AboutBox | Displays an information dialog box describing the NotateXpress component. |
Brand | The Brand method 'burns' or draws the currently visible annotations directly into the client image. |
BringItemToFront | Brings the specified annotation element to the front of the Z-order for the specific layer. |
BringToFront | Brings all currently selected items in the current layer to the visual front of the current layer. |
Clear | Deletes all layers and sets the CurrentLayer property to NULL. |
Copy | Copies the currently selected annotation elements to the clipboard, making them available to be pasted. |
CopyLayer | Copies the specified layer to the clipboard. |
CreateLayer | Creates a new annotation layer. |
Cut | Copies the currently selected annotation elements in the current layer to the clipboard and then deletes the elements. |
DeleteLayer | Deletes the specified layer. |
DeleteSelected | Deletes all currently selected elements in the current layer. |
ElementAddPoint | Adds a new point to a point array attached to an existing element. This is for creating line and multi-point annotations. |
ElementAppend | Appends a new annotation object to the current layer, using the attributes of the element parameter. |
ElementChangePoint | Changes the point coordinates of the (zero-based) index of the point specified. |
ElementClearPoints | Clears the points array of an existing element. |
ElementCreate | Creates a new annotation element that is used to append new annotations to the current layer. |
ElementDestroy | Destroys (frees) an element created by the ElementCreate method. |
ElementGetAutoSize | Gets the autosize attribute of an existing element. AutoSize controls how the bounding box is sized for text, buttons, stamps, and images. |
ElementGetBackColor | Gets the background color of an existing element. |
ElementGetBackstyle | Gets the background style of an existing element. |
ElementGetBevelLightColor | Gets the bevel light color of an existing button element. |
ElementGetBevelShadowColor | Gets the bevel shadow color of an existing button element. |
ElementGetBoundingRect | Gets the bounding rectangle of an existing element. |
ElementGetDIBHandle | Gets the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) handle of an existing image element. |
ElementGetDIBHandle64 | Gets the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) handle of an existing image element in a 64-bit environment. |
ElementGetFillColor | Gets the fill color of an existing element. |
ElementGetFixed | Gets the fixed attribute of an existing element. Fixed controls if the annotation is locked to the ImagXpress control instead of the image. |
ElementGetFont | Gets the font of an existing element. |
ElementGetGaugeLength | Gets the gauge length of an existing ruler element. Gauge controls the size of the lines at the end of a ruler. |
ElementGetHatchColor | Gets the hatch color of an existing element. |
ElementGetHatchStyle | Gets the hatch style of an existing element. |
ElementGetHighlightBack | Gets the highlight background of an existing element. |
ElementGetHighlightFill | Gets the highlight fill of an existing element. |
ElementGetLineBeginStyle | Gets the line begin style of an existing element. LineBeginStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the beginning of line based tools. |
ElementGetLineEndStyle | Gets the line end style of an existing element. LineEndStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the end of line based tools. |
ElementGetLocked | Gets the locked attribute of an existing element. Locked controls if the user can move or select the annotation. |
ElementGetMeasure | Gets the unit of measure being displayed for an existing ruler element. |
ElementGetMoveable | Gets the moveable attribute of an existing element. |
ElementGetNumPoints | Gets the number of points allocated for an existing element. |
ElementGetPenColor | Gets the pen color of an existing element. |
ElementGetPenFillStyle | Gets the pen fill style of an existing element. |
ElementGetPenStyle | Gets the pen style of an existing element. |
ElementGetPenWidth | Gets the pen width of an existing element. |
ElementGetPoint | Gets the x and y coordinates of a point allocated for an existing element. |
ElementGetPrecision | Gets the minimum number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point for an existing ruler element. |
ElementGetSelected | Gets the selected attribute of an existing element. |
ElementGetShowAbbr | Gets an abbreviation attribute of an existing ruler element. The abbreviation is a customizable string for each unit of measure. |
ElementGetShowAngle | Gets the show/hide state for angle measurements in a protractor annotation. |
ElementGetShowGauge | Gets the ShowGauge attribute of an existing ruler element. Gauge is the perpendicular line at the end of a ruler. |
ElementGetShowHandles | Gets the ShowHandles attribute of an existing element. The handles are represented by small "grab handles" around an element. |
ElementGetShowLength | Gets the ShowLength attribute of an existing ruler element. |
ElementGetSizeable | Gets the sizeable attribute of an existing element. |
ElementGetText | Gets the text of an existing element. |
ElementGetTextColor | Gets the text color of an existing element. |
ElementGetTextJustification | Gets the text justification of an existing element. |
