ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
IGCoreCtl Control


The Core ImageGear component. It should be included into every application using ImageGear. The instance of IGCoreCtl Control should be either added to the form during design time, or created dynamically during run time. All other Core objects are either contained inside IGCoreCtl Control or created using its methods.


IIGCoreCtl extends IIGCore


AssociateComponent Method Associates ImageGear component with ImageGear Core control. Every component has to be explicitly associated with the Core component using this method before it can be used.
CreateColorChannelInfo Method Creates a new spot channel that uses regular color space like RGB, CMYK, etc and color value.
CreateComponent Method Creates new ImageGear component based on its ProgID.
CreateDocument Method Creates a new instance of the IGDocument Object.
CreateImageLayer Method Creates an image layer from the raster page.
CreateMaskColorChannelInfo Method Creates a new alpha mask channel that uses regular color space like RGB, CMYK, etc and color value.
CreateMaskSpotChannelInfo Method Creates a new alpha mask channel that uses a special (like Pantone) color.
CreateObject Method Creates a new instance of any object that implements IIGObject interface. All the creatable objects contained inside Core implement this interface.
CreatePage Method Creates a new instance of the IGPage Object.
CreateSpotChannelInfo Method Creates a new spot channel that uses a special (like Pantone) color.
GetComponentInfo Method Returns a new object (IGComponentInfo Object) containing information about IG component based on the component's index.
GetComponentInfoByName Method Returns a new object (IGComponentInfo Object) containing information about IG component based on the component's name.
GetComponentInfoByProgID Method Returns a new object (IGComponentInfo Object) containing information about IG component based on the component's ProgID.
RasterSizeGet Method This method calculates the size of a raster in bytes based on a specified raster width and number of bits per pixel.
SafeArrayGet Method This method returns a safe array using the given parameters.
ColorBooks Property This property specifies the color book collection loaded in ImageGear.
ComponentCount Property The total number of components associated with the Core including the Core itself.
Cpm Property This property provides an access to the global color profile manager.
License Property Provides access to the IGLicense Object contained inside of the IG Core control.
Result Property Provides access to the IGResult Object contained inside of the IG Core control.
Settings Property Provides access to the IGSettings Object contained inside of the IG Core control. IGSettings Object provides access to the ImageGear global settings.
StatusEventEnabled Property This property enables/disables status events.
IGError Event Error event, if enabled, it's fired each time a new error or warning is added to the result stack.
IGStatus Event Status event, if enabled, it's fired each time IG operation reports the progress. The number of reports is usually linear to the image height, e.g. progress is reported after decoding each raster during image loading.



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