Accusoft ThumbnailXpress 6
ThumbnailXpress Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method AboutBoxDisplays a dialog box with the Thumbnail version and copyright information.
Public Method AddDirectoryItems

Adds the items in the specified directory to the list of thumbnail items.

PDF support is deprecated in ImagXpress; instead, please use PDF Xpress for PDF support via the UsePdfXpressForPDFsOnly property.

Public Method AddFileItems

Adds the items in the specified file to the list of thumbnail items.

PDF support is deprecated in ImagXpress; instead, please use PDF Xpress for PDF support via the UsePdfXpressForPDFsOnly property.

Public Method AddFilterItemAdds a new filter to the end of the filter list.
Public Method BeginUpdate

Disables control repainting to eliminate flicker when making multiple changes to the list of thumbnail items.

Public Method CancelCancels all pending thumbnail item generation requests.
Public Method ClearFiltersRemoves all existing filters from the list.
Public Method ClearSelectionClears the current selection.
Public Method CreateCtlWindowProvides programmatic creation of a ThumbnailXpress control window.
Public Method DeleteItemDeletes the specified item from the list of thumbnail items.
Public Method DeleteItemsDeletes all items from the list of thumbnail items.
Public Method DeleteSelectedItemDeletes the specified selected item from the list of thumbnail items.
Public Method DestroyCtlWindowProvides programmatic destruction of a ThumbnailXpress control window.
Public Method EnableEventEnables or disables the raising of individual thumbnail custom events.
Public Method EndUpdateEnables the control repainting after calling the BeginUpdate method.
Public Method EnsureVisibleScrolls the list of thumbnail items if necessary to ensure the specified item is visible.
Public Method FindFilterItemIndexFinds the list index of a filter specified by the filter name.
Public Method GetAnnotationSearchOrderGets the search order for ThumbnailXpress to use when associating external annotation files with the item being thumbnailed.
Public Method GetAnnotationSearchOrderSizeGets the search order size.
Public Method GetDisplayRectGets the display rectangle of the control in pixels.
Public Method GetFilterCaseSensitiveGets the filename matching case sensitivity enabled value for the specified filter.
Public Method GetFilterComparisonGets the comparison criteria for the specified filter.
Public Method GetFilterDateGets the date criteria for the specified filter.
Public Method GetFilterEnabledGets the enabled status of the specified filter.
Public Method GetFilterFilenamePatternGets the filename matching pattern criteria for the specified filter.
Public Method GetFilterIncludeHiddenGets the file attributes include hidden files enabled value for the specified filter.
Public Method GetFilterIncludeParentDirectoryGets the file attributes include parent directory enabled value for the specified filter.
Public Method GetFilterIncludeSubDirectoryGets the file attributes include sub directory enabled value for the specified filter.
Public Method GetFilterMatchAppliesToDirectoryGets name pattern applies to directory enabled value for the specified filter.
Public Method GetFilterNameGets the name for the filter at the specified filter index.
Public Method GetFilterSizeGets the file size criteria for the specified filter.
Public Method GetFilterTypeGets the type for the specified filter.
Public Method GetIndexOfSelectedItemGets the index in the list of thumbnail items for the specified selected thumbnail item.
Public Method GetItemAnnotationsFilenameGets the filename and path of the file used for the thumbnail annotations.
Public Method GetItemAnnotationTypeGets the annotation type if any annotations were used for this thumbnail.
Public Method GetItemCadLayoutCountGets the CAD layout count for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method GetItemCadLayoutNumberGets the CAD layout number for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method GetItemCellBackColorGets the Cell Back Color for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method GetItemCellBorderColorGets the Cell Border Color for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method GetItemDescriptorGets the descriptor for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method GetItemErrorCodeGets the error code for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method GetItemErrorStringGets the error string for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method GetItemFilenameGets the filename for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method GetItemHasAnnotationsGets if annotations of any type were discovered and used for this thumbnail.
Public Method GetItemHBitmapGets the HBITMAP handle for the specified thumbnail item image.
Public Method GetItemHDibGets the DIB handle for the specified thumbnail item image.
Public Method GetItemHDib64
 Gets the DIB handle for the specified thumbnail item image in a 64-bit environment.
Public Method GetItemIndexFromPointGets the index for the thumbnail item at the specified point.
Public Method GetItemPageGets the page number for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method GetItemPageCountGets the page count for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method GetItemPDFPasswordGets the PDF password for the specified thumbnail item
Public Method GetItemPDFRepairGets the PDF file repair for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method GetItemPictureGets the Picture object for the specified thumbnail item image.
Public Method GetItemStatusGets the status for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method GetItemTypeGets the type for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method GetItemUserTagGets the variant user data associated with the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method InsertFilterItemInserts a new filter in the filter list at the specified index.
Public Method InsertItem