ElementGetTextLocked | Gets the textlocked attribute of an existing element. |
ElementGetTextOrientation | Gets the text orientation of an existing element. |
ElementGetTMSNote | Gets the TMSNote attribute for an existing element. This controls how a text element is saved in the legacy ann file format. |
ElementGetToolTipText | Gets the tool tip text of an existing element. |
ElementGetTransparentColor | Gets the transparent color of an existing image element. |
ElementGetType | Gets the type of an existing element. This controls what annotation type the element will turn into such as Ruler, Rectangle, Stamp, Image, etc. |
ElementGetUserDraw | Gets the userdraw attribute of an existing rectangle element. This controls if the application wants to draw or paint the rectangle itself. |
ElementGetUserLong | Gets a long that the application may associate with an existing element. |
ElementGetUserString | Gets a string that the application may associate with an existing element. |
ElementGetVisible | Gets the visibility of an existing element. |
ElementGetZOrder | Gets the Z-order (bottom to top display) of an existing element. |
ElementSetAutoSize | Sets the autosize attribute of an existing element. AutoSize controls how the bounding box is sized for text, buttons, stamps, and images. |
ElementSetBackColor | Sets the background color of an existing element. |
ElementSetBackstyle | Sets the background style of an existing element. |
ElementSetBevelLightColor | Sets the bevel light color of an existing button element. |
ElementSetBevelShadowColor | Sets the bevel shadow color of an existing button element. |
ElementSetBoundingRect | Sets the bounding rectangle of an existing element. |
ElementSetDIBHandle | Sets the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) handle of an existing image element. |
ElementSetDIBHandle64 | Sets the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) handle of an existing image element in a 64-bit environment. |
ElementSetFillColor | Sets the fill color of an existing element. |
ElementSetFixed | Sets the fixed attribute of an existing element. Fixed controls if the annotation is locked to the ImagXpress control instead of the image. |
ElementSetFont | Sets the font of an existing element. |
ElementSetGaugeLength | Sets the gauge length of an existing ruler element. Gauge controls the size of the lines at the end of a ruler. |
ElementSetHatchColor | Sets the given hatch color for the specified element. |
ElementSetHatchStyle | Sets the hatch style of an existing element. |
ElementSetHighlightBack | Sets the highlight background of an existing element. |
ElementSetHighlightFill | Sets the highlight fill of an existing element |
ElementSetLineBeginStyle | Sets the line begin style of an existing element. LineBeginStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the beginning of line based tools. |
ElementSetLineEndStyle | Sets the line end style of an existing element. LineEndStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the end of line based tools. |
ElementSetLocked | Sets the locked attribute of an existing element. Locked controls if the user can move or select the annotation. |
ElementSetMeasure | Sets the unit of measure being displayed for an existing ruler element. |
ElementSetMoveable | Sets the movable attribute of an existing element. |
ElementSetPenColor | Sets the pen color of an existing element. |
ElementSetPenFillStyle | Sets the pen fill style of an existing element. |
ElementSetPenStyle | Sets the pen style of an existing element. |
ElementSetPenWidth | Sets the pen width of an existing element. |
ElementSetPrecision | Sets the minimum number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point for an existing ruler element. |
ElementSetSelected | Sets the selected attribute of an existing element. |
ElementSetShowAbbr | Sets an abbreviation attribute of an existing ruler element. The abbreviation is a customizable string for each unit of measure. |
ElementSetShowAngle | Sets the show/hide state for angle measurements in a protractor annotation. |
ElementSetShowGauge | Sets the ShowGauge attribute of an existing ruler element. Gauge is the perpendicular line at the end of a ruler. |
ElementSetShowHandles | Sets the ShowHandles attribute of an existing element. The handles are represented by small "grab handles" around an element. |
ElementSetShowLength | Sets the ShowLength attribute of an existing ruler element. |
ElementSetSizeable | Sets the sizeable attribute of an existing element. |
ElementSetText | Sets the text of an existing element. |
ElementSetTextColor | Sets the text color of an existing element. |
ElementSetTextJustification | Sets the text justification of an existing element. |
ElementSetTextLocked | Sets the textlocked attribute of an existing element. |
ElementSetTextOrientation | Sets the text orientation of an existing element. |
ElementSetTMSNote | Sets the TMSNote attribute for an existing element. This controls how a text element is saved in the legacy ann file format. |
ElementSetToolTipText | Sets the tool tip text of an existing element. |
ElementSetTransparentColor | Sets the transparent color of an existing image element. |
ElementSetType | Sets the type of an existing element. This controls what annotation type the element will turn into such as Ruler, Rectangle, Stamp, Image, etc. |
