ImageGear v26.5 - Updated
Developer Guide / How to Work with ... / PDF / How to... / Convert... / PDF to Multi-Page Image
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    PDF to Multi-Page Image
    In This Topic

    The following savePDFAsMultiplePageTIF sample illustrates how you can create a multi-page TIFF from a multi-page PDF loaded in an igDocument. In the following sample we use ImGearSavingModes to control some raster options like bit depth and scaling (to control resolution):

    PDF support needs to be initialized first for this snippet to work. To get familiar with initializing IGNET, initializing PDF support, loading a PDF, saving a PDF, and terminating PDF support, refer to our samples on github.


    using System.IO;
    using ImageGear.Core;
    using ImageGear.Formats;
    using ImageGear.Formats.PDF;
    public void savePDFAsMultiplePageTIF(ImGearDocument igDocument, string outfile)
       // Set some raster options.
       ImGearRasterSaveOptions rasterOptions = new ImGearRasterSaveOptions();
       rasterOptions.BitDepth = 24;
       // Set scaling factor for rasterized image. Scale = 1 (default) corresponds to 72 dpi, 2 to 144 dpi, etc.
       rasterOptions.ScaleX = 4;
       rasterOptions.ScaleY = 4;
                  // Save to TIF file.
       using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(outfile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
           ImGearFileFormats.SaveDocument(igDocument, fileStream, 0, ImGearSavingModes.OVERWRITE,    ImGearSavingFormats.TIF_DEFLATE, rasterOptions);

    In the following sample we use an alternative approach to the one above that uses global control parameters to control some raster options like bit depth and resolution:

    PDF support needs to be initialized first for this snippet to work. To get familiar with initializing IGNET, initializing PDF support, loading a PDF, saving a PDF, and terminating PDF support, refer to our samples on github.


    using System.IO;
    using ImageGear.Core;
    using ImageGear.Formats;
    using ImageGear.Formats.PDF;
    public void savePDFAsMultiplePageTIF(ImGearDocument igDocument, string outfile)
       // Change global control parameters for PDF resolution. ImGearSaveOptions in SaveDocument should be set to null.
       IImGearFormat pdfFilter = ImGearFileFormats.Filters.Get(ImGearFormats.PDF);
       ImGearControlParameter bitDepth = pdfFilter.Parameters.GetByName("Depth");
       ImGearControlParameter resolutionX = pdfFilter.Parameters.GetByName("ResolutionX");
       ImGearControlParameter resolutionY = pdfFilter.Parameters.GetByName("ResolutionY");
       bitDepth.Value = 24;
       resolutionX.Value = 300;
       resolutionY.Value = 300;
       // Save to TIF file.
       using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(outfile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
           ImGearFileFormats.SaveDocument(igDocument, fileStream, 0, ImGearSavingModes.OVERWRITE, ImGearSavingFormats.TIF_DEFLATE, null);