locked controls if the user can move or select the annotation.
Public Method ElementGetMeasureGets the unit of measure being displayed for an existing ruler element.
Public Method ElementGetMoveableGets the moveable attribute of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetNumPointsGets the number of points allocated for an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetPenColorGets the pen color of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetPenFillStyleGets the pen fill style of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetPenStyleGets the pen style of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetPenWidthGets the pen width of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetPointGets the x and y coordinates of a point allocated for an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetPrecisionGets the minimum number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point for an existing ruler element.
Public Method ElementGetSelectedGets the selected attribute of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetShowAbbrGets an abbreviation attribute of an existing ruler element.  The abbreviation is a customizable string for each unit of measure.
Public Method ElementGetShowAngleGets the show/hide state for angle measurements in a protractor annotation.
Public Method ElementGetShowGaugeGets the ShowGauge attribute of an existing ruler element. Gauge is the perpendicular line at the end of a ruler.
Public Method ElementGetShowHandlesGets the ShowHandles attribute of an existing element.  The handles are represented by small "grab handles" around an element.
Public Method ElementGetShowLengthGets the ShowLength attribute of an existing ruler element.
Public Method ElementGetSizeableGets the sizeable attribute of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetTextGets the text of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetTextColorGets the text color of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetTextJustificationGets the text justification of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetTextLockedGets the textlocked attribute of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetTextOrientationGets the text orientation of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetTMSNoteGets the TMSNote attribute for an existing element.  This controls how a text element is saved in the legacy ann file format.
Public Method ElementGetToolTipTextGets the tool tip text of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetTransparentColorGets the transparent color of an existing image element.
Public Method ElementGetTypeGets the type of an existing element.  This controls what annotation type the element will turn into such as Ruler, Rectangle, Stamp, Image, etc.
Public Method ElementGetUserDrawGets the userdraw attribute of an existing rectangle element.  This controls if the application wants to draw or paint the rectangle itself.
Public Method ElementGetUserLongGets a long that the application may associate with an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetUserStringGets a string that the application may associate with an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetVisibleGets the visibility of an existing element.
Public Method ElementGetZOrderGets the Z-order (bottom to top display) of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetAutoSizeSets the autosize attribute of an existing element.  AutoSize controls how the bounding box is sized for text, buttons, stamps, and images.
Public Method ElementSetBackColorSets the background color of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetBackstyleSets the background style of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetBevelLightColorSets the bevel light color of an existing button element.
Public Method ElementSetBevelShadowColorSets the bevel shadow color of an existing button element.
Public Method ElementSetBoundingRectSets the bounding rectangle of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetDIBHandleSets the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) handle of an existing image element.
Public Method ElementSetDIBHandle64Sets the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) handle of an existing image element in a 64-bit environment.
Public Method ElementSetFillColorSets the fill color of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetFixedSets the fixed attribute of an existing element.  Fixed controls if the annotation is locked to the ImagXpress control instead of the image.
Public Method ElementSetFontSets the font of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetGaugeLengthSets the gauge length of an existing ruler element. Gauge controls the size of the lines at the end of a ruler.
Public Method ElementSetHatchColorSets the given hatch color for the specified element.
Public Method ElementSetHatchStyleSets the hatch style of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetHighlightBackSets the highlight background of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetHighlightFillSets the highlight fill of an existing element
Public Method ElementSetLineBeginStyleSets the line begin style of an existing element.  LineBeginStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the beginning of line based tools.
Public Method ElementSetLineEndStyleSets the line end style of an existing element.  LineEndStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the end of line based tools.
Public Method ElementSetLockedSets the locked attribute of an existing element.  Locked controls if the user can move or select the annotation.
Public Method ElementSetMeasureSets the unit of measure being displayed for an existing ruler element.
Public Method ElementSetMoveableSets the movable attribute of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetPenColorSets the pen color of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetPenFillStyleSets the pen fill style of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetPenStyleSets the pen style of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetPenWidthSets the pen width of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetPrecisionSets the minimum number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point for an existing ruler element.
Public Method ElementSetSelectedSets the selected attribute of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetShowAbbrSets an abbreviation attribute of an existing ruler element.  The abbreviation is a customizable string for each unit of measure.
Public Method ElementSetShowAngleSets the show/hide state for angle measurements in a protractor annotation.