ElementSetUserDraw | Sets the userdraw attribute of an existing rectangle element. This controls if the application wants to draw or paint the rectangle itself. |
ElementSetUserLong | Sets a long that the application may associate with an existing element. |
ElementSetUserString | Sets a string that the application may associate with an existing element. |
ElementSetVisible | Sets the visible value for the given element. |
ElementSetZOrder | Sets the Z-order (bottom to top display) of an existing element. |
ElementUserDataAdd | Adds user data to an existing element. |
ElementUserDataDelete | Deletes user data from an existing element. |
ElementUserDataFind | Finds user data from the existing element using the provided key. |
ElementUserDataFindFirst | Finds the first user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the existing element. |
ElementUserDataFindNext | Finds the next user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the existing element. |
ForceAllUpdate | Synchronizes all NotateXpress controls to the current NotateXpress data, when multiple ImagXpress controls are pointed to the same buffer. |
GetActive | Gets the user interactive state for the specified layer. |
GetAnnIntoVariant | Gets the current annotation data into a variant byte array. |
GetAnnIntoVariantForThumbnail | Gets annotation into Variant that is designed to be passed to ThumbnailXpress' SetItemAnnotations() method. |
GetBackColor | Gets the default background color for the specified tool in a layer. |
GetDescription | Gets the description for the specified layer. |
GetFillColor | Gets the default fill color for a specific tool for a specific layer. |
GetFirstLayer | Gets the first layer. |
GetFont | Gets the default font for a specific tool for a specific layer. |
GetHighlightBack | Gets the highlight background for a specific tool for a specific layer. |
GetHighlightFill | Gets the default highlight fill for a specific tool for a specific layer. |
GetLayerIntoVariant | Gets the current annotation data for the specified layer into a variant byte array. |
GetLayerName | Gets the name for the specified layer. |
GetMeasureAbbr | Gets the measurement abbreviation for the specified MeasurementChoice. This allows custom strings for each unit of measure. |
GetNextLayer | Gets the next layer. |
GetPenColor | Gets the default pen color for a specific tool for a specific layer. |
GetPenWidth | Gets the default pen width for a specific tool for a specific layer. |
GetText | Gets the default text for a specific tool for a specific layer. |
GetTextColor | Gets the default text color for a specific tool for a specific layer. |
GetToolDefaultAttribute | Gets the global default attribute for a specific tool. |
GetToolDefaultAttribute2 | Gets the system wide default attribute for a specific tool. |
GetUseCursorType | Gets the value of whether a distinctive cursor will be used for a specific type of operation (creating, moving, or selecting objects). |
GetUseCustomCursorType | Gets the handle that the user passed in during SetUseCustomCursorType for using custom cursors. |
GetVisible | Sets the visible state for a specific layer. |
GrpAddItem | Adds the annotation element that resides on the specified layer to the specified group. |
GrpAddSelected | Adds all of the currently selected annotation elements on the specified layer to the specified group. |
GrpAddType | Adds all annotation elements of the specified annotation type to the specified group. |
GrpCreateGroup | Creates an empty annotation group. |
GrpDestroyGroup | Destroys the specified group. |
GrpGetFirstGroupID | Gets the group ID of the first group in an enumeration sequence of groups associated with the specified layer. |
GrpGetFirstItem | Gets the sequence number of the first annotation element in an enumeration sequence of annotation elements in the specified group. |
GrpGetItemCount | Gets the number of annotation elements in the specified annotation group. |
GrpGetName | Gets the name for the specified group. |
GrpGetNextGroupID | Gets the group ID of the next group in an enumeration sequence of groups associated with the specified layer. |
GrpGetNextItem | Gets the sequence number of the next annotation element in an enumeration sequence of annotation elements in the specified group. |
GrpGetRect | Gets the bounding rectangle for the specified group. |
GrpGetSelected | Gets the selected attribute for the specified group. |
GrpGetUserLong | Gets a long that the application may associate for the specified group. |
GrpGetUserString | Gets a string that the application may associate for the specified group. |
GrpGetYoked | Gets the yoked attribute for the specified group. |
GrpGroupIDFromName | Gets the GroupID for the specified group name. |
GrpInvert | Invert the arrangement of all annotation elements in the specified yoked annotation group. |
GrpMirror | Mirror the arrangement of all annotation elements for the specified yoked annotation group. |
GrpRemoveAll | Remove all annotation elements for the specified annotation group. |
GrpRemoveItem | Removes the specified annotation element for the specified annotation group. |
GrpRemoveType | Removes all elements of the specified annotation type for the specified group. |
GrpSetAttribute | Sets the given attribute value to all members of the specified group that share the attribute. |
GrpSetName | Sets the user defined name for the specified annotation group. |
