Specifies the event to enable or disable.
Member | Value | Description |
EVENT_AUTOSIZECHANGED | 18 | Autosize changed. |
EVENT_CLICK | 1 | Click Events. |
EVENT_DBLCLICK | 2 | Double Click Events. |
EVENT_IMAGESTATUS | 27 | Image Status Events. |
EVENT_KEYDOWN | 3 | Key Down Events. |
EVENT_KEYPRESS | 4 | Key Press Events. |
EVENT_KEYUP | 5 | Key Up Events. |
EVENT_MENUSELECT | 23 | Menu select. |
EVENT_MOUSEDOWN | 6 | Mouse Down Events. |
EVENT_MOUSEMOVE | 7 | Mouse Move Events. |
EVENT_MOUSEUP | 8 | Mouse Up Events. |
EVENT_NOTIFY | 9 | Notify Events. |
EVENT_OLEDRAGDROP | 10 | OLE Drag Drop Events. |
EVENT_OLEDRAGOVER | 11 | OLE Drag Over Events. |
EVENT_PAINT | 16 | Paint event. |
EVENT_PAINTBACKGROUND | 14 | Paint the background event. |
EVENT_PAINTIMAGE | 15 | Paint the image event. |
EVENT_PRINTIMAGE | 17 | Print image. |
EVENT_PROGRESS | 12 | The progress percentage passes one of the defined boundary values (e.g. 10, 20, 30...). |
EVENT_RESIZED | 19 | Resized. |
EVENT_SCROLL | 13 | One of the scroll bars was moved. |
EVENT_SCROLLBARVISIBLECHANGED | 20 | Scrollbar visible changed. |
EVENT_TOOLBAR | 25 | Toolbar. |
EVENT_TOOLBARCLOSE | 26 | Toolbar close. |
EVENT_TOOLBAROPEN | 24 | Toolbar open. |
EVENT_TOOLUSE | 22 | Tool use. |
EVENT_TOUCHFLICK | 37 | Touch Flick. |
EVENT_TOUCHPAN_GESTUREOCCURRED | 29 | Touch Pan Gesture Occurred. |
EVENT_TOUCHPAN_GESTUREOCCURRING | 28 | Touch Pan Gesture Occurring. |
EVENT_TOUCHPRESSANDHOLD | 35 | Touch Press and Hold. |
EVENT_TOUCHPRESSANDTAP | 34 | Touch Press and Tap. |
EVENT_TOUCHROTATION_GESTUREOCCURRED | 33 | Touch Rotation Gesture Occurred. |
EVENT_TOUCHROTATION_GESTUREOCCURRING | 32 | Touch Rotation Gesture Occurring. |
EVENT_TOUCHTWOFINGERTAP | 36 | Touch Two-Finger Tap. |
EVENT_TOUCHZOOM_GESTUREOCCURRED | 31 | Touch Zoom Gesture Occurred. |
EVENT_TOUCHZOOM_GESTUREOCCURRING | 30 | Touch Zoom Gesture Occurring. |
EVENT_ZOOMFACTORCHANGED | 21 | Zoom factor changed. |