Public Method ElementSetShowGaugeSets the ShowGauge attribute of an existing ruler element. Gauge is the perpendicular line at the end of a ruler.
Public Method ElementSetShowHandlesSets the ShowHandles attribute of an existing element.  The handles are represented by small "grab handles" around an element.
Public Method ElementSetShowLengthSets the ShowLength attribute of an existing ruler element.
Public Method ElementSetSizeableSets the sizeable attribute of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetTextSets the text of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetTextColorSets the text color of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetTextJustificationSets the text justification of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetTextLockedSets the textlocked attribute of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetTextOrientationSets the text orientation of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetTMSNoteSets the TMSNote attribute for an existing element.  This controls how a text element is saved in the legacy ann file format.
Public Method ElementSetToolTipTextSets the tool tip text of an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetTransparentColorSets the transparent color of an existing image element.
Public Method ElementSetTypeSets the type of an existing element.  This controls what annotation type the element will turn into such as Ruler, Rectangle, Stamp, Image, etc.
Public Method ElementSetUserDrawSets the userdraw attribute of an existing rectangle element.  This controls if the application wants to draw or paint the rectangle itself.
Public Method ElementSetUserLongSets a long that the application may associate with an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetUserStringSets a string that the application may associate with an existing element.
Public Method ElementSetVisibleSets the visible value for the given element.
Public Method ElementSetZOrderSets the Z-order (bottom to top display) of an existing element.
Public Method ElementUserDataAddAdds user data to an existing element.
Public Method ElementUserDataDeleteDeletes user data from an existing element.
Public Method ElementUserDataFindFinds user data from the existing element using the provided key.
Public Method ElementUserDataFindFirstFinds the first user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the existing element.
Public Method ElementUserDataFindNextFinds the next user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the existing element.
Public Method ForceAllUpdateSynchronizes all NotateXpress controls to the current NotateXpress data, when multiple ImagXpress controls are pointed to the same buffer.
Public Method GetActiveGets the user interactive state for the specified layer.
Public Method GetAnnIntoVariantGets the current annotation data into a variant byte array.
Public Method GetAnnIntoVariantForThumbnailGets annotation into Variant that is designed to be passed to ThumbnailXpress' SetItemAnnotations() method.
Public Method GetBackColorGets the default background color for the specified tool in a layer.
Public Method GetDescriptionGets the description for the specified layer.
Public Method GetFillColorGets the default fill color for a specific tool for a specific layer.
Public Method GetFirstLayerGets the first layer.
Public Method GetFontGets the default font for a specific tool for a specific layer.
Public Method GetHighlightBackGets the highlight background for a specific tool for a specific layer.
Public Method GetHighlightFillGets the default highlight fill for a specific tool for a specific layer.
Public Method GetLayerIntoVariantGets the current annotation data for the specified layer into a variant byte array.
Public Method GetLayerNameGets the name for the specified layer.
Public Method GetMeasureAbbrGets the measurement abbreviation for the specified MeasurementChoice.  This allows custom strings for each unit of measure.
Public Method GetNextLayerGets the next layer.
Public Method GetPenColorGets the default pen color for a specific tool for a specific layer.
Public Method GetPenWidthGets the default pen width for a specific tool for a specific layer.
Public Method GetTextGets the default text for a specific tool for a specific layer.
Public Method GetTextColorGets the default text color for a specific tool for a specific layer.
Public Method GetToolDefaultAttributeGets the global default attribute for a specific tool.
Public Method GetToolDefaultAttribute2Gets the system wide default attribute for a specific tool.
Public Method GetUseCursorTypeGets the value of whether a distinctive cursor will be used for a specific type of operation (creating, moving, or selecting objects).
Public Method GetUseCustomCursorTypeGets the handle that the user passed in during SetUseCustomCursorType for using custom cursors.
Public Method GetVisibleSets the visible state for a specific layer.
Public Method GrpAddItemAdds the annotation element that resides on the specified layer to the specified group.
Public Method GrpAddSelectedAdds all of the currently selected annotation elements on the specified layer to the specified group.
Public Method GrpAddTypeAdds all annotation elements of the specified annotation type to the specified group.
Public Method GrpCreateGroupCreates an empty annotation group.
Public Method GrpDestroyGroupDestroys the specified group.
Public Method GrpGetFirstGroupIDGets the group ID of the first group in an enumeration sequence of groups associated with the specified layer.