GrpSetRect | Sets the bounding rectangle for the specified group. |
GrpSetSelected | Sets the selected attribute for the specified group. |
GrpSetUserLong | Sets a long that the application may associate for the specified group. |
GrpSetUserString | Sets a string that the application may associate for the specified group. |
GrpSetYoked | Sets the yoked attribute of the given group. |
GrpUserDataAdd | Adds user data to a specific group. |
GrpUserDataDelete | Deletes user data from a specific group. |
GrpUserDataFind | Finds user data from the specified group using the provided key. |
GrpUserDataFindFirst | Finds the first user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the specific group. |
GrpUserDataFindNext | Finds the next user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the specific group. |
InterfaceConnect | Connects NotateXpress to ImagXpress via an IUnknown interface pointer. |
InterfaceDisconnect | Disconnects NotateXpress from ImagXpress. |
IsValidToolAttribute | Gets if the given attribute is valid for a specific tool type. |
LayerUserDataAdd | Adds user data to a specific layer. |
LayerUserDataDelete | Deletes user data from a specific layer. |
LayerUserDataFind | Finds user data from the specified layer using the provided key. |
LayerUserDataFindFirst | Finds the first user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the specific layer. |
LayerUserDataFindNext | Finds the next user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the specific layer. |
MenuAddItem | Adds the given item for the specified menu. |
MenuChangeItem | Changes the specified menu item for the specified menu. |
MenuDeleteItem | Removes the specified item from the specified menu. |
MenuGetEnabled | Gets if the specified menu is displayed. |
MenuGetFirstItemID | Gets the first set of menu ID's on the specified level for the specified menu. |
MenuGetItem | Get the text for the specified menu item. |
MenuGetItemChecked | Gets the checked attribute for the specified menu for the specified menu item. |
MenuGetItemEnabled | Gets the enabled attribute for the specified menu for the specified menu item. |
MenuGetItemVisible | Gets the visible attribute for the specified menu for the specified menu item. |
MenuGetNextItemID | Gets the next set of menu ID's on the specified level for the specified menu. |
MenuSetEnabled | Sets if the specified menu is displayed. |
MenuSetItemChecked | Sets the checked attribute for the specified menu for the specified menu item. |
MenuSetItemEnabled | Sets the enabled attribute for the specified menu for the specified menu item. |
MenuSetItemVisible | Sets the visible attribute for the specified menu for the specified menu item. |
NudgeDn | Moves the specified annotation one level down in Z-Order (towards the bottom) in the painting order for the specified layer. |
NudgeUp | Moves the specified annotation one level up in Z-Order (towards the top) in the painting order for the specified layer. |
PageUserDataAdd | Adds user data to the current page. |
PageUserDataDelete | Deletes user data from the current page. |
PageUserDataFind | Finds user data from the current page using the provided key. |
PageUserDataFindFirst | Finds the first user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the current page. |
PageUserDataFindNext | Finds the next user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the current page. |
Paste | Pastes the available annotation elements into the current layer from the clipboard. |
PasteLayer | Pastes a layer from the clipboard. |
PrgDeleteAll | Deletes all annotation elements for the specific layer and sets the current Tool to the PointerTool. |
PrgDeleteItem | Deletes the specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetFirstItem | Gets the first element in an enumeration sequence of elements for the specific layer. |
PrgGetFirstSelected | Gets the first selected element in an enumeration sequence of selected elements for the specific layer. |
PrgGetGaugeLength | Gets the gauge length for a specific element. Gauge controls the size of the lines at the end of a ruler. |
PrgGetGroupCount | Get the number of groups for the specific layer. |
PrgGetImageMappingDimensions | Gets the mapping width and height coordinates when NotateXpress cannot query ImagXpress for current image dimensions. |
PrgGetItemAttributes | Gets the complete attribute set of an existing annotation item, and applies it to a new element. |
PrgGetItemAutoSize | Gets the autosize attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. AutoSize controls how the bounding box is sized for text, buttons, stamps, and images. |
PrgGetItemBackstyle | Gets the background style for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemColor | Gets the color of an attribute for the specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemCount | Gets the number of annotation elements for the specified layer. |
PrgGetItemCreateTime | Gets the create time for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemDIB | Gets a copy of the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) handle for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemDIB64 | Gets a copy of the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) handle for a specific element for the specific layer in a 64-bit environment. |
