ImageGearJava Project > com.accusoft.imagegear.processing Package : ImGearRasterProcessing Class |
The following tables list the members exposed by ImGearRasterProcessing.
Name | Description | |
addTilt | Adds a specified plane to the input image to correct for a tilt in the image luminance. | |
adjustContrast | Overloaded. Adjusts contrast, brightness, and gamma. | |
blend | Overloaded. Blends two images based on percentage. | |
blendWithAlpha | Blends two images with alpha. | |
calculateStatistics | Calculates statistics for all channels of the image, separately for each channel. | |
changeChannelDepths | Overloaded. Changes bit depths of image channels. | |
close | Applies closing effect to provided raster page using the specified structure element. | |
combineChannels | Combines image channels according to the specified color space. | |
convertColorSpace | Overloaded. Converts page to new color space.
Note: Conversion to Grayscale colorspace takes into account the human eye's sensitivity to different parts of the light spectrum. ImageGear uses the following formula when converting from RGB to Grayscale: Gray = Red * 77 / 255 + Green * 151 / 255 + Blue * 28 / 255. If you need to convert an image to Grayscale using equal weights for Red, Green and Blue, or any other weights, use convertColorSpace(ImGearRasterPage,ImGearColorSpace,double[,]) com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearRasterPagecom.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearColorSpace | |
convertPixelFormat | Overloaded. Converts a single pixel to color space and channel depths of the specified com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearPage class object. | |
convolve | Provides filtering on the base of 2-dimensional convolution matrix. | |
createChannelCopy | Overloaded. Copies a channel to a new page. | |
decrypt | Decrypts a raster page. | |
deskew | Deskews an image page. | |
despeckle | Removes color noise from a binary (1-bit) image. | |
dilate | Applies dilation effect to provided raster page using the specified structure element. | |
encrypt | Encrypts a raster page. | |
enhanceLocal | Enhances an image using the local standard deviation and mean. | |
equalizeContrast | Overloaded. Equalizes image contrast. | |
erode | Applies erosion effect to provided raster page using the specified structure element. | |
export | Overloaded. Exports content of raster page to a BufferedImage. | |
filterWithMedian | Overloaded. Removes color noise from the image. | |
filterWithUnsharpMask | Overloaded. Provides UnsharpMask filtering. | |
findSkewAngle | Determines skew angle. | |
findTilt | Computes the least-squares best fit plane for an image. | |
gaussianBlur | Overloaded. Blurs an image using Gaussian transform. | |
geomDespeckle | Reduces speckle noise from an image by using the Crimmins algorithm. | |
getVerifier | Gets ImGearRasterProcessingVerifier class object.
| |
imageIsGray | Returns true if either the image has GrayScale color space or its palette is gray or inverted gray. | |
insertChannel | Inserts a channel to the page's DIB and changes page's color space. | |
invertContrast | Overloaded. Inverts image contrast. | |
merge | Overloaded. Merges two images according to the specified merge mode. | |
open | Applies opening effect to provided raster page using the specified structure element. | |
reduce | Reduces bit depth of an image using the specified reduction method. | |
removeChannel | Removes the specified channel from the page's DIB and shifts remaining channels without transforming pixel data. | |
removeTilt | This method computes the best-fit plane for an image, and then subtracts that plane from the image to produce the output. | |
separateChannels | Creates an array of pages, where each page contains one channel with color space set to grayscale. | |
sharpen | Overloaded. Sharpens an image according to the specified sharpen factor. | |
smooth | Overloaded. Provides smooth filtering. | |
stretchContrast | Overloaded. Stretches image contrast. If image is Indexed and not grayscale, modifies image's palette, otherwise modifies image's pixels. Processes only color channels. | |
swapChannels | Swaps two channels in page's DIB. | |
tabulateHistogram | Tabulates histograms for all image channels. | |
transformWithLUT | Applies lookup tables to each channel of the image, optionally changing channel depths. | |
updateChannelFrom | Copies channel from channel referenced by channelUpdateWith to the channel referenced by channelToUpdate . The pages containing both channels must have the same width and height. |