ImageGear v26.5 - Updated
Developer Guide / How to Work with ... / Color / Color Profiles / Save Images with Embedded Color Profiles
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    Save Images with Embedded Color Profiles
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    ImageGear supports saving color profiles when saving image files. Currently, ImageGear embeds color profiles in the following file formats:

    Use EmbedColorProfile Property of ImGearSaveOptions Class to enable or disable embedding of color profiles in image files. By default this property is set to true.

    When this property is set to true (default), ImageGear saves the color profile to the file being saved. If the destination format supports the image color space, ImageGear saves the color profile attached to the image, or global color profile selected in ImageGear for this color space. If the color space selected for saving does not match the image color space, ImageGear converts the image to the destination color space, using the global color profile for the destination color space, and saves global color profile to the file.

    When this property is set to false, ImageGear does not save the color profile to the destination file. It converts the image to the global color profile during saving. ImageGear also uses this logic for formats that do not support embedded color profiles.