Inserts the specified item into the list of thumbnail items.

PDF support is deprecated in ImagXpress; instead, please use PDF Xpress for PDF support via the UsePdfXpressForPDFsOnly property.

Public Method InsertItemFromBlob

Inserts an image into the list of thumbnail items by way of a user supplied image memory 'Blob'.

PDF support is deprecated in ImagXpress; instead, please use PDF Xpress for PDF support via the UsePdfXpressForPDFsOnly property.

Public Method InsertItemFromMemory

Inserts an image into the list of thumbnail items by way of a user supplied image memory buffer.

PDF support is deprecated in ImagXpress; instead, please use PDF Xpress for PDF support via the UsePdfXpressForPDFsOnly property.

Public Method MoveCtlWindowProvides programmatic relocation or possible resizing of a ThumbnailXpress control.
Public Method RefreshRefreshes the list of thumbnail items.
Public Method RemoveFilterItemRemoves the filter specified by the filter list name.
Public Method RemoveFilterItemByIndexRemoves the filter specified by the filter list index.
Public Method ResetCanceledItemResets canceled status for a single canceled item or for all canceled items, allowing them to be attempted to be re-generated.
Public Method ScrollItemsProvides programmatic scrolling of the thumbnail item list.
Public Method SelectItemSelects (or deselects) the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method SetAnnotationSearchOrderSets the search order for ThumbnailXpress to use when associating external annotation files with the item being thumbnailed.
Public Method SetAnnotationSearchOrderSizeSets the search order size.
Public Method SetFilterCaseSensitiveSets the filename matching case sensitivity enabled value for the specified filter.
Public Method SetFilterComparisonSets the comparison criteria for the specified filter.
Public Method SetFilterDateSets the date criteria for the specified filter.
Public Method SetFilterEnabledSets the enabled status of the specified filter.
Public Method SetFilterFilenamePatternSets the filename matching pattern criteria for the specified filter.
Public Method SetFilterIncludeHiddenSets the file attributes include hidden files enabled value for the specified filter.
Public Method SetFilterIncludeParentDirectorySets the file attributes include parent directory enabled value for the specified filter.
Public Method SetFilterIncludeSubDirectorySets the file attributes include sub directory enabled value for the specified filter.
Public Method SetFilterMatchAppliesToDirectorySets name pattern applies to directory enabled value for the specified filter.
Public Method SetFilterNameRenames an existing filter.
Public Method SetFilterSizeSets the file size criteria for the specified filter.
Public Method SetFilterTypeSets the type for the specified filter.
Public Method SetItemAnnotationsSets the annotations for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method SetItemCadLayoutNumberSets the CAD layout number for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method SetItemCellBackColorSets the Cell Back Color for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method SetItemCellBorderColorSets the Cell Border Color for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method SetItemDescriptorSet the descriptor text of the thumbnail item.
Public Method SetItemFilenameSets the filename for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method SetItemPageSets the page number for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method SetItemPDFPasswordSets the PDF password for the specified thumbnail item
Public Method SetItemPDFRepairSets the PDF file repair for the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method SetItemUserTagSets the variant user data associated with the specified thumbnail item.
Public Method SetIXOEMLicenseKeySets the ImagXpress runtime OEM license key.
Public Method SetIXSolutionKeySets the ImagXpress runtime license deployment solution key.
Public Method SetIXSolutionNameSets the ImagXpress runtime license deployment solution name.
Public Method SetLoadFromMemoryEventItemImageBlobProvides for supplying a Variant containing an image memory blob during an item LoadFromMemory event.
Public Method SetLoadFromMemoryEventItemImageBufferProvides for supplying a Variant containing an image memory buffer during an item LoadFromMemory event.
Public Method SetOEMLicenseKeySets the control runtime OEM license key.
Public Method SetPDFXOEMLicenseKeySets the PDF Xpress runtime OEM license key.
Public Method SetPDFXSolutionKeySets the PDF Xpress runtime license deployment solution key.
Public Method SetPDFXSolutionNameSets the PDF Xpress runtime license deployment solution name.
Public Method SetSolutionKeySets the control runtime license deployment solution key.
Public Method SetSolutionNameSets the control runtime license deployment solution name.
Public Method ShowScrollBarShows or hides the scroll bar.
Public Method UsePDFXpress