Public Method GrpGetFirstItemGets the sequence number of the first annotation element in an enumeration sequence of annotation elements in the specified group.
Public Method GrpGetItemCountGets the number of annotation elements in the specified annotation group.
Public Method GrpGetNameGets the name for the specified group.
Public Method GrpGetNextGroupIDGets the group ID of the next group in an enumeration sequence of groups associated with the specified layer.
Public Method GrpGetNextItemGets the sequence number of the next annotation element in an enumeration sequence of annotation elements in the specified group.
Public Method GrpGetRectGets the bounding rectangle for the specified group.
Public Method GrpGetSelectedGets the selected attribute for the specified group.
Public Method GrpGetUserLongGets a long that the application may associate for the specified group.
Public Method GrpGetUserStringGets a string that the application may associate for the specified group.
Public Method GrpGetYokedGets the yoked attribute for the specified group.
Public Method GrpGroupIDFromNameGets the GroupID for the specified group name.
Public Method GrpInvertInvert the arrangement of all annotation elements in the specified yoked annotation group.
Public Method GrpMirrorMirror the arrangement of all annotation elements for the specified yoked annotation group.
Public Method GrpRemoveAllRemove all annotation elements for the specified annotation group.
Public Method GrpRemoveItemRemoves the specified annotation element for the specified annotation group.
Public Method GrpRemoveTypeRemoves all elements of the specified annotation type for the specified group.
Public Method GrpSetAttributeSets the given attribute value to all members of the specified group that share the attribute.
Public Method GrpSetNameSets the user defined name for the specified annotation group.
Public Method GrpSetRectSets the bounding rectangle for the specified group.
Public Method GrpSetSelectedSets the selected attribute for the specified group.
Public Method GrpSetUserLongSets a long that the application may associate for the specified group.
Public Method GrpSetUserStringSets a string that the application may associate for the specified group.
Public Method GrpSetYokedSets the yoked attribute of the given group.
Public Method GrpUserDataAddAdds user data to a specific group.
Public Method GrpUserDataDeleteDeletes user data from a specific group.
Public Method GrpUserDataFindFinds user data from the specified group using the provided key.
Public Method GrpUserDataFindFirstFinds the first user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the specific group.
Public Method GrpUserDataFindNextFinds the next user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the specific group.
Public Method InterfaceConnectConnects NotateXpress to ImagXpress via an IUnknown interface pointer.
Public Method InterfaceDisconnectDisconnects NotateXpress from ImagXpress.
Public Method IsValidToolAttributeGets if the given attribute is valid for a specific tool type.
Public Method LayerUserDataAddAdds user data to a specific layer.
Public Method LayerUserDataDeleteDeletes user data from a specific layer.
Public Method LayerUserDataFindFinds user data from the specified layer using the provided key.
Public Method LayerUserDataFindFirstFinds the first user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the specific layer.
Public Method LayerUserDataFindNextFinds the next user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the specific layer.
Public Method MenuAddItemAdds the given item for the specified menu.
Public Method MenuChangeItemChanges the specified menu item for the specified menu.
Public Method MenuDeleteItemRemoves the specified item from the specified menu.
Public Method MenuGetEnabledGets if the specified menu is displayed.
Public Method MenuGetFirstItemIDGets the first set of menu ID's on the specified level for the specified menu.
Public Method MenuGetItemGet the text for the specified menu item.
Public Method MenuGetItemCheckedGets the checked attribute for the specified menu for the specified menu item.
Public Method MenuGetItemEnabledGets the enabled attribute for the specified menu for the specified menu item.
Public Method MenuGetItemVisibleGets the visible attribute for the specified menu for the specified menu item.
Public Method MenuGetNextItemIDGets the next set of menu ID's on the specified level for the specified menu.
Public Method MenuSetEnabledSets if the specified menu is displayed.
Public Method MenuSetItemCheckedSets the checked attribute for the specified menu for the specified menu item.
Public Method MenuSetItemEnabledSets the enabled attribute for the specified menu for the specified menu item.
Public Method MenuSetItemVisibleSets the visible attribute for the specified menu for the specified menu item.
Public Method NudgeDnMoves the specified annotation one level down in Z-Order (towards the bottom) in the painting order for the specified layer.
Public Method NudgeUpMoves the specified annotation one level up in Z-Order (towards the top) in the painting order for the specified layer.
Public Method PageUserDataAddAdds user data to the current page.
