AccusoftNotateXpress13 ActiveX DLL > NotateXpress Object : GetToolDefaultAttribute2 Method |
Visual Basic |
Public Function GetToolDefaultAttribute2( _ ByVal Tool As NX_AnnotationTool, _ ByVal Attribute As Long _ ) As Long |
Value | Description |
NX_BlockHighlightTool | (&H100C) - BlockHighlight tool. |
NX_ButtonTool | (&H100A) - Button tool. |
NX_EllipseTool | (&H1003) - Ellipse tool. |
NX_FreehandTool | (&H1007) - Freehand Tool. |
NX_ImageTool | (&H1009) - Image tool. |
NX_LineTool | (&H1006) - Line Tool. |
NX_NoteTool | (&H100D) - Note tool. |
NX_NoTool | (&H0000) - Disables annotation. |
NX_PointerTool | (&H1000) - Selection tool. |
NX_PolygonTool | (&H1004) - Polygon Tool. |
NX_PolyLineTool | (&H1005) - PolyLine Tool. |
NX_ProtractorTool | Protractor |
NX_RectangleTool | (&H1002) - Rectangle tool. |
NX_RulerTool | (&H100B) - Ruler tool. |
NX_StampTool | (&H1008) - Stamp tool. |
NX_TextTool | (&H1001) - Text tool. |
This controls system wide (global) defaults. It can be overridden by using any of the layer defaults calls.
This will effect tools created programmatically or selected from the toolbar.
See the Attribute Matrix for more detailed attribute information.