ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
CalculateCameraWhitePoint Method


Calculates white point corresponding to neutral color in camera color space based on two known color matrices corresponding to different light conditions.

If only one color matrix is known, pass null (Nothing) to XYZToCam2.

Dimensions of XYZToCam1 and XYZToCam2 must be equal to (n, 3); length of NeutralColor array must be equal to n, where n is channel count of native camera color space (3 or 4).


      CalculateCameraWhitePoint (
        XYZToCam1 As IGDoubleMatrix,    
        Illuminant1 As enumIGIlluminant,        
        XYZToCam2 As IGDoubleMatrix,            
        Illuminant2 As enumIGIlluminant,        
        NeutralColor As IGDataArray 
        ) As IGDoublePoint


Name Description
XYZToCam1 XYZ to camera matrix under Illuminant 1
Illuminant1 Illuminant 1
XYZToCam2 XYZ to camera matrix under Illuminant 2
Illuminant2 Illuminant 2
NeutralColor Array of Double containing normalized coordinates of a neutral color

Return Value:

Returns the calculated white point coordinates.

See Also:

IGDoubleMatrix Object

enumIGIllumninant Enumeration

IGDoublePoint Object

IGDataArray Object



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