Public Method PageUserDataDeleteDeletes user data from the current page.
Public Method PageUserDataFindFinds user data from the current page using the provided key.
Public Method PageUserDataFindFirstFinds the first user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the current page.
Public Method PageUserDataFindNextFinds the next user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the current page.
Public Method PastePastes the available annotation elements into the current layer from the clipboard.
Public Method PasteLayerPastes a layer from the clipboard.
Public Method PrgDeleteAllDeletes all annotation elements for the specific layer and sets the current Tool to the PointerTool.
Public Method PrgDeleteItemDeletes the specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetFirstItemGets the first element in an enumeration sequence of elements for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetFirstSelectedGets the first selected element in an enumeration sequence of selected elements for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetGaugeLengthGets the gauge length for a specific element. Gauge controls the size of the lines at the end of a ruler.
Public Method PrgGetGroupCountGet the number of groups for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetImageMappingDimensionsGets the mapping width and height coordinates when NotateXpress cannot query ImagXpress for current image dimensions.
Public Method PrgGetItemAttributesGets the complete attribute set of an existing annotation item, and applies it to a new element.
Public Method PrgGetItemAutoSizeGets the autosize attribute for a specific element for the specific layer.  AutoSize controls how the bounding box is sized for text, buttons, stamps, and images.
Public Method PrgGetItemBackstyleGets the background style for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemColorGets the color of an attribute for the specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemCountGets the number of annotation elements for the specified layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemCreateTimeGets the create time for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemDIBGets a copy of the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) handle for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemDIB64Gets a copy of the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) handle for a specific element for the specific layer in a 64-bit environment.
Public Method PrgGetItemFixedGets the fixed attribute for a specific element for the specific layer.  Fixed controls if the annotation is locked to the ImagXpress control instead of the image.
Public Method PrgGetItemFontGets the font for a specific element for the specific layer
Public Method PrgGetItemGroupIDGets the group ID for a specific element for the specific layer
Public Method PrgGetItemHatchColorGets the hatch color for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemHatchStyleGets the hatch style for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemHighlightBackGets the highlight background for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemHighlightFillGets the highlight fill for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemLineBeginStyleGets the line begin style for a specific element for the specific layer.  LineBeginStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the beginning of line based tools.
Public Method PrgGetItemLineEndStyleGets the line end style for a specific element for the specific layer.  LineEndStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the end of line based tools.
Public Method PrgGetItemLockedGets the locked attribute for a specific element for the specific layer.  Locked controls if the user can move or select the annotation.
Public Method PrgGetItemMoveableGets the moveable attribute for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemNameGets the name for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemNumPointsGets the number of points allocated for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemPenFillStyleGets the pen fill style for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemPenStyleGets the pen style for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemPenWidthGets the pen width for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemPointGets the x and y coordinates of a point allocated for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemPointXGets the x coordinate of a point allocated for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemPointYGets the y coordinate of a point allocated for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemRectGets the bounding rectangle for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemSelectedGets the selected attribute for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemShowHandlesGets the ShowHandles attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. The handles are represented by small "grab handles" around an element.
Public Method PrgGetItemSizeableGets the sizeable attribute for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemTextGets the text for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemTextJustificationGets the text justification for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemTextLockedGets the textlocked attribute for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemTextOrientationGets the text orientation for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemTMSNoteGets the TMSNote attribute for a specific element for the specific layer.  This controls how a text element is saved in the legacy ann file format.
Public Method PrgGetItemToolTipTextGets the tool tip text for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemTransparentColorGets the transparent color for a specific image element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemTypeGets the type for a specific element for the specific layer.  This controls what annotation type the element will turn into such as Ruler, Rectangle, Stamp, Image, etc.
Public Method PrgGetItemUserDrawGets the userdraw attribute for a specific element for the specific layer.  This controls if the application wants to draw or paint the rectangle itself.
Public Method PrgGetItemUserLongGets a long that the application may associate with a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemUserStringGets a string that the application may associate with a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemVisibleGets the visibility for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetItemZOrderGets the Z-order (bottom to top display) for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetMeasureGets the unit of measure being displayed for a specific ruler element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetNextItemGets the next element in an enumeration sequence of elements for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetNextSelectedGets the next selected element in an enumeration sequence of selected elements for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetPrecisionGets the minimum number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point for a specific ruler element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetProtractorAngleGets the current protractor angle.
