ImGearColorSpaceIDs Enumeration
Specifies ImageGear color space IDs.
__value public enum ImGearColorSpaceIDs : public System.Enum
public enum class ImGearColorSpaceIDs : public System.Enum
Member | Value | Description |
A | 256 | Image has alpha channel; color channels are not pre-multiplied by Alpha channel. |
CMY | 8 | CMY color space. |
CMYK | 9 | CMYK color space. |
CMYKEx | 1033 | CMYK + Extra channel. |
ColorMask | 255 | Bitmask used to access color space description for color channels only (e.g., RGBEx & ColorMask == RGB; GyA & ColorMask == Gy). |
Ex | 1024 | Extra channel. |
Gy | 2 | Grayscale color space. |
GyA | 258 | Grayscale + Alpha channel. |
GyPA | 514 | Grayscale + premultiplied alpha channel. |
GyPAEx | 1538 | Grayscale + premultiplied alpha channel + extra channel. |
HLS | 5 | HLS color space. |
I | 3 | Indexed RGB color space. Has RGBQuad palette and one channel. Channel depth is <= 8;
the number of palette entries is 2^<channel depth>. No other color space can have non-null palette. |
IHS | 4 | IHS color space. |
LAB | 6 | LAB color space. |
NONE | 0 | No color space is specified. |
P | 512 | Premultiplied channel. |
RGB | 1 | RGB color space. |
RGBA | 257 | RGB + alpha channel. |
RGBAEx | 1281 | RGB + alpha + extra channel. |
RGBEx | 1025 | RGB + extra channel. |
RGBPA | 513 | RGB + premultiplied alpha channel. |
RGBPAEx | 1537 | RGB + premultiplied alpha channel + extra channel. |
Unknown | 1024 | Only ‘Extra’ channels are present (1 or more channels). |
YCbCr | 10 | YCbCr color space. |
YIQ | 7 | YIQ color space. |
YUV | 11 | YUV color space. |