Finds and loads the indicated version of PDF Xpress, which is used to thumbnail PDF files.

Public Method UsePDFXpressExFind and loads the indicated version of PDF Xpress™
Public Properties
Public Property BackColorGets and sets the background color for the control.
Public Property BorderStyleGets or sets the border style.
Public Property BottomMarginGets or sets the bottom margin in pixels.
Public Property CameraRawEnabledGets or sets access to enabling or disabling CameraRaw image format support during thumbnail image generation.
Public Property CameraRawThumbnailEnabledReturns/sets if the embedded thumbnail of the camera raw image is used or the full-size image.
Public Property CellBorderColorGets or sets access to the border color of the cells in the control.
Public Property CellBorderWidthGets or sets access to the width of the cells in the control.
Public Property CellHeightGets or sets access to the height of the cells in the control.
Public Property CellHorizontalSpacing

Gets or sets access to the horizontal spacing between cells.

Public Property CellSpacingColorGets or sets the cell spacing color.
Public Property CellVerticalSpacingGets or sets access to the vertical spacing between cells.
Public Property CellWidthGets or sets access to the width of the cells in the control.
Public Property CustomErrorIconReturns/sets the icon to use for errors instead of the stock error icon. ErrorAction must be set to 0 - use error icon.
Public Property CustomGeneratingIconReturns/sets the icon to use for the pre-image generation placeholder instead of the stock 'generating' icon. ShowImagePlaceHolders must be set to true.
Public Property DblClickDirectoryDrillDownGets or sets an indicator whether mouse double-clicks over directory folder icons should display the images in the clicked directory.
Public Property DebugGets or sets an indicator to write debug information into the DebugLogFile.
Public Property DebugErrorLevelGets or sets access to the level of detail written to the error log.
Public Property DebugLogFileGets or sets access to the log file location.
Public Property DescriptorDisplayMethodGets or sets access to the method allowing selection of the source of descriptor text content.
Public Property DescriptorHorizontalAlignmentGets or sets the horizontal alignment of the descriptor text.
Public Property DescriptorVerticalAlignmentGets or sets the vertical alignment of the descriptor text.
Public Property EnableAsDragSourceForExternalDragDropGets or sets an indicator whether drag and drop source thumbnails is enabled on other applications.
Public Property EnableAsDropTargetForExternalDragDropGets or sets an indicator whether drag and drop target is enabled for other applications to drag files onto those files as thumbnail images.
Public Property EnabledGets and sets a value that determines if ThumbnailXpress responds to user-generated events.
Public Property ErrorActionGets or sets the action to take on errors when adding thumbnail items.
Public Property ErrorCodeGets the error code from the most recent call.
Public Property EvaluationModeGets or sets the type of evaluation mode.
Public Property FontGets or sets the font for the ThumbnailXpress control.
Public Property ForeColorGets or sets the foreground color for the ThumbnailXpress control Descriptor text.
Public Property FTPPasswordGets or sets the FTP password that is used for accessing files on the Internet when a thumbnail item's Filename property is set to an ftp or http address.
Public Property FTPUserNameGets or sets the FTP user name that is used for accessing files on the Internet when a thumbnail item's Filename property is set to an ftp or http address.
Public Property HWND

A stock, read-only property which is a handle to a window.