Public Method PrgGetRulerLengthGets the length for a specific ruler element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgGetShowAbbrGets an abbreviation attribute for a specific ruler element for the specific layer.  The abbreviation is a customizable string for each unit of measure.
Public Method PrgGetShowAngleGets the show/hide state for angle measurements in a protractor annotation.
Public Method PrgGetShowGaugeGets the ShowGauge attribute for a specific ruler element for the specific layer. Gauge is the perpendicular line at the end of a ruler.
Public Method PrgGetShowLengthGets the ShowLength attribute for a specific ruler element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgItemUserDataAddAdds user data for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgItemUserDataDeleteDeletes user data from a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgItemUserDataFindFinds user data from a specific element for the specific layer using the provided key.
Public Method PrgItemUserDataFindFirstFinds the first user data pair from the list of key value pairs for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgItemUserDataFindNextFinds the next user data pair from the list of key value pairs for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgMoveItemMoves the specified existing annotation element for the specific layer to the new coordinates.
Public Method PrgSelectAllSelects or deselects all annotation elements for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSelectItemSets the selected attribute for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSequenceFromEntryGets the unique sequence number of the specified (one-based) annotation element in the specified layer.
Public Method PrgSetGaugeLengthSets the gauge length for a specific element. Gauge controls the size of the lines at the end of a ruler.
Public Method PrgSetImageMappingDimensionsSets the mapping width and height coordinates when NotateXpress cannot query ImagXpress for current image dimensions.
Public Method PrgSetItemAutoSizeSets the autosize attribute for a specific element for the specific layer.  AutoSize controls how the bounding box is sized for text, buttons, stamps, and images.
Public Method PrgSetItemBackstyleSets the background style for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemColorSets the color of an attribute for the specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemDIBMakes a copy of the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) handle for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemDIB64Makes a copy of the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) handle for a specific element for the specific layer in 64-bit environments.
Public Method PrgSetItemFixedSets the fixed attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. Fixed controls if the annotation is locked to the ImagXpress control instead of the image.
Public Method PrgSetItemFontSets the font for a specific element for the specific layer
Public Method PrgSetItemHatchColorSets the hatch color for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemHatchStyleSets the hatch style for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemHighlightBackSets the highlight fill for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemHighlightFillSets the HighlightFill attribute of the specified object.
Public Method PrgSetItemLineBeginStyleSets the line begin style for a specific element for the specific layer.  LineBeginStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the beginning of line based tools.
Public Method PrgSetItemLineEndStyleSets the line end style for a specific element for the specific layer.  LineEndStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the end of line based tools.
Public Method PrgSetItemLockedSets the locked attribute for a specific element for the specific layer.  Locked controls if the user can move or select the annotation.
Public Method PrgSetItemMoveableSets the moveable attribute for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemNameSets the name for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemPenFillStyleSets the pen fill style for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemPenStyleSets the pen style for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemPenWidthSets the pen width for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemPointSets the x and y coordinates of a point allocated for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemPointXSets the x coordinate of a point allocated for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemPointYSets the y coordinate of a point allocated for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemRectSets the bounding rectangle for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemSelectedSets the selected attribute for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemShowHandlesSets the ShowHandles attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. The handles are represented by small "grab handles" around an element.
Public Method PrgSetItemSizeableSets the sizeable attribute for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemTextSets the text for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemTextJustificationSets the text justification for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemTextLockedSets the textlocked attribute for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemTextOrientationSets the text orientation for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemTMSNoteSets the TMSNote attribute for a specific element for the specific layer.  This controls how a text element is saved in the legacy ann file format.
Public Method PrgSetItemToolTipTextSets the tool tip text for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemTransparentColorSets the transparent color for a specific image element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemUserDrawSets the userdraw attribute for a specific element for the specific layer.  This controls if the application wants to draw or paint the rectangle itself.
Public Method PrgSetItemUserLongSets a long that the application may associate with a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemUserStringSets a string that the application may associate with a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemVisibleSets the visibility for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemWangTypeSets specific Eastman/Wang compatible attributes for a specific to a text element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetItemZOrderSets the Z-order (bottom to top display) for a specific element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetMeasureSets the unit of measure being displayed for a specific ruler element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetPrecisionSets the minimum number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point for a specific ruler element for the specific layer.
