ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
Despeckle Method


Reduces the amount of noise in a 1-bit image. Single pixels and pixel spurs on letters and graphics are removed while leaving the solid areas alone.

The despeckle operation performs a 3x3 median filter on the image. For each 3x3 neighborhood of pixels in the original image, a single pixel is produced in the output image. In this case the output is the median of the 9 values in the 3x3 neighborhood.

This method takes into account the ROI settings of pPage object, that are accessible via the IGPage Object.ROI Property. By default ROI is set to the entire image.


      Despeckle (ByVal pPage As IGPage)


Name Description
pPage Reference to IGPage Object to despeckle.

Return Value:


Bits Per Pixel:

All except indexed with >1bpp


Image Processing and Effects



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