ImageGear for Java
ImGearPage Class
Represents single-page image. In addition to image pixels, contains other attributes like ROI and metadata.

Represents the image and consists of three main parts:

The page can be either stand-alone (not referenced from any ImGearDocument classinstance) or attached to a document.

Region of interest ( ImGearROI class) represents free-shape image area (rectangular, non-rectangular or entire space) and specifies a meaningful part of an image. For example, it may be set up for some image processing functions to define the area to which the filter should be applied.

Metadata is non-image data. It is available for most image file formats. In some formats, such as TIFF or PNG, it can be very complex. It can include data of various types and can use a complex structure. ImageGear for Java offers a set of classes designed specifically to manipulate this data consisting of ImGearMetadataNode class, ImGearMetadataNodeList class, ImGearMetadataTree class and their descendants. The metadata for each instance of com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.pagedtext.ImGearPagedTextXMPMetadata may be accessed through its getMetadata method.

The Image data (or simply, image) is available through the getDIB method. Color Space, channels, width and height are among the major attributes that define the image structure.

public abstract class ImGearPage 
    extends Object 
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImGearPage Members
com.accusoft.imagegear.core Package



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