AdjustContrast Method |
This method allows the brightness and contrast of the image to be adjusted. |
AddTilt Method |
This method adds a specified plane to the input image to correct for a tilt in the image luminance. |
Blend Method |
This method blends two images. |
BlendWithAlpha Method |
This method blends two images, using both their pixel data, their alpha channel data (if they have any), and a background image. |
BlendWithLUT Method |
This method blends two images using Look-Up Tables (LUTs) to determine the strength of each pixel's contribution. |
BuildCameraToneLUT Method |
Builds tone correction LUT for adjustment of digital camera raw images. |
BuildSRGBGammaLUT Method |
Builds the LUT for conversion from "linear sRGB" to the standard sRGB color space. |
CalculateCameraToSRGBMatrix Method |
Calculates matrix for conversion from digital camera color space to linear sRGB color space. |
CalculateCameraWhitePoint Method |
Calculates white point corresponding to neutral color in digital camera color space. |
Close Method |
Applies closing effect to provided raster page using the specified structure element. |
CombineImageChannels Method |
This method takes two to four 8-bit (8-bit gray level) images as input, and creates from them a single new 24-bit or 32-bit image. |
ConvertDIBToRuns Method |
This method converts image bitmap from standard DIB format to Accusoft ImageGear compression. |
ConvertRunsToDIB Method |
This method converts image bitmap from Accusoft's ImageGear compression to standard uncompressed DIB format. |
ConvertToColorSpace Method |
This method converts an image from one internal format to another. |
ConvertToColorSpaceWithMatrix Method |
Converts image to new color space using a conversion matrix. |
ConvertToGray Method |
This method converts an image to a grayscale image. |
Convolve Method |
This method convolves the 8-bit gray level or 24-bit image using a user-defined convolution kernel. |
Crop Method |
This method crops an image to the image rectangle. |
Decrypt Method |
This method decodes an encoded image. |
Deskew Method |
This method automatically detects the angle of a 1-bit image and rotates it so that it is straight. |
Despeckle Method |
This method is used for a 1-bit image to help reduce the amount of noise in the image. |
DetectAreaWithThreshold Method |
Detects an area of pixels using a specified point and threshold. |
DetectRedeyeArea Method |
Detects an area of pixels using a specified point and threshold, using a red-eye detection algorithm. |
Dilate Method |
Applies dilation effect to provided raster page using the specified structure element. |
DrawFrame Method DrawFrame Method |
This method adds a frame to an image. |
Encrypt Method |
This method scrambles an image bitmap. |
EnhanceLocal Method |
This method enhances an image using the local standard deviation and mean. |
EqualizeContrast Method |
This method automatically adjusts the contrast of an image so that each range of possible intensities has about the same number of pixels in it. |
Erode Method |
Applies erosion effect to provided raster page using the specified structure element. |
FilterEdgeDetection Method |
This method performs the edge detection operation specified by the Method argument. |
FilterEdgeMap Method |
This method performs the image processing operation specified by the Method argument. |
FilterWithGaussianBlur Method |
This method smoothes the images using Gaussian transform. |
FilterWithMedian Method |
This method performs a median filter. |
FilterWithUnsharpMask Method |
This method performs an unsharp masking filter. |
FindSkewAngle Method |
This method determines the skew angle of an image. |
FindTilt Method |
This method computes the least-squares best fit plane for an image. |
FlattenLayers Method |
Renders all the visible layers into the raster composition DIB. |
Flip Method |
This method flips an image. |
GenerateAlpha Method |
This method creates an alpha channel. |
GenerateThumbnail Method |
This method creates a resized copy of the original image. |
GeomDespeckle Method |
This method is used to reduce speckle noise from an image by using the Crimmins algorithm. |
GetHueValue Method |
This method converts an RGB value to a hue value. |
InvertContrast Method |
This method inverts every color to its complement in an image. |
Merge Method |
This method is used to merge one image into another. |
Open Method |
Applies opening effect to provided raster page using the specified structure element. |
Perspective Method |
Provides a perspective-like effect on the IGPage. |
Promote Method |
This method promotes a 1, 4, or 8-bit image to 24 bits or 32 bits, or a 1 or 4-bit image to 8 bits, or a 1-bit image to 4 bits. |
PseudoColorWithLimits Method |
This method colors all pixels in an 8-bit gray level image whose values are outside the specified range |
PseudoColorWithSmallGrads Method |
This method colors an 8-bit gray level image such that small gradients are exposed. |
ReduceToBitonal Method |
This method reduces an image from 24, 8, or 4 bpp to 1 bpp. |
ReduceWithBayer Method |
This method reduces an image to a fewer number of Bits Per Pixel, using a Bayer dithering algorithm. |
ReduceWithDiffuse Method |
This method reduces an image to a fewer number of Bits Per Pixel, using a Diffuse dithering algorithm. |
ReduceWithHalftone Method |
This method reduces a color or grayscale image to a 1 bit per pixel image suitable for use in half-toning. |
ReduceWithMedianCut Method |
This method reduces an image by dividing it into the specified number of equal-sized squares. |
ReduceWithOctree Method |
This method reduces a 24-bit or 8-bit image to an 8-bit or 4-bit image, having the specified number of colors. |
ReduceWithPopularity Method |
This method reduces a 24-bit image to an 8-bit image while retaining its most popular, or prevalent, colors. |
RemoveRedeye Method |
Removes red-eye from the IGPage. |
RemoveTilt Method |
This method computes the best-fit plane for an image, and then subtracts that plane from the image to produce the output. |
ResizeImage Method |
This method changes the dimensions of an image. |
Rotate Method |
This method rotates an image about its center by the specified angle. |
Rotate90k Method |
This method rotates an image clockwise about its center by a multiple of 90 degrees. |
RotateEx Method |
This method rotates an image about its center by the specified angle. |
SeparateImageChannels Method |
This method is the reverse of IGProcessingCtl.CombineImageChannels. |
Sharpen Method |
This method causes the dark side of a contrast edge to become darker and the light side lighter. |
Smooth Method |
This method makes an image look softer and slightly out of focus. |
StretchContrast Method |
This method automatically adjusts the contrast of an image so that at least one pixel is completely black and one pixel is completely white. |
SwapBytes16Gray Method |
This method swaps the 2 bytes of each 16-bit pixel in the image. |
SwapRedAndBlue Method |
This method reverses the color sequence in the pixels of an image. |
TabulateHistogram Method |
This method produces a histogram of the pixel values occurring in an image. |
TransformWithLUT Method |
This method transforms the pixel values of an image using a LUT. |
TransformWithLUTs Method |
Transforms the pixel values of the IGPage, using an array of look up tables. |