In order to properly configure the Alfresco Connector for PrizmDoc® for Java, you will want to configure/add appropriate amp files and/or mime types for your specific environment.

Note: Alfresco has currently only been tested to work with viewedDocuments mode in the config.js file (i.e. multipleDocMode: vvDefines.multipleDocModes.viewedDocuments, etc.).

Adding amps

Scripting method

  1. Build the snowbound-repo and snowbound-share projects to produce amp files.
  2. Run in connector-alfresco/ to automatically install the amps and restart Alfresco.

Adding amps manually

  1. Copy the snowbound-repo-0.1-RC1.amp in the virtualviewer directory to the [alfresco directory]/amps directory.
  2. Copy the snowbound-share-0.1-RC1.amp in the virtualviewer directory to the [alfresco directory]/amps_share directory.
  3. Stop alfrescoTomcat and alfrescoPostgreSQL.
  4. Run [alfresco directory]/bin/apply_amps -verbose in the command prompt window.
  5. Start alfrescoTomcat and alfrescoPostgreSQL.
  6. Open Afresco url (i.e. localhost:8080/share) in the browser and test to see if you can load a TIFF image in the Virtual Viewer.

Note: Please check below for information about adding mime types or changing Alfresco to filter annotations from “All” filter.

Add new mime types to Alfresco

To add a new mime type:

  1. Add to the mimetype-map file located at: [alfresco directory]\tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\mimetype\mimetype-map.

    For example, if you were to add a .dcm file:

     <mimetype mimetype="image/x-dicom" display="dcm">
  2. Add to the web-preview.get.config file located at: [alfresco directory]\tomcat\webapps\share\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\web-extension\site-webscripts\org\alfresco\components\preview\web-preview.get.config.

    For example, continuing with our .dcm file example:

     <condition mimeType="image/x-dicom">
  3. Once complete, restart the Java web application server.