Public Method PrgSetShowAbbrSets an abbreviation attribute for a specific ruler element for the specific layer.  The abbreviation is a customizable string for each unit of measure.
Public Method PrgSetShowAngleSets the show/hide state for angle measurements in a protractor annotation.
Public Method PrgSetShowGaugeSets the ShowGauge attribute for a specific ruler element for the specific layer. Gauge is the perpendicular line at the end of a ruler.
Public Method PrgSetShowLengthSets the ShowLength attribute for a specific ruler element for the specific layer.
Public Method RetrieveAnnotationRestores annotations from a previously saved file.
Public Method ReverseReverses the Z-order (bottom to top display) for the specific layer.
Public Method SendItemToBackSends the specified annotation element to the back of the Z-order for the specific layer.
Public Method SendToBackSends all currently selected items in the current to the visual back of the current layer.
Public Method SetActiveSets the user interactive state for the specified layer.
Public Method SetAnnFromVariantSets the current annotation data from a variant byte array.
Public Method SetAttributeColorSets the default color attribute for a specific tool for a specific layer.
Public Method SetAttributeWidthSets the default width in pixels for a specific tool for a specific layer.
Public Method SetBackColorSets the default background color for a specific tool for a specific layer.
Public Method SetClientWindowConnects NotateXpress to ImagXpress via an ImagXpress window handle.
Public Method SetCurrentLayerSets the current annotation layer.
Public Method SetDescriptionSets the description for a specific layer.
Public Method SetFillColorSets the default fill color for a specific tool for a specific layer.
Public Method SetFontSets the default font for a specific tool for a specific layer.
Public Method SetHighlightBackSets the default highlight background for a specific tool for a specific layer.
Public Method SetHighlightFillSets the default highlight fill for a specific tool for a specific layer.
Public Method SetLayerFromVariantSets the current annotation data for the specified layer into a variant byte array.
Public Method SetLayerNameSets the name for the specified layer.
Public Method SetMeasureAbbrSets the measurement abbreviation for the specified MeasurementChoice.  This allows custom strings for each unit of measure.
Public Method SetPenColorSets the default pen color for a specific tool for a specific layer.
Public Method SetPenWidthSets the default pen width for a specific tool for a specific layer.
Public Method SetTextSets the default text for a specific tool for a specific layer.
Public Method SetTextColorSets the default text color for a specific tool for a specific layer.
Public Method SetToolDefaultAttributeSets the global default attribute for a specific tool.
Public Method SetUseCursorTypeSets the value of whether a distinctive cursor will be used for a specific type of operation (creating, moving, or selecting objects).
Public Method SetUseCustomCursorTypeSets the handle for using custom cursors.
Public Method SetVisibleSets the visible state for a specific layer.
Public Method StoreAnnotationSaves the current annotations into a file.
Public Method ToolbarDeleteToolDeletes a specific tool from the toolbar for the specific layer.
Public Method ToolbarGetEnabledGets if the toolbar is enabled for the specific layer.
Public Method ToolbarGetToolGets the currently selected tool for the specific layer.
Public Method ToolbarGetToolEnabledGets if a specific tool on the toolbar is enabled for the specific layer.
Public Method ToolbarGetToolTipGets the tool tip string for a specific tool on the toolbar.
Public Method ToolbarGetToolVisibleGets if a specific tool on the toolbar is visible for the specific layer.
Public Method ToolbarGetVisibleGets if the toolbar is visible for the specific layer.
Public Method ToolbarSetEnabledSets if the toolbar is enabled for the specific layer.
Public Method ToolbarSetToolSets the currently selected tool for the specific layer.
Public Method ToolbarSetToolEnabledSets if a specific tool on the toolbar is enabled for the specific layer.
Public Method ToolbarSetToolTipSets the tool tip string for a specific tool on the toolbar.
Public Method ToolbarSetToolVisibleSets if a specific tool on the toolbar is visible for the specific layer.
Public Method ToolbarSetVisibleSets if the toolbar is visible for the specific layer.
Public Method UserColorSelectDisplays the standard system color dialog to allow the user to select a color for a specific tool's attribute.
Public Method UserFontSelectDisplays the standard system font dialog to allow the user to select a font.
Public Method UserItemColorSelectDisplays the standard system color dialog to allow the user to select a new color for the element specified.
Public Method UserItemFontSelectDisplays the standard system font dialog to allow the user to select a font for the element specified.
