Accusoft ThumbnailXpress 6
UsePdfXpressForPDFsOnly Property

Specifies whether thumbnailing of PDFs should only be done using PDF Xpress.

PDF support is deprecated in ImagXpress; instead, please use PDF Xpress for PDF support via the UsePdfXpressForPDFsOnly property.

Property Type
Read-write property
Visual Basic
Public Property UsePdfXpressForPDFsOnly As Boolean
Return Type
A Boolean value that is False to specify that ImagXpress may be used to thumbnail PDFs, and True to specify that only PDF Xpress be used to thumbnail PDFs.

The Default Value is False.

When True, PDF Xpress is used to thumbnail PDFs. When False, ImagXpress may be used to thumbnail PDFs. For best performance, it is recommended this property be set to True.

Note: UsePdfXpress () must be successfully called first.

See Also

ThumbnailXpress Object  | ThumbnailXpress Members



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