PrgGetItemFixed | Gets the fixed attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. Fixed controls if the annotation is locked to the ImagXpress control instead of the image. |
PrgGetItemFont | Gets the font for a specific element for the specific layer |
PrgGetItemGroupID | Gets the group ID for a specific element for the specific layer |
PrgGetItemHatchColor | Gets the hatch color for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemHatchStyle | Gets the hatch style for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemHighlightBack | Gets the highlight background for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemHighlightFill | Gets the highlight fill for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemLineBeginStyle | Gets the line begin style for a specific element for the specific layer. LineBeginStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the beginning of line based tools. |
PrgGetItemLineEndStyle | Gets the line end style for a specific element for the specific layer. LineEndStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the end of line based tools. |
PrgGetItemLocked | Gets the locked attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. Locked controls if the user can move or select the annotation. |
PrgGetItemMoveable | Gets the moveable attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemName | Gets the name for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemNumPoints | Gets the number of points allocated for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemPenFillStyle | Gets the pen fill style for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemPenStyle | Gets the pen style for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemPenWidth | Gets the pen width for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemPoint | Gets the x and y coordinates of a point allocated for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemPointX | Gets the x coordinate of a point allocated for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemPointY | Gets the y coordinate of a point allocated for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemRect | Gets the bounding rectangle for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemSelected | Gets the selected attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemShowHandles | Gets the ShowHandles attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. The handles are represented by small "grab handles" around an element. |
PrgGetItemSizeable | Gets the sizeable attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemText | Gets the text for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemTextJustification | Gets the text justification for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemTextLocked | Gets the textlocked attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemTextOrientation | Gets the text orientation for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemTMSNote | Gets the TMSNote attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. This controls how a text element is saved in the legacy ann file format. |
PrgGetItemToolTipText | Gets the tool tip text for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemTransparentColor | Gets the transparent color for a specific image element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemType | Gets the type for a specific element for the specific layer. This controls what annotation type the element will turn into such as Ruler, Rectangle, Stamp, Image, etc. |
PrgGetItemUserDraw | Gets the userdraw attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. This controls if the application wants to draw or paint the rectangle itself. |
PrgGetItemUserLong | Gets a long that the application may associate with a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemUserString | Gets a string that the application may associate with a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemVisible | Gets the visibility for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetItemZOrder | Gets the Z-order (bottom to top display) for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetMeasure | Gets the unit of measure being displayed for a specific ruler element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetNextItem | Gets the next element in an enumeration sequence of elements for the specific layer. |
PrgGetNextSelected | Gets the next selected element in an enumeration sequence of selected elements for the specific layer. |
PrgGetPrecision | Gets the minimum number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point for a specific ruler element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetProtractorAngle | Gets the current protractor angle. |
PrgGetRulerLength | Gets the length for a specific ruler element for the specific layer. |
PrgGetShowAbbr | Gets an abbreviation attribute for a specific ruler element for the specific layer. The abbreviation is a customizable string for each unit of measure. |
PrgGetShowAngle | Gets the show/hide state for angle measurements in a protractor annotation. |
PrgGetShowGauge | Gets the ShowGauge attribute for a specific ruler element for the specific layer. Gauge is the perpendicular line at the end of a ruler. |
PrgGetShowLength | Gets the ShowLength attribute for a specific ruler element for the specific layer. |