Public Properties
Public Property ActiveGets and sets the user interactive state for the current layer.
Public Property AllowPaintGets and sets if annotations will be painted (rendered to the display).
Public Property AllowUserGroupingGets and sets if users can create and destroy groups via keyboard commands.
Public Property AnnotationTypeGets and sets the annotation format that will be saved or retrieved.
Public Property AuthorGets and sets the author that will be saved with your annotation file.
Public Property BackColorGets and sets the default background color for the currently selected tool for the current layer.
Public Property ClientGets and sets the name of the ImagXpress control to be annotated.
Public Property CommentsGets and sets a comment that will be saved with your annotation file.
Public Property CurrentLayerGets and sets the currently active layer in the control.
Public Property DebugGets and sets if error information is written to the DebugLogFile.
Public Property DebugErrorLevelGets and sets the level of detail to record in the DebugLogFile.
Public Property DebugLogFileGets and sets the filename and directory of the debug log file.
Public Property DefaultBackColorGets and sets the default background color that will be applied to tools all in a new layer.
Public Property DefaultButtonFontGets and sets the default font of new interactively created button elements.
Public Property DefaultButtonTextGets and sets the default text of new interactively created button elements.
Public Property DefaultFillColorGets and sets the default fill color that will be applied to all tools in a new layer.
Public Property DefaultHighlightBackGets and sets if the background color will be highlighted (translucent) to all tools in a new layer.
Public Property DefaultHighlightFillGets and sets if the background color will be highlighted (translucent) to all tools in a new layer.
Public Property DefaultNoteFontGets and sets the default font of new interactively created note elements.
Public Property DefaultPenColorGets and sets the default pen color that will be applied to new interactively created elements.
Public Property DefaultPenWidthGets and sets the default pen width that will be applied to new interactively created elements.
Public Property DefaultProtractorFontGets and sets the default Protractor Font.
Public Property DefaultRulerFontGets and sets the default font of new interactively created ruler elements.
Public Property DefaultStampFontGets and sets the font of new interactively created stamp elements.
Public Property DefaultStampTextGets and sets the default text of new interactively created stamp elements.
Public Property DefaultTextColorGets and sets the default text color that will be applied to new interactively created elements.
Public Property DefaultTextFontGets and sets the default font of new interactively created text elements.
Public Property DefaultToolGets and sets the default tool that becomes the active tool in a new layer.
Public Property DescriptionGets and sets the description for the current layer.
Public Property FillColorGets and sets the default fill color for the currently selected tool for the current layer.
Public Property FontGets and sets the default font for the currently selected tool for new interactively created elements.
Public Property FontScalingGets and sets how a font is scaled relative to an images vertical resolution DPI (dots per inch).
Public Property HighlightBackGets and sets if the background color for the currently selected tool for the current layer displays highlighted (translucent) or as an opaque color.
Public Property HighlightFillGets and sets if the fill color for the currently selected tool for the current layer displays highlighted (translucent) or as an opaque color.
Public Property InstanceHandleGets the Instance Handle for the NotateXpress object.
Public Property InteractModeGets and sets the interactive state of the annotations.
Public Property IsElementPasteAvailableGets if there are annotation elements available on the clipboard.
Public Property IsLayerPasteAvailableGets if there is a layer available on the clipboard.
Public Property IsSelectionGets if there are elements selected in the current layer.
Public Property LayerNameGets and sets a descriptive name to the current layer.
Public Property LayerPasswordGets and sets the password for the current layer.
Public Property LineBeginStyleGets and sets the line begin style.  LineBeginStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the beginning of line based tools.
Public Property LineEndStyleGets and sets the line end style.  LineEndStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the end of line based tools.
Public Property LineScalingGets and sets how a line is scaled relative to an images vertical resolution DPI (dots per inch).
Public Property LoadAnnotationsGets and sets if annotations are loaded from a TIFF file when a TIFF file containing annotations is loaded by ImagXpress.
Public Property LoadUserDataGets and sets if NotateXpress should read and store unknown attributes when loading XML data.
Public Property MLECompatibleGets and sets if text editing uses a standard multi-line edit control.
Public Property NoteIconGets and sets a handle to a custom icon associated with the Notetool.
Public Property NumLayersGets the number of annotation layers.
Public Property NXPEditorsGets and sets if NotateXpress will use the default text editors.
