ImGearEXIFTagIDs Enumeration
Lists all EXIF tag identifiers.
__value public enum ImGearEXIFTagIDs : public System.Enum
public enum class ImGearEXIFTagIDs : public System.Enum
Member | Value | Description |
APERTUREVALUE | 37378 | Aperture value. |
BRIGHTNESSVALUE | 37379 | Brightness value. |
CFAPATTERN | 41730 | CFA pattern. |
COLORSPACE | 40961 | Color space. |
COMPONENTCONFIGURATION | 37121 | Components configuration. |
COMPRESSEDBITSPERPIXEL | 37122 | Compressed bits per pixel. |
CONTRAST | 41992 | Indicates the direction of contrast processing applied by the camera when the image was shot. |
CUSTOMRENDERED | 41985 | Custom rendered. |
DATETIMEDIGITIZED | 36868 | Date time digitized. |
DATETIMEORIGINAL | 36867 | Date time original. |
DEVICESETTINGDESCRIPTION | 41995 | Device setting description. |
DIGITALZOOMRATIO | 41988 | Digital zoom ratio. |
EXPOSUREBIASVALUE | 37380 | Exposure bias value. |
EXPOSUREINDEX | 41493 | Exposure index. |
EXPOSUREMODE | 41986 | Exposure mode. |
EXPOSUREPROGRAM | 34850 | Exposure program. |
EXPOSURETIME | 33434 | Exposure time. |
FILESOURCE | 41728 | File source. |
FLASH | 37385 | Indicates weither or not flash used when the image was captured. |
FLASHENERGY | 41483 | Flash energy. |
FLASHPIXVERSION | 40960 | Flash pix version. |
FNUMBER | 33437 | F number value. |
FOCALLENGTH | 37386 | Focal length. |
FOCALLENGTHIN35MMFILM | 41989 | Focal length in 35mm film. |
FOCALPLANERESOLUTIONUNIT | 41488 | Focal plane resolution unit. |
FOCALPLANEXRESOLUTION | 41486 | Focal plane X resolution. |
FOCALPLANEYRESOLUTION | 41487 | Focal plane Y resolution. |
FORMAT | 1100 | EXIF metadata format identifier. |
GAINCONTROL | 41991 | Gain control. |
HEADER | 59935 | This enumeration value is for internal use only. |
IMAGEUNIQUEID | 42016 | Indicates an identifier assigned uniquely to each image. |
INTEROPERABILITYIFD | 40965 | Interoperability IFD pointer. |
ISOSPEEDRATING | 34855 | ISO speed ratings. |
LIGHTSOURCE | 37384 | Light source. |
MAKERNOTE | 37500 | Maker note. |
MAXAPERTUREVALUE | 37381 | Max aperture value. |
METERINGMODE | 37383 | Metering mode. |
OECF | 34856 | Indicates the Opto-Electric Conversion Function (OECF) specified in ISO 14524. |
PIXELXDIMENSION | 40962 | Pixel X dimension. |
PIXELYDIMENSION | 40963 | Pixel Y dimension. |
RELATEDSOUNDFILE | 40964 | Related sound file. |
SATURATION | 41993 | Indicates the direction of saturation processing applied by the camera when the image was shot. |
SCENECAPTURETYPE | 41990 | Scene capture type. |
SCENETYPE | 41729 | Scene type. |
SENSINGMETHOD | 41495 | Sensing method. |
SHARPNESS | 41994 | Indicates the direction of sharpness processing applied by the camera when the image was shot. |
SHUTTERSPEEDVALUE | 37377 | Shutter speed value. |
SPATIALFREQUENCYRESPONSE | 41484 | Spatial frequency response. |
SPECTRALSENSITIVITY | 34852 | Spectral sensitivity. |
SUBJECTAREA | 37396 | Subject area. |
SUBJECTDISTANCE | 37382 | Subject distance. |
SUBJECTDISTANCERANGE | 41996 | Subject distance range. |
SUBJECTLOCATION | 41492 | Subject location. |
SUBSECTIME | 37520 | Sub sec time. |
SUBSECTIMEDIGITIZED | 37522 | Sub sec time digitized. |
SUBSECTIMEORIGINAL | 37521 | Sub sec time original. |
USERCOMMENT | 37510 | User comment. |
VERSION | 36864 | Exif version. |
WHITEBALANCE | 41987 | White balance. |