PrgItemUserDataAdd | Adds user data for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgItemUserDataDelete | Deletes user data from a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgItemUserDataFind | Finds user data from a specific element for the specific layer using the provided key. |
PrgItemUserDataFindFirst | Finds the first user data pair from the list of key value pairs for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgItemUserDataFindNext | Finds the next user data pair from the list of key value pairs for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgMoveItem | Moves the specified existing annotation element for the specific layer to the new coordinates. |
PrgSelectAll | Selects or deselects all annotation elements for the specific layer. |
PrgSelectItem | Sets the selected attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSequenceFromEntry | Gets the unique sequence number of the specified (one-based) annotation element in the specified layer. |
PrgSetGaugeLength | Sets the gauge length for a specific element. Gauge controls the size of the lines at the end of a ruler. |
PrgSetImageMappingDimensions | Sets the mapping width and height coordinates when NotateXpress cannot query ImagXpress for current image dimensions. |
PrgSetItemAutoSize | Sets the autosize attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. AutoSize controls how the bounding box is sized for text, buttons, stamps, and images. |
PrgSetItemBackstyle | Sets the background style for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemColor | Sets the color of an attribute for the specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemDIB | Makes a copy of the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) handle for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemDIB64 | Makes a copy of the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) handle for a specific element for the specific layer in 64-bit environments. |
PrgSetItemFixed | Sets the fixed attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. Fixed controls if the annotation is locked to the ImagXpress control instead of the image. |
PrgSetItemFont | Sets the font for a specific element for the specific layer |
PrgSetItemHatchColor | Sets the hatch color for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemHatchStyle | Sets the hatch style for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemHighlightBack | Sets the highlight fill for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemHighlightFill | Sets the HighlightFill attribute of the specified object. |
PrgSetItemLineBeginStyle | Sets the line begin style for a specific element for the specific layer. LineBeginStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the beginning of line based tools. |
PrgSetItemLineEndStyle | Sets the line end style for a specific element for the specific layer. LineEndStyle controls the ability for arrowheads and related designs on the end of line based tools. |
PrgSetItemLocked | Sets the locked attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. Locked controls if the user can move or select the annotation. |
PrgSetItemMoveable | Sets the moveable attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemName | Sets the name for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemPenFillStyle | Sets the pen fill style for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemPenStyle | Sets the pen style for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemPenWidth | Sets the pen width for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemPoint | Sets the x and y coordinates of a point allocated for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemPointX | Sets the x coordinate of a point allocated for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemPointY | Sets the y coordinate of a point allocated for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemRect | Sets the bounding rectangle for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemSelected | Sets the selected attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemShowHandles | Sets the ShowHandles attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. The handles are represented by small "grab handles" around an element. |
PrgSetItemSizeable | Sets the sizeable attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemText | Sets the text for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemTextJustification | Sets the text justification for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemTextLocked | Sets the textlocked attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemTextOrientation | Sets the text orientation for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemTMSNote | Sets the TMSNote attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. This controls how a text element is saved in the legacy ann file format. |
PrgSetItemToolTipText | Sets the tool tip text for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemTransparentColor | Sets the transparent color for a specific image element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemUserDraw | Sets the userdraw attribute for a specific element for the specific layer. This controls if the application wants to draw or paint the rectangle itself. |
