Accusoft ThumbnailXpress 6
RaiseExceptions Property
The RaiseExceptions property controls how errors are reported to the application.
Property Type
Read-write property
Visual Basic
Public Property RaiseExceptions As Boolean
Return Type
A boolean value which is True to raise exceptions. Otherwise, False should be used and exceptions are not raised.
The default value is True.

If RaiseExceptions is set to False, no exceptions are sent to the caller
via IErrorInfo; instead, the caller checks the ErrorCode property.

If RaiseExceptions is set to True, exceptions are sent via IErrorInfo
and the caller code can look like this:

    Private Sub Command1_Click()
        On Error Goto LocalError
        Exit Sub

        ' Do something here.
    End Sub

See Also

ThumbnailXpress Object  | ThumbnailXpress Members



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