ImGearJPEGTagIDs Enumeration
Lists all JPEG tag identifiers.
__value public enum ImGearJPEGTagIDs : public System.Enum
public enum class ImGearJPEGTagIDs : public System.Enum
Member | Value | Description |
APP1 | 65505 | Application marker - first. |
APP10 | 65514 | Application marker - 10. |
APP11 | 65515 | Application marker - 11. |
APP12 | 65516 | Application marker - 12. |
APP13 | 65517 | Application marker - 13. |
APP14 | 65518 | Application marker - 14. |
APP15 | 65519 | Application marker - last. |
APP2 | 65506 | Application marker - 2. |
APP3 | 65507 | Application marker - 3. |
APP4 | 65508 | Application marker - 4. |
APP5 | 65509 | Application marker - 5. |
APP6 | 65510 | Application marker - 6. |
APP7 | 65511 | Application marker - 7. |
APP8 | 65512 | Application marker - 8. |
APP9 | 65513 | Application marker - 9. |
BINARY_DATA | 370 | Segment binary data. |
CHUNKNUMBER | 394 | Chunk number. |
COM | 65534 | Comment value. |
COMMENT | 350 | Comment value. |
DAC | 65484 | DAC - Define Arithmetic coding Conditioning. |
DHP | 65502 | Define hierarchical progression. |
DHT | 65476 | Huffman tables. |
DNL | 65500 | Define number of lines. |
DQT | 65499 | Quantization tables. |
DRI | 65501 | Restart Interval. |
EOI | 65497 | End of Image. |
EXIF_ID | 380 | EXIF ID tag. |
EXP | 65503 | Expand reference image. |
FORMAT | 46 | JPEG metadata format identifier. |
FRAME_COMPONENT_HV_SAMPLING | 306 | SOF Component HV Sampling. |
FRAME_COMPONENT_ID | 305 | SOF Component ID. |
FRAME_COMPONENT_QUANT_SELECTOR | 307 | SOF Component quantization table selector. |
FRAME_COMPONENT_SPEC | 304 | SOF Component specification. |
FRAME_LINES | 301 | SOF Lines. |
FRAME_NUMBER_OF_COMPONENTS | 303 | SOF Number of components. |
FRAME_PRECISION | 300 | SOF Precision. |
FRAME_SAMPLES_PER_LINE | 302 | SOF Samples Per Line. |
HUFFMAN_TABLE | 320 | Huffman table. |
HUFFMAN_TABLE_DESCRIPTOR | 321 | Huffman table descriptor. |
HUFFMAN_TABLE_LENGTHS | 322 | Huffman table lengths. |
HUFFMAN_TABLE_VALUES | 323 | Huffman table values. |
ICCPROFILEDATA | 393 | ICC Profile data. |
IDENTIFIER | 392 | Segment identifier. |
JFIF | 65504 | Application marker - JFIF header (APP0). |
JFIF_ID | 360 | JFIF ID value. |
JFIF_THUMB_HEIGHT | 366 | JFIF thumbnail height. |
JFIF_THUMB_WIDTH | 365 | JFIF thumbnail width. |
JFIF_UNITS | 362 | JFIF resolution unit. |
JFIF_VERSION | 361 | JFIF version. |
JFIF_X_RES | 363 | JFIF X resolution. |
JFIF_Y_RES | 364 | JFIF Y resolution. |
JPG | 65480 | Reserved for JPEG extensions. |
PHOTOSHOP_ID | 390 | Photoshop ID. |
PHOTOSHOP_RESOURCES | 391 | Photoshop Resources. |
QUANT_TABLE | 310 | Quantization table. |
QUANT_TABLE_DESCRIPTOR | 311 | Quantization table descriptor. |
QUANT_TABLE_ELEMENTS | 312 | Quantization table elements. |
RESTART_INTERVAL | 340 | Restart interval. |
RST0 | 65488 | Restart marker. |
RST1 | 65489 | Restart marker. |
RST2 | 65490 | Restart marker. |
RST3 | 65491 | Restart marker. |
RST4 | 65492 | Restart marker. |
RST5 | 65493 | Restart marker. |
RST6 | 65494 | Restart marker. |
RST7 | 65495 | Restart marker. |
SCAN_AH_AL | 336 | Scan AH, AL. |
SCAN_COMPONENT | 331 | Scan component. |
SCAN_COMPONENT_NUMBER | 330 | Scan component number. |
SCAN_DC_AC | 333 | Scan AC, DC. |
SCAN_SELECTOR | 332 | Scan selector. |
SCAN_SP_END | 335 | Scan spectral end. |
SCAN_SP_START | 334 | Scan spectral start. |
SOF0 | 65472 | Baseline DCT. |
SOF1 | 65473 | Extended sequential DCT. |
SOF10 | 65482 | Progressive DCT - arithmetic encoding. |
SOF11 | 65483 | Lossless sequential - arithmetic encoding. |
SOF13 | 65485 | Differential sequential DCT - arithmetic encoding. |
SOF14 | 65486 | Differential progressive DCT - arithmetic encoding. |
SOF15 | 65487 | Differential lossless - arithmetic encoding. |
SOF2 | 65474 | Progressive DCT. |
SOF3 | 65475 | Lossless (sequential). |
SOF5 | 65477 | Differential sequential DCT. |
SOF6 | 65478 | Differential progressive DCT. |
SOF7 | 65479 | Differential lossless. |
SOF9 | 65481 | Extended sequential DCT - arithmetic encoding. |
SOI | 65496 | Start of Image. |
SOS | 65498 | Start of Segment. |
TEM | 65281 | TEM marker. |
XMP | 395 | XML packet containing XMP metadata. |
XMP_IDENTIFIER | 396 | XMP identifier. |