ImageGear v26.5 - Updated
Developer Guide / How to Work with ... / PDF / How to... / Add Image to PDF
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    Add Image to PDF
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    To add an image to a page in a PDF, you can use the AddImage method. This method offers control over the area and opacity of the image being added.

    Our PlaceImageOnAnExistingPDFPage sample on github demonstrates how to add an image to an existing page of a PDF document.

    If you wish to specify the opacity, size and location of an image placed on a page, use the three-argument overload of the ImGearPDFPage.AddImage method.

    Parameter Description
    opacity The opacity parameter allows you to control the transparency of the image being added to the page, where 0.0 is transparent and 1.0 is opaque. The default value is opaque.
    areaOnPage The areaOnPage parameter allows you to control the area on the page that the image should be placed. When either width or height equals 0.0, the entire page area is used. The default value is the entire page area.