ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
Flip Method


Flips an image either horizontally or vertically. Flipping horizontally exchanges the right-most pixel column of the image bitmap with the left-most. Flipping vertically exchanges the topmost pixel row (raster) of the image bitmap with the bottom-most. The dimensions of the image do not change.

This method processes all image channels, including Alpha channel and Extra channels, if they exist.


      Flip (ByVal pPage As IGPage, ByVal FlipMode As enumFlip)


Name Description
pPage Reference to IGPage Object.
FlipMode IG_FLIP_HORIZONTAL or IG_FLIP_VERTICAL, telling whether to flip horizontally or vertically.

Return Value:


Bits Per Pixel:

1, 4, 8, 9-16-bit gray level, 24, 32


Image Processing and Effects



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