ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
IGProcessingCtl Control


The Processing ImageGear component, created explicitly by application developer using IDE/language capabilities.


IIGProcessingCtl extends IIGGProcessing


AdjustContrast Method This method allows the brightness and contrast of the image to be adjusted.
AddTilt Method This method adds a specified plane to the input image to correct for a tilt in the image luminance.
Blend Method This method blends two images.
BlendWithAlpha Method This method blends two images, using both their pixel data, their alpha channel data (if they have any), and a background image.
BlendWithLUT Method This method blends two images using Look-Up Tables (LUTs) to determine the strength of each pixel's contribution.
BuildCameraToneLUT Method Builds tone correction LUT for adjustment of digital camera raw images.
BuildSRGBGammaLUT Method Builds the LUT for conversion from "linear sRGB" to the standard sRGB color space.
CalculateCameraToSRGBMatrix Method Calculates matrix for conversion from digital camera color space to linear sRGB color space.
CalculateCameraWhitePoint Method Calculates white point corresponding to neutral color in digital camera color space.
Close Method Applies closing effect to provided raster page using the specified structure element.
CombineImageChannels Method This method takes two to four 8-bit (8-bit gray level) images as input, and creates from them a single new 24-bit or 32-bit image.
ConvertDIBToRuns Method This method converts image bitmap from standard DIB format to Accusoft ImageGear compression.
ConvertRunsToDIB Method This method converts image bitmap from Accusoft's ImageGear compression to standard uncompressed DIB format.
ConvertToColorSpace Method This method converts an image from one internal format to another.
ConvertToColorSpaceWithMatrix Method Converts image to new color space using a conversion matrix.
ConvertToGray Method This method converts an image to a grayscale image.
Convolve Method This method convolves the 8-bit gray level or 24-bit image using a user-defined convolution kernel.
Crop Method This method crops an image to the image rectangle.
Decrypt Method This method decodes an encoded image.
Deskew Method This method automatically detects the angle of a 1-bit image and rotates it so that it is straight.
Despeckle Method This method is used for a 1-bit image to help reduce the amount of noise in the image.
DetectAreaWithThreshold Method Detects an area of pixels using a specified point and threshold.
DetectRedeyeArea Method Detects an area of pixels using a specified point and threshold, using a red-eye detection algorithm.
Dilate Method Applies dilation effect to provided raster page using the specified structure element.
DrawFrame Method DrawFrame Method This method adds a frame to an image.
Encrypt Method This method scrambles an image bitmap.
EnhanceLocal Method This method enhances an image using the local standard deviation and mean.
EqualizeContrast Method This method automatically adjusts the contrast of an image so that each range of possible intensities has about the same number of pixels in it.
Erode Method Applies erosion effect to provided raster page using the specified structure element.
FilterEdgeDetection Method This method performs the edge detection operation specified by the Method argument.
FilterEdgeMap Method This method performs the image processing operation specified by the Method argument.
FilterWithGaussianBlur Method This method smoothes the images using Gaussian transform.
FilterWithMedian Method This method performs a median filter.
FilterWithUnsharpMask Method This method performs an unsharp masking filter.
FindSkewAngle Method This method determines the skew angle of an image.
FindTilt Method This method computes the least-squares best fit plane for an image.
FlattenLayers Method Renders all the visible layers into the raster composition DIB.
Flip Method This method flips an image.
GenerateAlpha Method This method creates an alpha channel.
GenerateThumbnail Method This method creates a resized copy of the original image.
GeomDespeckle Method This method is used to reduce speckle noise from an image by using the Crimmins algorithm.
GetHueValue Method This method converts an RGB value to a hue value.
InvertContrast Method This method inverts every color to its complement in an image.
Merge Method This method is used to merge one image into another.
Open Method Applies opening effect to provided raster page using the specified structure element.
Perspective Method Provides a perspective-like effect on the IGPage.
Promote Method This method promotes a 1, 4, or 8-bit image to 24 bits or 32 bits, or a 1 or 4-bit image to 8 bits, or a 1-bit image to 4 bits.
PseudoColorWithLimits Method This method colors all pixels in an 8-bit gray level image whose values are outside the specified range
PseudoColorWithSmallGrads Method This method colors an 8-bit gray level image such that small gradients are exposed.
ReduceToBitonal Method This method reduces an image from 24, 8, or 4 bpp to 1 bpp.
ReduceWithBayer Method This method reduces an image to a fewer number of Bits Per Pixel, using a Bayer dithering algorithm.
ReduceWithDiffuse Method This method reduces an image to a fewer number of Bits Per Pixel, using a Diffuse dithering algorithm.
ReduceWithHalftone Method This method reduces a color or grayscale image to a 1 bit per pixel image suitable for use in half-toning.
ReduceWithMedianCut Method This method reduces an image by dividing it into the specified number of equal-sized squares.
ReduceWithOctree Method This method reduces a 24-bit or 8-bit image to an 8-bit or 4-bit image, having the specified number of colors.
ReduceWithPopularity Method This method reduces a 24-bit image to an 8-bit image while retaining its most popular, or prevalent, colors.
RemoveRedeye Method Removes red-eye from the IGPage.
RemoveTilt Method This method computes the best-fit plane for an image, and then subtracts that plane from the image to produce the output.
ResizeImage Method This method changes the dimensions of an image.
Rotate Method This method rotates an image about its center by the specified angle.
Rotate90k Method This method rotates an image clockwise about its center by a multiple of 90 degrees.
RotateEx Method This method rotates an image about its center by the specified angle.
SeparateImageChannels Method This method is the reverse of IGProcessingCtl.CombineImageChannels.
Sharpen Method This method causes the dark side of a contrast edge to become darker and the light side lighter.
Smooth Method This method makes an image look softer and slightly out of focus.
StretchContrast Method This method automatically adjusts the contrast of an image so that at least one pixel is completely black and one pixel is completely white.
SwapBytes16Gray Method This method swaps the 2 bytes of each 16-bit pixel in the image.
SwapRedAndBlue Method This method reverses the color sequence in the pixels of an image.
TabulateHistogram Method This method produces a histogram of the pixel values occurring in an image.
TransformWithLUT Method This method transforms the pixel values of an image using a LUT.
TransformWithLUTs Method Transforms the pixel values of the IGPage, using an array of look up tables.
BackColor Property This property provides the background color.
ComponentInfo Property Provides access to the IGComponentInfo Object for IGProcessingCtl. IGComponentInfo Object object identifies the particular version of IGProcessingCtl installed in the computer.
ComponentInterface Property Provides access to the IIGComponent interface for IGProcessingCtl. Used in IGCoreCtl Control.AssociateComponent Method call.
ContrastOptions Property This property contains options for the contrast functions.
ConvolutionMatrix Property Two-dimensional matrix used as convolution kernel in the Convolve method.
ImageChannels Property This property stores image channels.
Interpolation Property This property contains interpolation method.
LUT Property This property contains Look Up Table.
PseudoColorLimitsOptions Property This property contains options for the IGProcessingCtl.PseudoColorWithLimits Method.
ReductionPalette Property This property contains a color palette for the IGProcessingCtl.ReduceWithOctree Method.
ResizeOptions Property This property contains options the resize methods.



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