PrgSetItemUserLong | Sets a long that the application may associate with a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemUserString | Sets a string that the application may associate with a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemVisible | Sets the visibility for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemWangType | Sets specific Eastman/Wang compatible attributes for a specific to a text element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetItemZOrder | Sets the Z-order (bottom to top display) for a specific element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetMeasure | Sets the unit of measure being displayed for a specific ruler element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetPrecision | Sets the minimum number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point for a specific ruler element for the specific layer. |
PrgSetShowAbbr | Sets an abbreviation attribute for a specific ruler element for the specific layer. The abbreviation is a customizable string for each unit of measure. |
PrgSetShowAngle | Sets the show/hide state for angle measurements in a protractor annotation. |
PrgSetShowGauge | Sets the ShowGauge attribute for a specific ruler element for the specific layer. Gauge is the perpendicular line at the end of a ruler. |
PrgSetShowLength | Sets the ShowLength attribute for a specific ruler element for the specific layer. |
RetrieveAnnotation | Restores annotations from a previously saved file. |
Reverse | Reverses the Z-order (bottom to top display) for the specific layer. |
SendItemToBack | Sends the specified annotation element to the back of the Z-order for the specific layer. |
SendToBack | Sends all currently selected items in the current to the visual back of the current layer. |
SetActive | Sets the user interactive state for the specified layer. |
SetAnnFromVariant | Sets the current annotation data from a variant byte array. |
SetAttributeColor | Sets the default color attribute for a specific tool for a specific layer. |
SetAttributeWidth | Sets the default width in pixels for a specific tool for a specific layer. |
SetBackColor | Sets the default background color for a specific tool for a specific layer. |
SetClientWindow | Connects NotateXpress to ImagXpress via an ImagXpress window handle. |
SetCurrentLayer | Sets the current annotation layer. |
SetDescription | Sets the description for a specific layer. |
SetFillColor | Sets the default fill color for a specific tool for a specific layer. |
SetFont | Sets the default font for a specific tool for a specific layer. |
SetHighlightBack | Sets the default highlight background for a specific tool for a specific layer. |
SetHighlightFill | Sets the default highlight fill for a specific tool for a specific layer. |
SetLayerFromVariant | Sets the current annotation data for the specified layer into a variant byte array. |
SetLayerName | Sets the name for the specified layer. |
SetMeasureAbbr | Sets the measurement abbreviation for the specified MeasurementChoice. This allows custom strings for each unit of measure. |
SetPenColor | Sets the default pen color for a specific tool for a specific layer. |
SetPenWidth | Sets the default pen width for a specific tool for a specific layer. |
SetText | Sets the default text for a specific tool for a specific layer. |
SetTextColor | Sets the default text color for a specific tool for a specific layer. |
SetToolDefaultAttribute | Sets the global default attribute for a specific tool. |
SetUseCursorType | Sets the value of whether a distinctive cursor will be used for a specific type of operation (creating, moving, or selecting objects). |
SetUseCustomCursorType | Sets the handle for using custom cursors. |
SetVisible | Sets the visible state for a specific layer. |
StoreAnnotation | Saves the current annotations into a file. |
ToolbarDeleteTool | Deletes a specific tool from the toolbar for the specific layer. |
ToolbarGetEnabled | Gets if the toolbar is enabled for the specific layer. |
ToolbarGetTool | Gets the currently selected tool for the specific layer. |
ToolbarGetToolEnabled | Gets if a specific tool on the toolbar is enabled for the specific layer. |
ToolbarGetToolTip | Gets the tool tip string for a specific tool on the toolbar. |
ToolbarGetToolVisible | Gets if a specific tool on the toolbar is visible for the specific layer. |
ToolbarGetVisible | Gets if the toolbar is visible for the specific layer. |
ToolbarSetEnabled | Sets if the toolbar is enabled for the specific layer. |
ToolbarSetTool | Sets the currently selected tool for the specific layer. |
ToolbarSetToolEnabled | Sets if a specific tool on the toolbar is enabled for the specific layer. |
ToolbarSetToolTip | Sets the tool tip string for a specific tool on the toolbar. |
ToolbarSetToolVisible | Sets if a specific tool on the toolbar is visible for the specific layer. |
ToolbarSetVisible | Sets if the toolbar is visible for the specific layer. |
UserColorSelect | Displays the standard system color dialog to allow the user to select a color for a specific tool's attribute. |
UserFontSelect | Displays the standard system font dialog to allow the user to select a font. |
UserItemColorSelect | Displays the standard system color dialog to allow the user to select a new color for the element specified. |
UserItemFontSelect | Displays the standard system font dialog to allow the user to select a font for the element specified. |