Public Property InterComponentThumbnailDragDropEnabledGets or sets an indicator whether inter-component thumbnail drag drop moved or copied items are enabled.
Public Property IntraComponentThumbnailDragDropEnabledGets or sets an indicator if intra-component thumbnail drag drop move operations are enabled.
Public Property ItemCountGets the number of thumbnail items from the thumbnail items list.
Public Property LeftMarginGets or sets the left margin in pixels.
Public Property MaximumThreadCountGets or sets the maximum thread count.
Public Property MaximumThumbnailBitDepthGets or sets the maximum thumbnail bit-depth.
Public Property NotateXpressInstanceThe instance of NotateXpress, this should be set to the NotateXpress object's InstanceHandle property. Once set annotations can be drawn on thumbnails. Note: NotateXpress is a separate control.
Public Property PDFPasswordGets and sets the password for PDF format files.
Public Property PDFRepairReturns/sets the PDF file repair that is used for accessing single PDF files when a thumbnail item is a known PDF with errors.
Public Property PreserveBlackEnabledGets or sets whether preserve black is enabled.
Public Property ProxyServerGets or sets a proxy server name or IP address.
Public Property RaiseExceptionsThe RaiseExceptions property controls how errors are reported to the application.
Public Property RightMarginGets or sets the right margin in pixels.
Public Property ScrollDirectionGets or sets the scroll direction.
Public Property SelectBackColorGets or sets the cell background color used for selected thumbnail items.
Public Property SelectedItemCountGets the number of selected thumbnail items.
Public Property SelectionModeGets or sets the selection mode.
Public Property ShowImagePlaceholdersGets or sets whether a placeholder image is drawn while waiting for the thumbnail to be generated.
Public Property TextBackColorGets or sets the descriptor text background color.
Public Property ThreadHungThresholdGets or sets the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) a thread will spend generating an image representing a thumbnail item, before it should abandon the generation.
Public Property ThreadStartThreshold

Gets or sets the amount of time (in milliseconds) a thread will spend generating an image representing a thumbnail item, before it should start an additional thread generating images representing thumbnail items. 

Public Property TopMarginGets or sets the top margin in pixels.
Public Property TopVisibleItemGets the thumbnail item which is visible in the top-left corner of the control window.
Public Property UsePdfXpressForPDFsOnly

Specifies whether thumbnailing of PDFs should only be done using PDF Xpress.

PDF support is deprecated in ImagXpress; instead, please use PDF Xpress for PDF support via the UsePdfXpressForPDFsOnly property.

Public Property VersionReturns the version of the ThumbnailXpress control at run-time.
Public Property VisibleColumnCountGets the number of columns of cells that are viewable in the control window.
Public Property VisibleRowCountGets the number of rows of cells that are viewable in the control window.
Public Event ClickCalled when a left mouse button is pressed.
Public Event DoubleClickCalled when a left mouse button is double clicked.
Public Event ErrorCalled when an error occurs during generation or painting of a thumbnail item.
Public Event ItemCompleteCalled when a thumbnail item's asynchronous image generation has been completed.
Public Event KeyDownCalled on a key down action.
Public Event KeyPressCalled on a key press action.
Public Event KeyUpCalled on a key up action.
Public Event LoadFromMemoryCalled when loading from memory.
Public Event MouseDownCalled on a mouse down action.
Public Event MouseMoveCalled on a mouse move action.
Public Event MouseUpCalled on a mouse up action.
Public Event PaintCalled when the thumbnail item is painted.
Public Event SelectionIndexChangedCalled when a thumbnail item is selected using the user interface.
See Also

ThumbnailXpress Object



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