Public Property PageNumberGets and sets the page number.
Public Property PenColorGets and sets the default pen color for the currently selected tool for the current layer.
Public Property PenWidthGets and sets the default pen width for the currently selected tool for the current layer.
Public Property PreserveWTLayersGets and sets the way that NotateXpress elements are stored in Kodak/Wang annotation compatible TIFF files.
Public Property RaiseExceptionsGets and sets if errors are raised as exceptions.
Public Property RecalibrateXDPIGets and sets the X DPI (Dots per inch) that overrides the DPI value received from the file.
Public Property RecalibrateYDPIGets and sets the Y DPI (Dots per inch) that overrides the DPI value received from the file.
Public Property SaveAnnotationsGets and sets if annotations are saved into a TIFF file when the ImagXpress SaveFile method is called.
Public Property SaveMappingGets and sets the coordinate mapping conversion system that is used when reading or writing annotation files.
Public Property SaveUserDataGets and sets if NotateXpress should write unknown attributes when saving XML data.
Public Property SubjectGets and sets the subject that will be saved with your annotation file.
Public Property TextGets and sets the default text of new interactively created elements.
Public Property TextColorGets and sets the text color for the currently selected tool for the current layer.
Public Property TextToolArrowsGets and sets if arrows should be shown on the TextTool when there is more text than what can be displayed.
Public Property TIFFAnnotationTypeThe property is obsolete
Public Property TitleGets and sets the title that will be saved with your annotation file.
Public Property ToolGets and sets the current tool for the current layer.
Public Property ToolbarActivatedGets and sets if the NotateXpress toolbar is created and available for use.
Public Property ToolbarHeightGets and sets the height in icons of the toolbar.
Public Property ToolbarHwndGets the window handle of the toolbar.
Public Property ToolbarIconSizeGets and sets the toolbar icon size.
Public Property ToolbarWidthGets and sets the width in icons of the toolbar.
Public Property ToolTipTimeEditGets and sets the tool tip time for elements in edit mode.
Public Property ToolTipTimeInteractiveGets and sets the tool tip time for elements in interactive mode.
Public Property UnicodeModeGets and sets if Unicode characters are needed.
Public Property UpdatePaintGets and sets if annotations will paint.
Public Property VersionReturns the version of the NotateXpress control at run-time.
Public Property VisibleGets and sets the visibility of the current layer.
Public Event AnnotateEventRaised when there is a change in annotations.  This event encompasses many sub events such as adding, deleting, and changing annotations.
Public Event AnnotationsChangedThis event is raised when an annotation has changed.
Public Event ClickRaised when an annotation element is clicked in Interactive Mode.
Public Event CurrentLayerChangeRaised when the current layer changes.
Public Event DoubleClickRaised when an annotation element is double clicked in Interactive Mode.
Public Event DroppedRaised when XFDF annotations that are not supported by NotateXpress are read in.
Public Event ItemChangedRaised when an annotation element changes.
Public Event LayerRestoredRaised when each layer is restored during the loading of a previously saved annotation file.
Public Event MappingInputRaised when an advanced user wants to change how NotateXpress does its input coordinate conversions.
Public Event MappingOutputRaised when an advanced user wants to change how NotateXpress does its output coordinate conversions.
Public Event MenuSelectRaised when a menu selection is made on one of the right click menus.
Public Event MouseDownRaised when an annotation element receives a MouseDown event in Interactive Mode.
Public Event MouseMoveRaised when the mouse is moved over an annotation element in Interactive Mode.
Public Event MouseUpRaised when an annotation element receives a MouseUp event in Interactive Mode.
Public Event RequestLayerPasswordRaised when a password encrypted layer is found during the loading of an annotation file.
Public Event StampingRaised when the stamp tool is being used and just before the stamp is displayed.
Public Event ToolbarCloseRaised when the toolbar is closed.
Public Event ToolbarOpenRaised when the toolbar is opened.
Public Event ToolbarSelectRaised when a tool selection is made on the toolbar.
Public Event UserDrawRaised when the application wants to draw or paint the rectangle itself. and the UserDraw attribute is True.
Public Event UserGroupCreatedRaised when a user creates a new group by selecting multiple objects and then pressing Ctrl-G.
Public Event UserGroupDestroyedRaised when the user destroys a selected group by pressing Ctrl-U.
See Also

NotateXpress Object



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