ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
DetectRedeyeArea Method


Detects an area of pixels using a specified starting location within the image and a threshold, using a red-eye detection algorithm. As the threshold is increased, the detected area will accept greater variation in pixel color and become larger. The detected area is saved as the ROI of the page.


Sub DetectRedeyeArea(Page As IGPage, XPos As Long, YPos As Long,
Threshold As Double)


Name Description
Page Reference to IGPage Object on which the detection is performed.
XPos X coordinate of starting point from which to search outward.
YPos Y coordinate of starting point from which to search outward.
Threshold Area threshold (in the range from 0 to 1.0).

Return Value:


Bits Per Pixel:

RGB and CMYK images of any bit depth.


Image Processing and Effects

See Also:

IGPage Object



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