Accusoft ThumbnailXpress 6
Project Overview
Accusoft ThumbnailXpress 6
Class ModuleDescription
ThumbnailXpressAccusoft ThumbnailXpress Control 6.0
Public Enumerations
TN_AnnotationTypeSpecifies the Annotation type used.
TN_BorderStyleOption values which determine the border style for the perimeter of the control.

Option values which determine the amount of logging detail to be sent to the log file.

TN_DescriptorFormatOption values which determine the source of descriptor text.
TN_DescriptorHorizontalAlignmentOption values which determine the horizontal alignment of the descriptor text display.
TN_DescriptorVerticalAlignmentOption values which determine the vertical alignment of the descriptor text display.
TN_ErrorActionOption values which determine the action taken when processing errors are encountered.
TN_EvaluationModeOption values which designate evaluation modes available for use.
TN_EventOption values which designate ThumbnailXpress Events.
TN_FilterComparisonOption values which specifiy the desired comparison outcome for a file date or size filter.
TN_FilterTypeOption values which designate the Thumbnail image file property that is to be compared or matched by a filter.
TN_ScrollDirectionOption values which designate the direction thumbnails scroll in the control.
TN_ScrollItemsTypeOption values which specify the incremental amount or if a positional programmatic scroll operation is desired.
TN_SelectionModeOption values which designate the selection mode for the control.

Item not validated at any level.

Option values which designate the status of a thumbnail item.
TN_ThumbnailTypeOption values which designate the type of thumbnail (image, pdf, etc.) for a thumbnail item.



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